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Planning Case 63 yr old with a failing and extremely mobile 5-unit bridge UR321-UL12 made 12 years previously to replace P/-

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Presentation on theme: "Planning Case 63 yr old with a failing and extremely mobile 5-unit bridge UR321-UL12 made 12 years previously to replace P/-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning Case 63 yr old with a failing and extremely mobile 5-unit bridge UR321-UL12 made 12 years previously to replace P/-

2 UR3 abutment – recession with carious margins and suspicion of significant coronal caries under retainer UR2 and UR1 pontics UL1 abutment – recession but air bubbles demonstrate debond UL2 abutment – has recession and appears to solely retain the bridge UR4 and UL3 have crowns with some recession

3 No obvious signs and no clinical history of dental infection
Remaining dentition has reasonable maintenance with no periodontal pockets but limited BOP and anterior mandibular deposits of calculus Overall the aesthetics are/have been good although the clinical crown height of UR1, UL1 is slightly small Motivated and realistic patient keen for replacement fixed restoration but open to options

4 Initial short-term management plan
Please consider: Initial short-term management plan Options for definitive treatment plan Visit to sign up for the Spring Scientific meeting and the interactive case discussion.

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