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Solutions to Chapter 9 Exercises

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1 Solutions to Chapter 9 Exercises
Chapter 9: Inventory Management

2 Chapter 9: Inventory Management
Exercise 1 Expense Cost Type Relevant? Postage Order Yes Warehouse rent Holding Usually not PO forms Order Yes Secretarial labor Order Usually not Warehouse Holding Usually not Guard Holding Usually not Interest Holding Yes Cost of goods Holding* Yes Distribution Holding No Receiving materials Order Yes Ill-will Shortage Yes Warehouse heat Holding Usually not Advertising Holding* No Expediting Shortage Yes President’s salary Holding No F.G. fire insurance Holding No ___________________________ * Part of cost of goods which must be held at some interest rate Chapter 9: Inventory Management

3 Chapter 9: Inventory Management
Exercise 2 Chapter 9: Inventory Management

4 Chapter 9: Inventory Management
Exercise 3 3000 feet/month  12 = 36,000 feet/year Chapter 9: Inventory Management

5 Chapter 9: Inventory Management
Exercise 4 Chapter 9: Inventory Management

6 Chapter 9: Inventory Management
Exercise 5 Q = max level - on hand - on order + demand during lead time = (15) = 50 units Chapter 9: Inventory Management

7 Chapter 9: Inventory Management
Exercise 6 a. b. (31,623)(12)/1,000,000 = 0.38 month c. 31,623/1,000,000 = year (every 11.5 days) d. At EOQ: annual holding cost = annual ordering cost = (1,000,000)(100)/31,623 = $ But ordering monthly: 1,000,000/12 = 83, per month. New holding cost: 83,333.33(0.2)/2 = $ New ordering cost: 100(12) = $1200 so the holding cost would increase $5171 and the ordering cost would decrease $ e. Same for a doubling of the ordering cost or a halving of the holding cost. Chapter 9: Inventory Management

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