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9th FIP AIM Global Dean’s Forum

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1 9th FIP AIM Global Dean’s Forum
Strategic Planning and HR Management for Transforming the Institutional Outcomes Glasgow, UK 1 - 2 September 2018 Join us at FIP Global Networking event for Deans! Find out more: or

2 9th FIP AIM Global Dean’s Forum FORUM PROGRAMME Day 1: Strategic Planning & Change Management by Dr. James Honan – Harvard University, USA: You will take home ideas to transform concepts into a strategy and business plan, with a clear vision, mission and objectives. Day 2: HR Management: Conflic Resolution by Sandra Heidinger & Alison Locke – Straclyde University, UK: Case studies and interactive discussions on conflict resolution strategies will support the you to enable transformational change through people and drive institutional success. Glasgow, UK 1 - 2 September 2018 SOCIAL PROGRAMME At the end of Day 1, you will join the AIM Reception to network with other deans and high-level pharmacy leaders from around the world. Come along to discuss the highlights of the day and make new collaborations and partnerships. Join us at the FIP global network event for Deans:

3 Join Academic Institution Membership (AIM) today!
The only global network of pharmacy Deans and decision makers; 1 Free registration to the Annual Global Deans Forum; Staff exchange opportunities; Online platform to share knowledge, resources and networking; Higher ranking profile of University in the Official World List of Pharmacy Schools database; Access to exclusive career opportunities for staff, project leads and term positions; Benefit from FIP Publications: International Pharmaceutical Journal (IPJ), the Pharmacy Education Journal (PEJ) and AIM Newsletter; Opportunity to get involved in global FIP pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences projects Find out more: or “AIM is the only global network across all continents providing connectivity amongst Schools of Pharmacy. The value of this connection will last a life time. Register today!” K. Wayne Hindmarsh, Chair of AIM and Dean Emeritus, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy University of Toronto.

4 AIM is the only Global Network for Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Schools
AIM Members from 58 countries

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