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Cellular Respiration.

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1 Cellular Respiration

2 Cellular Respiration Overview
Transformation of chemical energy in food into chemical energy cells can use: ATP These reactions proceed the same way in plants and animals. Process is called cellular respiration Overall Reaction: C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O Overview:

3 Cellular Respiration Overview
Breakdown of glucose begins in the cytoplasm: the liquid matrix inside the cell At this point life diverges into two forms and two pathways Anaerobic cellular respiration (aka fermentation) Aerobic cellular respiration


5 C.R. Reactions Glycolysis
Series of reactions which break the 6-carbon glucose molecule down into two 3-carbon molecules called pyruvate Process is an ancient one-all organisms from simple bacteria to humans perform it the same way Yields 2 ATP molecules for every one glucose molecule broken down Yields 2 NADH per glucose molecule Animation:


7 Aerobic Cellular Respiration
Oxygen required=aerobic 2 more sets of reactions which occur in a specialized structure within the cell called the mitochondria 1. Kreb’s Cycle 2. Electron Transport Chain

8 Kreb’s Cycle Completes the breakdown of glucose
Takes the pyruvate (3-carbons) and breaks it down, the carbon and oxygen atoms end up in CO2 and H2O Hydrogens and electrons are stripped and loaded onto NAD+ and FAD to produce NADH and FADH2 Production of only 2 more ATP but loads up the coenzymes with H+ and electrons which move to the 3rd stage Animation:


10 Electron Transport Chain
Electron carriers loaded with electrons and protons from the Kreb’s cycle move to this chain-like a series of steps (staircase). As electrons drop down stairs, energy released to form a total of 32 ATP Oxygen waits at bottom of staircase, picks up electrons and protons and in doing so becomes water Animation:


12 Anaerobic Cellular Respiration
Some organisms thrive in environments with little or no oxygen Marshes, bogs, gut of animals, sewage treatment ponds No oxygen used= ‘an’aerobic Results in no more ATP, final steps in these pathways serve ONLY to regenerate NAD+ so it can return to pick up more electrons and hydrogens in glycolysis. End products such as ethanol and CO2 (single cell fungi (yeast) in beer/bread) or lactic acid (muscle cells)

13 Fermentation Releases energy from glucose without the presence of oxygen. There are two types of fermentation: alcoholic and lactic acid. Alcoholic fermentation is done by yeasts and some microorganisms. It produces alcohol & Carbon Dioxide Lactic Acid is produced by muscles during rapid exercise when the body cannot supply enough oxygen. Animation:



16 Energy Tally 36 ATP for aerobic vs. 2 ATP for anaerobic
Glycolysis ATP Kreb’s ATP Electron Transport ATP 36-38 ATP Anaerobic organisms can’t be too energetic but are important for global recycling of carbon


18 Comparing Photosynthesis & Respiration
Cellular Respiration Function Energy Storage Energy Release Location Chloroplasts Mitochondria Reactants CO2 and H2O C6H12O6 and O2 Products Equation 6CO2 + 6H2O  C6H12O6 + 6O2 C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O

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