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World Religions Learning Targets:

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1 World Religions Learning Targets:
I can define the difference between Monotheistic and Polytheistic I can describe similarities and differences between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. I can explain the key elements and beliefs of each of the following world religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism, and Buddhism.

2 Major World Religions Religion’s roll in History What’s a Religion?
A religion is a set of common beliefs and practices generally held by a group of people, often written as prayer, ritual, and religious law, that center around the worship of a god or gods. Modern History (last 5000 years or so) and religion are inseparable. Religions have motivated the movement of people, caused wars, proliferated ideas, and have shaped human culture in a way that nothing else as a whole has. A majority of people on the planet hold some type of religious beliefs.

3 Some of the most common religions are: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Daoism, Buddhism and Shinto Over a Billion people either do not believe in a “god” or that do not believe in any one particular belief system.


5 Monotheism and Polytheism
Some Religions are Monotheistic (belief in one god) and some are Polytheistic (belief in many gods) Monotheistic Polytheistic Christianity Judaism Islam Sikhism Zoroastrianism Hinduism Buddhism Shinto Daoism

6 Rally Robin Time! Shoulder Partner who has flown on an airplane the most goes first… What do you already know about Judaism?

7 Judaism Basics Key Elements Founding Figure Holy Book(s) Symbols:
Judaism is the religion of the Jewish people and is one of the oldest religions on the planet. Authority is not in a person or group, but in sacred texts and traditions. Judaism has influenced Christianity and Islam (root religion) often referred to as Abrahamic religions Founding Figure Abraham Holy Book(s) Torah: Hebrew Bible Talmud: collection of teachings, ethics, and laws Symbols: Number of Worshippers Approx. 14 million

8 Key Beliefs Jews believe that Abraham made a covenant with God (pact)
God promised to him a great kingdom and all mankind to be blessed through him This god is Omnipotent: All Powerful All Knowing Jews believe(d) that they were/are the chosen few who could/can achieve eternal salvation

9 Rally Robin Time! Face Partner who has been to a different country the most goes first… What do you already know about Christianity?

10 Christianity Basics Key Elements
People who follow the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth are called Christians Christianity is the world’s largest religion Christianity is a monotheistic religion Founding Figure(s) Jesus of Nazareth and key Apostle and followers Holy Book(s) Christian Bible Symbols: Number of Worshippers Approx. 2.2 Billion

11 Key Beliefs Christians believe in the same all powerful god of the Jews Christians believe Jesus to be the Son of God and the Messiah (messenger) Central to most Christian faiths is the belief that believing in Jesus will lead to eternal salvation There are many different denominations of Christianity

12 Rally Robin Time! Shoulder Partner who had the healthiest breakfast goes first What do you already know about Islam?

13 Islam Basics Key Elements Islam is a monotheistic religion
Islam is the second largest religion in the world The word Islam means "submission", or the total surrender of oneself to God. A Muslim is “one who submits” Founding Figure(s) Muhammad Holy Book(s) Qur’an Symbols: Number of Worshippers Approx. 1.6 Billion

14 Key Beliefs Originated with the teachings of Muhammad, a 7th-century Arab religious and political figure. Muslims believe that Muhammad is God's final prophet, and regard the Qur'an (holy book) as the final word of God. believers worship the same god as Jews and Christians Allah is the Arabic word for God.


16 Rally Robin Time! Face Partner with the lightest hair goes first
What are some things that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have in common? Differences?

17 Hinduism Basics Key Elements
Hinduism is the main religion of the Indian subcontinent. Is the oldest continuous religion or belief system Hinduism is the world's third largest religion after Christianity and Islam Founding Figure(s) N/A Holy Book(s) Vedas Symbols: Number of Worshippers Approx. 1Billion

18 Key Beliefs God takes many forms (polytheistic) as a spiritual force known as Brahman Reincarnation – rebirth depending on your moral behavior with a goal of achieving unity through Brahman over several lifetimes Karma – action and subsequent reaction Moksha – liberation from the continued cycle of rebirth

19 Hindu Trinity There are three major gods Brahma the creator
Vishnu the preserver Shiva the destroyer Above all there is one main God Brahman Other gods and goddess' are just aspects (incarnations of) Brahman

20 Rally Robin Time! Shoulder Partner with more siblings goes first
What did you find interesting – or what did you learn – about Hinduism?

21 Sikhism Basics Key Elements
It is a blending of Hinduism and Islam (Muslim armies conquered India). Believe in one God All are equal Stresses the importance of doing good rather than just doing rituals Founding Figure(s) Guru Nanak in 1500s Holy Book(s) Books written by 10 important Guru’s (teachers) Symbols: Number of Worshippers Approx. 20 Million

22 Key Beliefs To lead a good life, Sikhs believe you must:
keep God in heart and mind at all times live honestly and work hard treat everyone equally be generous to the less fortunate serve others

23 Buddhism Basics Key Elements
Buddhism is a practice of traditions and beliefs based off the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, or the Buddha Buddhist recognize the Buddha as an awakened teacher It focuses on how one can escape the cycle of suffering and rebirth and reach Nirvana Founding Figure(s) Siddhartha Gautama Holy Book(s) Tripitaka Sutras Symbols: Number of Worshippers Approx. 500 million

24 Key Beliefs The Four Noble Truths 1. Life means suffering.
2. The origin of suffering is attachment. 3. The cessation of suffering is attainable. 4. The way to the cessation of suffering is the Eightfold Path

25 Rally Robin Time! Face Partner who has the longest sleeves goes first…
In what ways are Buddhism and Hinduism alike?

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