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Naval Meteorology and Oceanography

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Presentation on theme: "Naval Meteorology and Oceanography"— Presentation transcript:

1 Naval Meteorology and Oceanography
** Knowing the environment to a higher precision and to a longer lead time is more important than ever to maintain our competitive advantage ** The environment affects every warfare area ** High performance computing, sensing with autonomous & unmanned systems, and partnerships with other nations, agencies, academia, and industry are our keys for success. RDML Tim Gallaudet Oceanographer & Navigator of the Navy Commander Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command 19 July 2016 1

2 Ensuring Fleet Safety and Warfighting Effectiveness
How We Operate Ensuring Fleet Safety and Warfighting Effectiveness FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY 2) We impact every Fleet platform and Sailor, across every warfare area all across the globe (how we operate slide) SUBWEAX PROCESSING/ PREDICTION DATA IMPACT DECISION 2

3 Current Strategic Drivers Seasonally Ice Free Arctic
Increasing Flooding Water Scarcity Extreme Drought Conditions El Nino / La Nina Naval Oceanography is working to answer these challenges through Navy ESPC, a fully-coupled air-ocean-land-sea ice numerical model with predictions out to 90 days. Tropical Cyclone Intensification Impacts to All Naval Missions Worldwide 3

4 Future Strategic Drivers
Anti-Access Threats Unmanned Systems USN-USMC Integration Disaggregated Adaptive Force Packages Higher End Platforms Non-traditional Platforms All require Higher Precision Longer Lead Time Forecasting 4

5 The Fleet Imperative To operate in a contested/denied environment
As a distributed, integrated/networked maneuver force Customized by the characteristics of the operating environment

6 Integrated Fire Control
Fleet Advantages Integrated Fire Control Undersea People “When I meet with some of the great-power competitors, they are in awe of our people and are flummoxed on how they would make such a force, particularly in the near term.They have great challenges there.” – Adm. Phil Davidson Modularity Volume

7 The Naval Oceanography Imperative
“When you look at the geography of the Eastern Mediterranean, the Strait of Hormuz, and the Western Pacific, they all are inherently different – and that is what individual Fleet Commanders must prepare for.” To Provide the Operational High Ground

8 Strategic Deterrence Support
Naval Oceanographic Office Fleet Numerical Meteorology & Oceanography Center US Naval Observatory Slide Used for IWSLS Mar 2016 FNMOC NAVOCEANO USNO Fundamental to Sea-based Strategic Deterrence Wholeness 8

9 Assured Positioning, Navigation & Timing
TWSTT (Two Way Satellite Time Transfer) GPS SATCOM Automated Celestial Navigation Alternate Time Path PNT LOOs Other Sources (Signals): e-Loran, Multi-GNSS, RF GPS Ashore Afloat U.S. Naval Observatory CTD Shore Site SPY – LEO space objects Automated Visual Bearing Transmitter Fixed (surveyed sites) GPNTS (Time) via CEC, Link-16 Various Shore Sites, e.g. Aegis Ashore, NCTAMS GPNTS (Position) via INS Networked Collaborative PNT CEC/Link-16 (Position) Relative Navigation & Time Geophysical (Bathymetric) Navigation Non-GPS position fix based on resident space object tracking Geophysical (Bathymetric) Navigation Assuring Navy Networks, Command, Control, Communications, and Targeting 9

10 Delivering the Ocean’s High Ground
Undersea Warfare A myriad of manned and unmanned systems generating physical battlespace awareness for USW Delivering the Ocean’s High Ground 1010

11 Smart Power Smart Power Soft Power + = Hard Power 1111

12 Unmanned Systems Strategy in future UxS development
Naval Oceanography Unmanned Systems Strategy Expand our use of UxS Enable the Fleet’s use of UxS Engage in future UxS development 12

13 Electromagnetic Warfare Strategy
Naval Oceanography Electromagnetic Warfare Strategy Influence development of the Navy’s EMW capabilities Improve environmental sensing and prediction capabilities Integrate EM environmental impacts into the Navy’s decision-making process. 13

14 Information Warfare Strategy
Naval Oceanography Information Warfare Strategy Distribute cyber hardening and a culture of compliance Deliver accurate and timely physical battlespace awareness Develop Naval Oceanography IW capabilities 14

15 Environmental Prediction A high-Velocity Learning Success Story
“When we formulate a plan, we’ve got to predict a result. Then you run it, and see what you get. What were the differences between my expected result and my actual result? And we do some gap analysis or some causal analysis and we resolve the difference. That’s learning.” -- CNO Admiral Jon Richardson, March 3, 2016 A high-Velocity Learning Success Story 15

16 The Weather Gauge of the 21st Century
Forecasts better than Climatology can improve planning, save energy, money protect resources, plan for humanitarian relief ops. A STEM Education is Essential to Both Deliver and Apply This! 16

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