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Presentation Jonas Färnstrand Statistics Sweden
Growth of service sector
Servicesektorn har ökat kraftigt vilket gör att det krävs mer statistik
Service sector and GDP -4 -2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1993K1 1994K1 1995K1
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1993K1 1994K1 1995K1 1996K1 1997K1 1998K1 1999K1 2000K1 2001K1 2002K1 2003K1 2004K1 2005K1 2006K1 2007K1 GDP 01-45 50-95 Servicesektorn följer GDP nästan exakt, varför ett ISP borde vara en bra indikator för att prognosticera GDP
Swedish investigation about the economic statistics 2002
The users of statistics want statistics for the growing private service sector The users want short term indicators, similiar indicators to those in the industry. Production (volume) index, new orders, prices, turnover and capacity The department of Business and Labour Market was given about 600 thousand Euro / year to produce new indicators. Most of this amonth are used to produce a index of service production (ISP) and turnover statistics on a monthly basis. Detta gällde 2002 – nu finns det produktion, index, prices och turnover
Starting points and Conditions
Project plan with purpose to develop a production (volume) index for the service sector on a monthly basis Starting points and Conditions -OECD manual / Eurostat manual -Great Britain’s production volume index -National Accounts -Discussions with producers and users of economic statistics Goals -Set a design to produce a production index -Publish the first result spring 2008. -Timeliness 35 days after the end of the reference month Första resultaten släpptes januari 2008 med siffror för 2005 och framåt
Production index in the service sector
The theoritical form of the production index is a volume index of Laspeyres type Where q is produced quantity p is price of produced quantity δ is quantity for intermediate consumption a is price of quantity for intermediate consumption i is one of the produced quantities j is one of the quantities for intermediate consumption 0 is the base period t is the present period Teoretiskt index
Production index in the service sector
Qt is just a theoretical index and can not be calculated in practice. Instead consider it as a value added index. According to the theory of value added index the index should be calculated as deflated production value minus deflated intermediate consumption value. To calculate (deflated) value added on monthly basis is very difficult. Instead use some other output as a proxy for value added. We use deflated turnover for each activity as a proxy. To produce production index we also need to weight the activities together up to aggregates.
How to calculate the production index in practice
Weight (wb) is When applicate base years weights, the production index by time t can then be given by Praktiskt ISP – Omsättning från urval, prisindex från Priser, vikter från SBS
The main components to construct a short term index
Output (Turnover) Deflators Weights Trading Day effects Seasonal adjustment Säsongrensning är på gång, för korta serier hittills
Turnover Sampled based survey on a monthly basis
Coverage NACES 50-64, 70-90, 92-93 Low cut off threshold (> Euro / year) The sampling frame is stratified by activity and size (127 *6) Total sample size is enterprises on monthly basis and on quarterly basis 7000 för preliminärt index, ytterligare 6000 för ett mer definitivt index
Deflators Best deflator: Producers price index in the service sector
(SPPI) Only produced on quarterly basis Forecasting of SPPI is done for the present month by a forecasting model, exponential smoothing Other deflators: Consumer price index (CPI), wage index (WI), producers price index in industry (PPI), import price index (IMPI) – all indices are produced on monthly basis
List of deflators – per NACES
Service production index for quarter compared to 20061, constant prices in 20061 Nace Def Prel Diff (%) Priceindex Periodicity , , , CPI Month , , , PPI Month , , , CPI Month , , , SPPI, CPI Qrt, Month , , , SPPI, CPI Qrt, Month , , , SPPI Qrt , , , SPPI Qrt , , , SPPI, CPI Qrt, Month , , , SPPI Qrt , , , SPPI, CPI Qrt, Month , , , SPPI, PPI Qrt, Month , , , SPPI Qrt , , , SPPI, IMPI Month , , , SPPI Qrt, Month , , , CPI, WI Month , , , CPI, WI Month , , , SPPI Qrt , , , WI Month , , , CPI, WI Month , , , CPI Month Total , , ,2 PPI för domestic supply
Weights Value added weights (from SBS survey) Yearly weights
The weights are updated every year (small changes though)
Trading day effects and seasonal adjustment
Estimation of trading day effects - Regression model, based on time series data (Major part of activities) - Expert group estimating trading day effects (Retail Trade) - It’s very difficult to adjust for trading day effects in an accurate way!! Seasonal adjustment of the index serie - No seasonal adjustment, because of too short serie (2005- ) Trading day effects – experter från branschorganisationer (trade associatons)
First results, total SPI
Index present month compared to same month previous year (index=100)
First results, SPI by activity group
Index, first quarter 2008 compared to first quarter 2007 (index=100) 95 100 105 110 115 120 50-52 60-64 70-74 80-85 90-93 50-93 TOTAL Activity group by NACE Index In current prices In volumes, trading day adjusted
Wholesale price index First publishing - Press release
- Press conference Monthly publishing - Timeliness, 50 (35) days after reference month - Press release (web page) - Statistical databases 50 dagar än så länge, men troligtvis 35 dagar inom kort
Wholesale price index PPI data for 76 products (CPA)
PPI with 1990 = 100 These products are weighted together to 15 product groups (Statistics Sweden product groups) Weigthing in this step is done by weights from PPI (which is based on yearly Prodcom data)
Wholesale price product groups
Agricultural and chemicals Paper, skins and leather materials Iron, steal, metal and scrap Building and hardware materials Machine and equipment related goods Food Alcoholic beverages Other everyday commodities Clothes, shoes and suitcases Home equipment and electronics Sportswear, toys, motorbikes Pharmaceptical products Cars and trucks Parts and accessories of motor vehicles Gas and motor fuel
Deflators for activities
ISP results for 15 activities within NACE 51 (511, 512, 513, , , , 5151, 5152, 5153, 5154, 5155, 5156, 5157, 518 and 519) Turnover by products calculated within SBS (earlier presentation) Wholesale product group price indices weighted together by the turnover shares from SBS within each activity Deflators with 1990 = 100 Calculated with average of last year as base
Wholesale trade deflators
Wholesale trade deflators
Price changes Större prisförändringar inom partihandeln än övriga tjänstesektorn
Wholesale price index Stora prisförändringar för livsmedel och bränslen
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