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Using the IEP to Support Students with a Strength-Based Focus

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1 Using the IEP to Support Students with a Strength-Based Focus
Lee Ginenthal, ICSD Jenn Gondek, TST BOCES

2 Session Targets: Use person-first language when describing students.
Use the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) to support individual students’ strengths and needs.

3 Individualized Education Plans
I.E.P. IEP Scavenger Hunt Who’s seen an IEP? What form? Who talked with you about it? Who do you go to with questions? When do you get to ask questions? Did you ever receive training/instruction in reading this?

4 Look at the model IEP student’s (Matthew Smith) classification.

5 Many times, we do not need to refer to a student’s disability at all.

6 Person-First Language
Instead of this…. Say This…. The learning disabled student, Gail. Gail has a learning disability. Jeff is retarded. Jeff has a cognitive disability. Torey is nonverbal. Torey communicates with her eyes and switch device. Ben is in special ed. Ben receives special education services. Dennis can’t write. Dennis writes using the computer. Anna has vision problems. Anna needs a magnification device. When we do need to speak specifically about a disability or area of need, we use person first langauge.

7 Small Group Brainstorm:
Based on this disability, what do you expect to see on the IEP and in the classroom? Back to our IEP, now that we

8 Share-Out

9 Academic Achievement, Functional Performance, and Learning Characteristics
Social Development Physical Development Management Needs A statement on the effect of these needs on his/her progress in the general education curriculum

10 Describe Matthew using a strength-based approach.
Read the PLEP Describe Matthew using a strength-based approach. Jigsaw the room into 4 groups- each taking responsibility to read and describe 1 PLEP area. Describe Matthew using person-first language. Do this in “elevator speech” meaning you have about 1 minute to do so.

11 Mention this area of the IEP
Mention this area of the IEP. Effect that the student’s need have on involvement and progress in the general education curriculum And special factors Behavior Plan Limited English Proficiency Use of Braille Communication Device & Service Assistive Technology Device & Service

12 Classroom vs. Testing Accommodations

13 How well? How will we know? When do we assess? What?
Goals- what we want them to do. We have learned a lot about Matthew today, and we know you probably have many tools in your toolkit already. As a para, what might you do to help Matthew meet his goals? Count off by 6 and re-group. WRITING, READING, MATH, SPEECH/LANGUAGE, SOCIAL, BEHAVIOR

14 Supplementary Aids & Services
Special Ed. Services Related Services Program Mod. and Accom. Supplementary Aids & Services Assistive Technology

15 Testing Accommodations

16 Testing Accommodations
Flexible Setting Flexible Timing/ Scheduling Method of Presentation Method of Response Accommodations generally fall into these 4 categories.

17 Language in directions simplified Extended time
Test passages, questions, items, and multiple choice responses read aloud to student Scribe for writing Directions read aloud Language in directions simplified Extended time Reduce number of test items per page A ten minute break for each 40 minute test period Use of calculator Test administered in a separate location Test administered individually Masks or markers to maintain place Word processor used to type responses over 2 sentences. Multiple choice answers recorded in test booklet. Stand-Up if you have administered this test accommodation in the past. Now highlight on your sheet any that you feel like you would like more support/training with.

18 3 Things you Learned 2 Questions you Have 1 suggestion for follow-up

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