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Suffixes Mini Final 1
“-algia” – “-ectasis”
-algia = pain Example: Gastralgia – “gas-tral-gē-a”
Gastr/algia – stomach/pain = pain in the stomach or epigastrium especially of a neuralgic type
= hernia, tumor, protrusion
-cele = hernia, tumor, protrusion Examples: Cystocele – “SIS-tə-seel” Hydrocele – “hī-drə-sēl” cyst/o/cele – sac of fluid, cyst, urinary bladder/hernia, tumor, protrusion = a medical condition that occurs when the wall between the woman’s bladder and her vagina (the pubocervical fascia) is torn by childbirth, allowing the bladder to herniate into the vagina. hyrdo/o/cele – water/hernia, tumor, protrusion =the accumulation of serous fluid in a body sac.
-centesis = surgical puncture Examples:
Paracentesis – “per-ə-sen-tē-səs” Thoracentesis – “thor-ə-sen-tē-sis” Para/centesis – beside, around, near, abnormal/surgical puncture = the perforation of a cavity of the body or of a cyst or similar outgrowth, especially with a hollow needle to remove fluid or gas Thora/centesis – chest, pleural cavity/surgical puncture = a procedure to remove fluid from the space between the lungs and the chest wall called the pleural space
-cyte = cell Examples: Erythrocyte – “i-riTH-rə-sīt”
Lymphocyte – “lim-fə-sīt” Erythr/o/cyte – red blood cell/cell = a red blood cell that (in humans) is typically a biconcave disc without a nucleus. Erythrocytes contain the pigment hemoglobin, which imparts the red color to blood, and transport oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the tissues. Lymph/o/cyte – lymph/cell = a form of small leukocyte (white blood cell) with a single round nucleus, occurring especially in the lymphatic system ************************???????
-desis = binding, fixation Examples: Arthrodesis – “är-THräd-ə-səs”
Tenodesis – “ten-od-ə-sis” Arthr/o/desis – joint/binding, fixation = surgical immobilization of a joint by fusion of the adjacent bones Ten/o/desis – tendon/binding, fixation = stabilizing a joint by anchoring the tendons that move that joint, thereby preventing any further excursion of the tendons. (suture of the end of a tendon to a bone)
= condition of the blood, blood
-emia or -hemia = condition of the blood, blood Examples: Hyperglycemia – “hī-pər-ɡlī-sē-mē- ə” Polycythemia – “päli-sī-THē-mē-ə” hyper/glyc/emia – excessive, high, above, upward/sugar, sweet/blood = an excess of glucose in the bloodstream, often associated with diabetes mellitus. poly/cyt/hemia – many/cells/blood = an abnormally increased concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, through either reduction of plasma volume or increase in red cell numbers. It may be a primary disease of unknown cause, or a secondary condition linked to respiratory or circulatory disorder or cancer.
-ectasis = expansion, dilation Examples:
Angiectasis – “an-je-ek-tah-sis” Bronchiectasis – “bräNG-kē-ek-tə- sis” angi/ectasis – vessel/expansion, dilation = abnormal, often extreme, dilatation of a blood or lymphatic vessel bronchi/ectasis – bronchus/expansion, dilation = abnormal widening of the bronchi or their branches, causing a risk of infection
“-ectomy” – “-malacia”
-ectomy = removal, excision Examples: Oophorectomy – “ō-fə-rek-tə-mē”
Tonsillectomy – “tän-sə-lek-tə-mē” Oophor/ectomy – ovary/removal, excision = surgical removal of one or both ovaries; ovariectomy Tonsill/ectomy – tonsil/removal, excision = a surgical operation to remove the tonsils
= condition, formation of, presence of
-iasis = condition, formation of, presence of Examples: Lithiasis – “li-THī-ə-sis” Cholelithiasis – “kō-lə-lə-THī-ə-səs” lith/iasis – stone, calculus/condition, formation of, presence of = the formation of stony concretion (calculi) in the body, most often in the gallbladder or urinary system. chol/e/lith/iasis – bile, gall/stone/condition, formation of, presence of = presence of gallstones
-itis = inflammation Examples: Carditis – “kär-dī-dəs”
Iritis – “ī-rī-tis” Card/itis – heart/inflammation = inflammation of the heart Ir/itis – iris/inflammation = inflammation of the iris of the eye
-genic = producing, origin Examples: Bronchogenic – “bräNG-kō-jen-ik”
Pathogenic – “path-ō-jen-ik” Bronch/o/genic – bronchial tube/producing, origin = of, relating to, or arising in or by way of the air passages of the lungs (of bronchial origin) Path/o/genic – disease/producing, origin = capable of producing disease
= incision for removal of stones
-lithotomy = incision for removal of stones Examples: Cholelithotomy – “koli-lith-ot-ə-mē” Nephrolithotomy – “nef-roh-lith-ot-ə- mē” Chol/e/lithotomy – bile, gall/incision for removal of stones = the surgical removal of gallstones by cholecystotomy Nephr/o/lithotomy – kidney/incision for removal of stones = incision or opening of a kidney pelvis for removal of a calculus
= dissolution, breaking down
-lysis = dissolution, breaking down Example: Myolysis – “mī-ol-i-sis” My/o/lysis – muscle/dissolution, breaking down = degeneration of muscle tissue
-malacia = softening Examples:
Encephalomalacia – “en-sef-ah-lo-mah- la-shah” Osteomalacia – “äs-tē-ō-mə-lā-SHə” encephala/o/malacia – brain/softening = the softening or loss of brain tissue after cerebral infarction, cerebral ischemia, infection, craniocerebral trauma, or other injury. Oste/o/malacia – bone/softening = softening of the bones, typically through a deficiency of vitamin D or calcium
“-megaly” – “-tripsy”
-megaly = enlargement Examples: Acromegaly – “ak-rō-meɡ-ə-lē”
Splenomegaly – “splēn-ə-meɡ-ə-lē” Acr/o/megaly – extremity, highest point/enlargement = abnormal growth of the hands, feet and face, caused by overproduction of growth hormone by the pituitary gland. Splen/o/megaly – spleen/enlargement = abnormal enlargement of the spleen.
-oid = resembling Example: Lymphoid – “lim-foid”
Lymph/oid – lymph/resembling = of, relating to, or denoting the tissue responsible for producing lymphocytes and antibodies. This tissue occurs in the lymph nodes, thymus, tonsils, and spleen, and dispersed elsewhere in the body.
-oma = tumor, neoplasm Examples: Carcinoma – “kär-sə-nō-mə”
Sarcoma – “sär-kō-mə” Carcin/oma – cancer/tumor = a cancer arising in the epithelial tissue of the skin or of the lining of the internal organs. Sarc/oma – flesh/tumor = a malignant tumor of connective or other non-epithelial tissue.
= condition, abnormal condition
-osis = condition, abnormal condition Examples: Arteriosclerosis – “r-ti-rē-ō-sklə-rō- səs” Dermatosis – “dər-mə-tō-sis” Arteri/o/scler/osis – atery/hard, hardening/condition or abnormal condition = the thickening and hardening of the walls of the arteries, occurring typically in old age. Dermat/osis – skin/condition or abnormal condition = a disease of the skin, especially one that does not cause inflammation.
-pathy = disease, anomaly Examples: Adenopathy – “ad-ən-äp-ə-thē”
Myopathy – “mī-äp-ə-THē” Aden/o/pathy – gland, glandular tissue/disease, anomaly = the enlargement of lymph nodes anywhere in your body. (also called lymphadenopathy) My/o/pathy – muscle/disease, anomaly = a disease of muscle tissue
-penia = deficiency, decrease Example: Leukopenia – “lo͞o-kə-pē-nē-ə”
Leuk/o/penia – white/deficiency, decrease = a reduction in the number of white cells in the blood, typical of various diseases.
-pexy = surgical fixation Examples: Hysteropexy – “his-ter-o-pek-sē”
Mastopexy – “mas-to-pek-sē” Hyster/o/pexy – uterus/surgical fixation = surgical fixation of a displaced uterus Mast/o/pexy – breast/surgical fixation = surgical fixation of a pendulous breast
-tripsy = to crush Example: Lithotripsy – “liTH-ə-trip-sē”
Lith/o/tripsy – stone, calculus/to crush =a treatment, typically using ultrasound shock waves, by which a kidney stone or other calculus is broken into small particles that can be passed out by the body.
“-plasty” – “-tomy”
= surgical correction, plastic repair of
-plasty = surgical correction, plastic repair of Examples: Arthroplasty – “är-THrə-plas-tē” Hernioplasty – “her-ni-oh-plas-tē” Arthr/o/plasty – joint/surgical correction, plastic repair of = the surgical reconstruction or replacement of a joint. Herni/o/plasty – hernia/surgical correction, plastic repair of = the surgical operation to repair a hernia, in which the sac is excised, the abnormal opening is sewn up, and the weakness strengthened, most commonly using a polypropylene mesh
= prolapse, sagging, sagged
-ptosis = prolapse, sagging, sagged Examples: Blepharoptosis – “bleph-ar-o-pto-sis” Gastroptosis – “gas-trō-ptō-sis” Blephar/o/ptosis – eyelid/prolapse, sagging, sagged = an abnormal low-lying upper eyelid margin with the eye in primary gaze. Gastr/o/ptosis - stomach/prolapse, sagging, sagged = the abnormal downward displacement of the stomach. It is not a life-threatening condition. The condition frequently causes digestive symptoms and constipation, and is much more prominent in women than men
-rrhaphy = suture Example: Perineorrhaphy – “per-ĭ-ne-or-ə-fē”
Perine/o/rrhaphy – peritoneum (surface region in both males and females between the pubic symphysis and the coccyx)/suture = suture of the perineum, usually torn during childbirth
-rrhexis = rupture Examples: Angiorrhexis – “an-jē-ŏ-rek-sĭs”
Cardiorrhexis – “kahr-de-o-rek-sis” Angi/o/rrhexis – vessel/rupture = rupture of a vessel, especially a blood vessel. Cardi/o/rrhexis – heart/rupture = rupture of the heart
-scopy = process of viewing Example: Bronchoscopy – “bron-KOS-ko-pē”
Bronch/o/scopy – bronchial tube/process of viewing = a procedure in which a hollow, flexible tube called a bronchoscope is inserted into the airways through the nose or mouth to provide a view of the tracheobronchial tree. It can also be used to collect bronchial and/or lung secretions and to perform tissue biopsy.
= twitching, involuntary contraction
-spasm = twitching, involuntary contraction Example: Chirospasm – “kī-rō-spazm” Chir/o/spasm – hand/involuntary contraction = Rarely used term for spasm of the muscles of the hand, as in writers' cramp
= artificial or surgical opening
-stomy = artificial or surgical opening Examples: Colostomy – “kə-läs-tə-mē” Gastroduodenostomy – “as-tro-doo-o- dĕ-nos-tə-mē” Col/o/stomy – colon/artificial or surgical opening = a surgical operation in which a piece of the colon is diverted to an artificial opening in the abdominal wall so as to bypass a damaged part of the colon Gastr/o/duoden/o/stomy – stomach/duodenum/artificial or surgical opening =a surgical reconstruction procedure by which a new connection between the stomach and the first portion of the small intestine (duodenum) is created.
-tomy = incision, cutting Examples: Antrotomy – “an-trot-ō-mē”
Neurotomy – “n(y)o͝o-räd-ə-mē” Antr/o/tomy – antrum, cavity/incision, cutting = Incision through the wall of any antrum Neur/o/tomy – nerve/incision, cutting = the surgical cutting of a nerve to produce sensory loss and relief of pain or to suppress involuntary movements.
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