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Welcome to Objective 2 programme Province of Antwerp

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1 Welcome to Objective 2 programme Province of Antwerp
20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

2 1. Introduction The European Commission has decided to contribute actively to the development of the province of Antwerp by part-financing the Objective 2 programme for the period. The Structural Funds will contribute € 47 million out of a total budget of € million. 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

3 1.2 The map of the eligible area
20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

4 1.3 Description of the eligible area
The programme concerns certain parts of the former Flemish mining region in the Turnhout district (Kempen) and neighbourhoods in north-east Antwerp. The area in Kempen accounts for some 61.7% of the population of the district. The population of the eligible area of Antwerp comes to , or 14% of the city?s total population. This includes a high number of young immigrants, primarily of Moroccan and Turkish descent In the heavily industrialised economy of the eligible area in Kempen, industry provides 42.5% of all jobs. The main branches of activity in the secondary sector are food processing, chemicals, metals and construction. The service sector accounts for only 56% of jobs, as against 66% for Flanders as a whole, fairly evenly divided between commercial and public services 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

5 1.3 Description of the eligible area
In the city of Antwerp, industry and commercial services are important. Large companies are a mainstay of the economy, but most are located outside the area concerned by the programme. The petrochemical industry dominates the secondary sector, with shipping, transport and communications offering most jobs in services. The Objective 2 areas of the city are dominated by companies in the food, beverage and tobacco sectors, which produce 50% of local added value and account for 40% of jobs Unemployment in Kempen is only slightly higher than the average for Flanders (8%, as against 7.6%), but in the eligible area it stands at 10.6%. In Antwerp, unemployment is also only slightly higher than the average for Flanders. In the area eligible for Objective 2, however, it averages 16.7% and tops 18% in places. 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

6 1.4 Main regional indicators in EU and in Belgium, Source: Second report on Economic and Social Cohesion, January 2001 Economy Labour market GDP/head Empl. rate%,1999 Unempl. rate% Agri. Indust. Servi EU ,0 100,0 4,5 29,2 66,0 8,4 9,4 Belgique 103,2 111,3 2,4 25,8 71,8 7,2 8,8 Bruxelles-Capital 162,3 168,8 0,2 13,4 86,4 9,2 14,0 Vlaams Gewest 104,4 115,1 2,5 28,0 69,5 5,5 5,6 Antwerpen 123,8 138,5 2,2 28,1 69,8 6,4 6,5 Limburg (B) 102,6 108,5 2,1 34,5 63,4 8,5 7,0 Oost-Vlaanderen 99,0 104,1 2,7 30,4 66,9 5,3 5,9 Vlaams-Brabant 81,4 96,1 1,5 20,7 77,8 4,0 3,9 West-Vlaanderen 103,9 116,2 3,8 27,5 68,7 3,9 4,6 Region Wallonie 83,4 87,9 2,8 24,7 72,5 9,9 13,3 Brabant-Wallon 75,5 86,8 2,0 24,0 74,1 5,8 8,8 Hainaut 77,0 79,2 2,6 27,3 70,2 11,9 16,6 Liège 94,9 98,6 2,4 23,9 73,7 10,1 12,8 Luxembourg (B) 85,3 95,0 6,8 24,7 68,5 6,1 7,3 Namur 80,4 85,7 3,0 20,3 76,7 9,2 12,6 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

7 2. Development strategy The background to both parts of the program is to propose an integrated policy to favor sustainable economic activity, employment and development in the area, which is in line with other (e.g. national, regional and communal) policy levels. Sustainable in this context refers to the social, economic and ecological aspects. Not counting technical assistance, the program includes two priorities: one for the Kempen area, one for Antwerp Northeast. 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

8 2. Development strategy For the Kempen area, the focus is on providing business sites and premises, via rehabilitation of existing sites and development of new ones, on knowledge transfer from the already present education and research institutions to companies, the promotion of the development of sectors which can provide employment opportunities for women, further development of an environmental technology cluster and an integrated approach to tourism and culture. The seven measures of this priority are applicable in both the Objective 2 and the phasing out area. The Antwerp Northeast part constitutes the other priority, which is subdivided into four measures (three thematically defined “soft” measures, one measure for “hard” infrastructure). 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

9 2. Development strategy 2.1. Expected program impact and specific objectives: Reduction of unemployment: in Kempen to the Flemish average by 2008, in Antwerp Northeast from 70% over the city average to 45% over the city average; with a relative decrease of the percentage of low-educated, long-term and young unemployed; Creation of 3,650 new jobs; Investments by the private sector in the order of M€ during the programming period (74.4 M€ in the Kempen area and 1.3 M€ in Antwerp Northeast) Participation of 7,500 persons in training actions, of whom 70% (Kempen) / 80% (Antwerp Northeast) should have a job after the training 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

10 2. Development strategy 2.1. Expected program impact and specific objectives: Reduction of household waste by 40% in the Kempen area and of illegal dumping by 25% in Antwerp Northeast; Revitalised business sites and premises: 30 ha in Kempen and 12 sites/premises in Antwerp Northeast; Increase of overnight stays and day tourism in Kempen by 9% and 10%, respectively. 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

11 3. Priorities and measures
Priority 1 : Kempen: 1.1 Economic framework conditions: Description: Supply of business sites via the rehabilitation and reutilization of old business sites and premises and the development of high quality new business sites and premises Improving the accessibility of business sites, notably for multi-modal transport, public transport and via the telecommunications infrastructure Upgrading the training infrastructure Reutilization of decommissioned military sites 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

12 3. Priorities and measures
1.2 Technology and innovation: Description: Support for the transfer of results of RTD from research and knowledge institutions (in particular higher education) to the business sector Support for the introduction of new ICT-based services and innovative applications Further extension of the existing (IC-) technology cluster, the graphical industry cluster Cooperation between research centers, knowledge transfer from research centers to local companies, extension of the science park Promoting the diffusion of knowledge and new technologies in the business sector via the creation of pioneer 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

13 3. Priorities and measures
1.3 SME development: Description: Actions to favor entrepreneurship, in particular focused on young people in higher education Advice and consultancy for SME, in particular to professionalize the management, quality management, export advice 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

14 3. Priorities and measures
1.4 Training and labor market counseling: Description: Actions to support training in the use of ICT Actions to support collective and individual training focused on specific needs of local companies Labor market counseling for job seekers 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

15 3. Priorities and measures
1.5 Environment: Description: Promotion of the transfer of environmental technology, notably to SMEs, and of environmental care in SMEs in general Extension of the local environmental technology cluster (the Environmental Technology Valley Kempen concept) Support for dmeonstration projects related to sustainable living and working, including energy-efficiency Improvement of waste management, including systems to implement the polluter pays principle and to promote selective waste collection 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

16 3. Priorities and measures
1.6 Tourism and culture: Description: Promotion of networking and cooperation in the sector tourism and culture, in order to achieve a more integrated local supply in this sector Improvement of supply, e.g. new tourism and cultural attractions Promotion of the qualitative improvement and renewal of the infrastructure for overnight stays Promotion of a coordinated approach to the valorization of the cultural heritage and local cultural productions 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

17 3. Priorities and measures
1.7 Social economy: Description: Extension of social economy projects in the areas of recycling and personal services New social economy projects related to public safety and nature conservation Support for intiatives to integrate underprivileged groups (immigrants, refugees, handicapped) Support for the realization of facilities which will contribute to equal chances: child care facilities, “werkwinkels” for underprivileged groups 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

18 3. Priorities and measures
Priority 2 : Antwerp Northeast: Measure 2.1 Sustainable economic activities: Description: Support services, counseling and advice to foster the reutilization of business premises and sites Management advice to local entrepreneurs on specific local problems, with particular attention for ethnic entrepreneurs and for ecological entrepreneurship Research and public-private cooperation to attract new businesses, in particular in the services sector Promotion of thematic and geographical clustering of economic activities 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

19 3. Priorities and measures
2.2 Sustainable employment: Description: Extension of the local cluster- and sector-related training supply Development of integrated sector-related training and labor market participation profiles, i.a. via “werkwinkels” Promotion of flexible child care arrangements Promotion of jobs for vulnerable groups, notably via local services 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

20 3. Priorities and measures
2.3 Urban development: Description: Studies and conceptual development related to urban reconstruction Promotion of networking and cooperation between public and private partners with an interest in the reconstruction of the area Encouraging an increased supply of social and cultural activities Actions related to the collective marketing of the area 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

21 3. Priorities and measures
2.4 Supporting infrastructure: Description: Renovation and reutilization of unused or underused business premises and sites Creation and extension of the local training infrastructure Reconstruction of public areas and infrastructure for public transport, cyclists and pedestrians 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

22 3. Priorities and measures
Priority 3 : Technical Assistance: Measure 3.1 TA – managing costs: Description: Managing and monitoring expenses Measure 3.2 TA – other expenditure: Information and communication, external evaluation and studies 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

23 4. Management and contact details
The Ministry of the Flemish Community is the Managing Authority for the Objective 2 programme and is responsible for co-ordinating all those involved in implementing the programme and organising meetings of the Monitoring Committee. Provincie Antwerpen Dienst Economie, Technologie, KMO en Landbouw De Meyer, Pascal Provinciehuis - Koningin Elisabethlei B-2018 Antwerpen Tel.: Fax.: : Web: Provincie Antwerpen 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

24 4. Management and contact details
Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap Departement Economie, Werkgelegenheid, Binnenlandse Aangelegenheden en Landbouw Administratie Economie - Afdeling Europa Economie Afdelingshoofd Van Haver, André Markiesgebouw - Markiesstraat 1 B-1000 Brussel Tel.: Fax.: : Web: Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap Antwerpen - Doelstelling 2 programma 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

25 4. Management and contact details
European Commission: Mr. Bernard De Cock Administrator, Flanders, Belgium DG Regio, Benelux, Austria CSM1, 6/ 67, Rue Péré de Deken 23 B-1049 Bruxelles Tel: , Fax: 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

26 5. Financial and technical ionformation
Title : Objective 2 Programme for the Province of Antwerp Intervention type : Single Programming Document CCI No. : 2000BE162DO003 No. of decision : C(2001) Final approval date : 14-JUN-01 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

27 6. Financial breakdown Breakdown of Finances by priority area (in millions of €) Priority area Total EU Public aid cost cont. (EC+oth.) 1 Kempen 2 North-east Antwerp 3 Technical assistance Total Financial Breakdown by Funds (in millions of €) EU Contribution ERDF ESF Total : % 88.42% 11.58% 20/09/2018 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL

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