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William Shakespeare wrote the play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar

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1 William Shakespeare wrote the play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
It was the first play performed in the Globe Theatre in 1599

2 • The English knew a lot about the Romans back then
• The English knew a lot about the Romans back then. They were conquered by Caesar and believed that they were descendents of early Romans. • The Roman playwrights Seneca and Plautus were popular and admired influences of Elizabethan drama. • Shakespeare’s audience was also fascinated by Caesar’s life and death (a “dictator” becoming corrupt and ignoring the other branches of government, then being assassinated by his own friends) because in the 1400’s in England the people experienced civil war and the result was the Tudor family (Queen Elizabeth’s family line) taking over.

3 The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
is set in Rome, 44 B.C. Rome was ruled by a “Triumvirate” (a coalition of three men) Pompey -a great politician & Caesar’s son-in-law Caesar -the famous general Crassus -the wealthiest man in Rome

4 In 54 B. C. Caesar’s daughter, Julia, dies
In 54 B.C. Caesar’s daughter, Julia, dies. Because she was the only real personal tie between Pompey and Caesar, tension flared between the two men. Pompey Caesar

5 In 53 B.C. Crassus dies… This ends the First Triumvirate and sets Pompey and Caesar against one another.

6 The Senate supported Pompey and he becomes sole consul
(like a president) in 52 B.C. Caesar, on the other hand, becomes a military hero and a champion of the people. He was the commander in Gaul and had planned on becoming consul when his term in Gaul was up (terms were for one year). The senate feared him and wanted him to give up his army.

7 Caesar writes the senate a letter in 50 B. C
Caesar writes the senate a letter in 50 B.C. and says he will give up his army if Pompey gives up his. This, of course, makes the senate angry and they demand that Caesar disband his army at once or be declared an enemy of the people. Legally, however, the senate could not do that. Caesar was entitled by law to keep his army until his term was up.

8 Caesar says, “Iacta alea est!”
Two tribunes--Marc Antony and Quintus Cassius Longinus--faithful to Caesar, veto the bill and were therefore expelled from the senate. They flee to Caesar; the men ask the army for support against the senate. The army called for action and on January 19, 49 B.C., Caesar crosses the Rubicon into Italy. Civil war has begun. Caesar says, “Iacta alea est!” (The die is cast!) when he crosses the stream. Crossing the Rubicon is a metaphor for deliberately proceeding past a point of no return.

9 He gets a little sidetracked and hangs out with Cleopatra
To sum it up, Caesar chases Pompey all the way to Egypt and “defeats” him. He gets a little sidetracked and hangs out with Cleopatra for a while…

10 When he returns to Rome, he is now the “tribune of the people” and “dictator for life.”

11 The Feast of the Lupercal *februaue actually means “to purify”
February* 15: The Feast of the Lupercal What is that? Lupercus was the fertility god the Romans worshipped. They would sacrifice goats and a dog. The goats’ blood would be smeared on the foreheads of two young men, then wiped off with wool dipped in milk. Then young men wearing only strips of goatskin around their loins, ran around the city striking women with strips of goatskin. It was believed that pregnant women would have an easier labor and infertile women would become fertile. *februaue actually means “to purify”

12 Beware the Ides of March...

13 He is, in fact, killed on March 15th.
Julius Caesar is warned to beware the ides of March. “Ides” means the middle of the month; he was warned that something bad would happen on March 15th, 44 B.C. He is, in fact, killed on March 15th.

14 Corruptive Force of Power
Themes Misuse of Power Corruptive Force of Power Man’s Fallibility The Inherent Jealously and Selfishness of Man Power Corrupts: Caesar is a dictator who is suspected of abusing his power; Cassius is so power hungry that he assassinates Caesar; Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus become even worse than Ceasar!

15 Honor found in loyalty and friendship
Corruption found in conspiracy and anarchy Stability through political order Viability of republic form of government Themes, Continued Countless books, movies and other theatre adaptations have built on the theme of a “friend’s betrayal”

16 Overcast of impending doom, darkness and catastrophe
There is no trust left, only manipulation and corruption Julius Caesar is largely set in Rome, 44 B.C. Ancient Rome Tiber River the Capitol the House of the Senate The Forum Literary Focus Mood Setting

17 The Tragic Figure... A tragic figure or hero is one who has a character flaw which causes them to act poorly or make poor decisions resulting in their downfall.

18 Julius Caesar An ambitious and ruthless politician Skilled general Believes that he is worthy of more power than just being the head of Rome; he wants to be crowned the leader of the entire Roman Empire. His ambition led to his downfall Long-time friend Brutus betrayed and stabbed him to stop him from becoming a tyrant.

19 Every Shakespearian tragedy has one
Every Shakespearian tragedy has one. However, in Julius Caesar, the tragic hero is not the title character.

20 Brutus Friend of Caesar and Honorable man Feeling of patriotism, convince him that Caesar must die rather than become a tyrant. His strong principles led him to allow rival Antony to speak at Caesar's funeral.

21 Julius Caesar's sensible and loving wife
Calpurnia Julius Caesar's sensible and loving wife Warned her husband not to leave the house during the Ides of March after having a prophetic dream. Calpurnia’s dream foreshadowed future events

22 Cassius Becomes jealous of Caesar’s power and fearful he will abuse that power Urges Brutus to assasinate both Caesar and Antony Tries to convince Brutus to not allow Antony to speak at Caesar’s funeral

23 Soldier and Caesar's right-hand man
Calculating and persuasive with words Uses his influence to turn the people of Rome against Brutus With Caesar slain, seizes the opportunity to take control of Rome Marcus Mark Antony Antony delivers Caesar’s funeral oration

24 As we read The Tragedy of Julius Caesar…
• We will discuss the conspiracy… • We will discuss how Rome fell to mob rule after Caesar’s death… (remember mob rule in To Kill a Mockingbird…did that lead to civil unrest in the South?) • We will discuss why history seems to repeat itself over and over again… • And we will discuss our own flaws in our personalities and how we can prevent a tragedy in our lives by our every day actions…

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