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The International Science of Back to the Moon

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1 The International Science of Back to the Moon
James Carpenter Directorate of Human and Robotic Exploration 28/03/2018

2 Apollo samples in Europe
Thin section of Apollo 12 sample 12064, virtual microscope (Open University UK) International community contributed in the science of Apollo samples from the outset. Colin P and is stories of the early days of Apollo. Many of the Grand Masters of European sample science started their career with Apollo. And this legacy lives on – the gift that keeps on giving – bringing new and transformative results as new technologies and techniques are brought to bare. Ryan Ziegler Apollo curator – 67 of the 178 requests (38%) for Apollo samples from came from Europe. Of these: UK - 9 PIs from 5 institutions Germany - 9 PIs from 6 institutions France - 8 PIs from 7 institutions Switzerland - 3 PIs from 3 institutions Sweden - 2 PIs from 2 institutions Belgium - 1 PI from 1 institution.

3 What next and the Global Exploration Roadmap
And as we look to the future of lunar exploration I think we find ourselves at an exciting moment in history. If we look at the GER we see a profound alignment in the thinking in and planning agencies from around the world, and the emergence of private sector capabilities. The Moon is the next destination for human exploration. The place where we go to learn how to be space fairing species. In ESA our activities aim to do two things Preparing roles, infrastructure and capabilities that prepare for a human surface mission architecture Preparing knowledge, capabilities and technologies that are not on the critical path of getting to the surface but are important for realising sustainability (e.g. CLLS, ISRU) Everything we do will be in partnership and coordination with others. Science is key to this cooperation. The pursuit of knowledge is necessarily international in nature; calling upon the best of us all to deliver new knowledge for all our futures. It is a fundament for how we can work together to achieve the extraordinary. And for ESA, a partnership of 22 member countries this is very important. Space exploration for ESA is a means to increase global cooperation. To create partnerships between nations. A journey we take together as humanity.

4 Opportunities for Science Gateway
We look to Gateway, a human tended outpost in the vicinity of the Moon. A platform where research can be performed and the basis for a staging post for internationally coordinated lunar surface missions Gateway and an infrastructure and value for international lunar exploration Summarise findings of workshop for science opportunities

5 Opportunities for Science An international robotic precursor mission
Internationally coordinated studies of human lunar precursor mission Sample return High mobility Teleoperations Preparing an internationally coordinated approach to science Reherses a human scenario using Gateway as a staging post Advantages of this – international participation, building on exiting capabilities and partnerships, opportunity for now parterships, longterm sustainability of architecture.

6 Science makes it possible Lunar resources as an example
Science is an enabler for the long term future of exploration – ISRU as an example If we are going to live and work sustainably off world in the future, on the Moon on Mars or elsewhere, then we will have to master the utilisation of local resources. The ongoing discoveries around lunar water ice and other potential resources are a great example of where science is opening opportunities for the future. But there is so much still to do. PROSPECT to understand polar volatiles and ISRU chemical processes – lab being led by OU ISRU mission planned to demonstrate the technologies – various universities involved with much of the technological groundwork performed by Poli. Di Milano. Science establishes the opportunities Science establishes how we can do it Great fundmental sciece gets done along the way Universities deeply involved at every level of the research and development

7 Roles of Universities Enabling research
Technology and instrumentation development Innovation and new ideas International links Delivering science outcomes Producing the future workforce Making it possible Delivering benefits

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