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Cellular respiration Summation by questions.

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1 Cellular respiration Summation by questions

2 What is the chemical formula for cellular respiration?
C6H12O6 + 6O2  6H2O + 6CO2

3 What is the difference between oxidation and reduction?
Oxidation is the loss of electrons and reduction if the gain in electrons.

4 What is oxidized/reduced in cellular respiration?
Glucose is oxidized and oxygen is reduced.

5 Distinguish catabolic/anabolic
Catabolic refers to the part of the metabolic pathway that releases energy- cellular respiration. Anabolic refers to the part of the metabolic pathway that consumes energy.

6 What are the products of glycolysis?
ATP, NADH, water, and pyruvate

7 What is pyruvate oxidized into and by what?
Acetyl CoA by coenzyme A

8 What are the products of the citric acid cycle?

9 What is the electron transport chain?
A series of protein complexes that transfer electrons from NADH and FADH2.

10 What does the electron transport chain do?
Transfers electrons to oxygen and transfers H+ to the intermembrane space.

11 What is chemiosmosis? Energy stored in a H+ concentration gradient across the mitochondrial inner membrane is used to synthesize ATP.

12 How much ATP is made in cellular respiration?
Depends on the source – the newest thinking is 32 ATP produced per glucose. This releases 686 kcal of energy.

13 Is glucose the only molecule used in catabolic pathways?
Our diets consist of fats and proteins as well as carbohydrates. All are used to generate ATP in cellular respiration. Which food source produces the most ATP?

14 What can organisms do with products of metabolism?
ATP allows the cell to do work. Example - anabolic processes such as biosynthesis.

15 How is cellular respiration regulated?
The cell controls metabolism thru feedback inhibition. Negative feedback – the end product of an anabolic pathway is controlled by the end product, which inhibit the earlier stages of the pathway.

16 What is phosphofructokinase?
An allosteric enzyme that regulates cellular respiration. ATP and citrate (from the citric acid cycle) are inhibitors. This is a specific example of negative feedback

17 Chapter 6 How Cells Harvest Chemical Energy

18 Cellular respiration ATP glucose and (a) organic fuels (b) (d) (c)
generates has three stages oxidizes uses ATP glucose and organic fuels (a) produce some C6H12O6 (b) (d) produces many energy for to pull electrons down to (c) cellular work (f) by process called uses H+ diffuse through ATP synthase chemiosmosis (e) uses pumps H+ to create H+ gradient

19 You should now be able to
Explain how photosynthesis and cellular respiration are necessary to provide energy that is required to sustain your life Explain why breathing is necessary to support cellular respiration Describe how cellular respiration produces energy that can be stored in ATP Explain why ATP is required for human activities Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

20 You should now be able to
Describe the process of energy production from movement of electrons List and describe the three main stages of cellular respiration Describe the reactants and products of glycolysis Explain how pyruvate is altered to enter the citric acid cycle and the role of coenzyme A in the process Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

21 You should now be able to
Describe the citric acid cycle as a metabolic pathway designed for generating additional energy from glucose Discuss the importance of oxidative phosphorylation in producing ATP Review the steps in oxidation of a glucose molecule aerobically Distinguish between substrate level phosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

22 You should now be able to
Compare respiration and fermentation Provide evidence that glycolysis evolved early in the history of life on Earth Describe the different molecules that can be used in cellular respiration Discuss what cells do with the ATP made from cellular respiration Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

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