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Get Them Reading & Engaged with 2.0 Technologies Session III Ballroom D Lindsay Cesari.

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Presentation on theme: "Get Them Reading & Engaged with 2.0 Technologies Session III Ballroom D Lindsay Cesari."— Presentation transcript:

1 Get Them Reading & Engaged with 2.0 Technologies Session III Ballroom D Lindsay Cesari

2 1)Introduction 2)What is Web 2.0? 3)Real Life Example 1 – Glogs and Social Bookmarking 4)Real Life Example 2 – PB Wiki 5)Real Life Example 3 – Wikispaces 6)Real Life Example 4 – Podcasting 7)Real Life Example 5 – Digital Storytelling 8)Real Life Example 6 - Creative Commons Images 9)Real Life Example 7 – Google Sites 10)Real Life Example 8 – Scratch 11) Real Life Example 9 - Blogging Agenda

3 Lindsay Cesari, School Librarian Baldwinsville, NY

4 Durgee Junior High Grades: 8 & 9 Enrollment: 900 Upper-middle class district



7 Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0


9 Format: What It Is Tips and Tricks In Action Student Products

10 Taking Notes? Relax! :)

11 Glogster Make interactive posters online

12 Glogster in the News

13 What is Glogster? Poster, only better Web based (online) Interactive Add music, video, links

14 vs. Benefits of the Education Site: Teacher created user names and passwords* All glogs remain private Students cant message each other

15 Student Accounts Two Options: Individual Accounts Sub Accounts Students create account Can use their computer ID/PW for consistency Can have unlimited number of accounts Display projects using Delicious Best for secondary level Teacher creates accounts Clunky usernames and passwords are provided by Glogster Max 100 accounts Display projects within Glogster Best for elementary level

16 Social Bookmarking

17 Glogs in the Classroom Teacher created glogs Review activity before a test Introduce a unit Post a collection of videos and links Student created glogs Research project Virtual science fair Publish creative writing

18 Student Examples Career Exploration

19 Student Examples Political Parties

20 Student Examples Creative Writing

21 Teacher Examples Web Quest Questions Links Videos Images

22 Teacher Examples Book Talk Mood Music Links to Book Reviews

23 Teacher Examples Assignment Glog

24 Whats a Wiki? A collection of interlinked web pages that are very easy to create and edit in a collaborative manner

25 pbwiki / pbworks Allow groups of people to edit and collaborate on a document

26 Wikispaces Allow groups of people to edit and collaborate on a document

27 Vs. * Undo Button* No Undo Button * Fewer options to change font, color, and text size * Edit menu looks more like Microsoft Word (WYSWYG) * $200 - $1,000 yearly fee to assign page level or folder level permissions * $99 yearly fee to assign page level or folder level permissions * Unlimited users* 100 users * 2 GB storage space * $1,000 year for private label with higher security settings and less public access * $99 year for private label with higher security settings and less public access

28 pbwiki / pbworks Allow groups of people to edit and collaborate on a document

29 pbwiki / pbworks

30 Book Review Wiki


32 Student Participation Teacher Participation

33 Wikispaces Allow groups of people to edit and collaborate on a document

34 Wikispaces

35 Renaissance Employment Wiki


37 Podcasts

38 What is a Podcast? Like a radio show, but distributed over the computer. Can have multiple episodes, or single, stand alone episodes.

39 Equipment Headset Microphone Audacity (PC) OR GarageBand (Mac)

40 Timeline Day 1: Podcast examples, and discuss difference between good and bad podcasts Day 2: Research day on podcast topic Day 3: Write podcast script Day 4: Introduce students to Audacity/Garageband Day 5: Students record podcasts Day 6: Students add music/effects and produce MP3 file

41 Student Examples Money Management

42 Sexting PSA Student Examples

43 Digital Storytelling Tell a story with words and pictures

44 Alternatives to PS3

45 How do you write a story?

46 Writing the Narration

47 Finding Images

48 Googles Advanced Search Usage Rights Labeled for Reuse

49 Best Bets

50 Wikipedia = My Fav

51 EASY to Cite

52 Photo Story 3 Tell a non-fiction story Create a commercial selling an element Create a book trailer

53 Han Dynasty – 9 th Graders

54 Potassium Commercial - 8th Graders

55 Book Trailer – 8 th Graders

56 Google Sites Build a Web site

57 Google Sites * Easy to use * Multiple collaborators on 1 site * Students must have an e-mail address * Great for group projects

58 Googles Editing Interface Visual editor = what you see is what you get

59 9 th Grade Tech Reviews


61 8 th Grade Wii Web Site

62 Scratch Create an animation or game

63 Scratch

64 Most Dangerous Game * Students read The Most Dangerous Game * Students summarized 2 columns of the story * Students wrote 1 complex sentence from column summary * Students turned 2 sentences into 1 short animation * Gallery walk display; students write 3 complex sentences based on others animations

65 Project 1Project 2 Project Gallery

66 Blogging Online journal allowing people to share ideas

67 Blog Options

68 Blog as Lesson Summary Activity

69 Global Collaborations Blogging Project

70 Blogs Kids Like

71 Global Blogs

72 Google Reader

73 Classroom Blog

74 Global Connections?

75 iTouch

76 Circulating the iTouch


78 Tennessee State Department of Education Math and ELA Video Podcasts

79 Any Questions?

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