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Cellular Respiration.

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Presentation on theme: "Cellular Respiration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cellular Respiration

2 How do you feel when you are really hungry?

3 Chemical Energy and Food
Food provides organisms with energy 1 g of sugar = 3811 calories of heat energy A calorie= amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water, 1 degree Celsius The Calorie on nutrition labels is a Kilocalorie How do we covert food into energy? Chemical Energy and Food

4 Process that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of Oxygen. Cellular respiration

5 Brainpop

6 Cellular respiration- 3 Main Stages
Glycolysis Krebs Cycle Electron Transport Chain Cellular respiration- 3 Main Stages

7 #1 One molecule of glucose is broken in half, producing two molecules of pyruvic acid (a 3- Carbon compound) Occurs in cytoplasm, requires some energy from cell Net gain of 2 ATP molecules Happens Fast Requires no oxygen Next step: Fermentation or Krebs Cycle Glycolysis rap on youtube Glycolysis

8 If No Oxygen is present…
#2a FERMENTATION Fermentation releases energy from food and makes ATP without oxygen= ANAEROBIC 2 types of fermentation—Alcoholic and Lactic Acid If No Oxygen is present…

9 Alcoholic Fermentation
Yeasts and other microbes carry out alcoholic fermentation Pyruvic acid + NADH  alcohol + CO2 + Nad+ Fermentation Demo 2g yeast, 2g sugar, 50ml water into a balloon. Tie balloon and wait a day or two. Alcoholic Fermentation

10 Lactic Acid Fermentation
Used by organisms other than yeasts and microbes Pyruvic acid + NADH - lactic acid + NAD+ Lactic Acid Fermentation

11 Lactic acid is produced in your muscles during rapid exercise (limited oxygen present!)
Your muscles quickly run out of oxygen when exercising strenuously Lactic Acid is produced and builds up causing pain, fatigue Lactic acid

12 Think of a time when you may have experienced Lactic Acid Fermentation!
Lactic Acid Video Clip

13 Krebs cycle—Oxygen PResent
If oxygen is present at the end of glycolysis, cellular respiration moves to the Krebs Cycle With oxygen= AEROBIC Pyruvic acid is broken down into carbon dioxide and energy! High energy electrons are passed onto the Electron Transport Chain… Krebs cycle—Oxygen PResent

14 Electron transport chain
#3 Final step of Cellular Respiration Uses the electrons produced in the Krebs Cycle to covert them into ADP and ATP. LOTS of energy is created! Electron transport chain

15 Glycolysis-2 ATP molecules
Krebs + Electron Transport Chain= 36 ATP molecules Energy Totals

16 Wrap it up video review

17 Cellular Respiration FlowChart
Handout…tape into notes biology corner Cellular Respiration FlowChart

18 Feel the burn Person 1 min 2min
When do you think your cells switched from aerobic respiration to anaerobic respiration? How do you know? Quick lab activity (from Dana) Clothespin, open/close for 1 min, then 2. record # of times. When did you swtich from aerobic to anerobic? Feel the burn

19 Lab Final—Cellular Respiration
Pre-Lab: Read, answer questions Procedure: Read, answer questions below on back of packet. How much water do you put in a small beaker? How many drops of BTB do you add to the water? What are you looking for when blowing into the solution? After all students breathe into the solution you create your own experiment—what are some ideas your group could test (at least 4)? Lab Final—Cellular Respiration

20 Vocabulary Calorie Glycolysis Cellular respiration NAD+ Fermentation
Anaerobic Aerobic Krebs Cycle Electron Transport Chain Vocabulary

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