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Tungsten Armor Engineering:

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1 Tungsten Armor Engineering:
Debris Ions and He-Bubbles Carbon Implantation Roughening Mechanisms Shahram Sharafat, Nasr Ghoniem, Qiyang Hu, Jaafar El-Awady, Sauvik Benarjee, and Michael Andersen University of California Los Angeles, CA. 11th High Average Power Laser Program Workshop Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Livermore, CA June 20-21, 2005

2 Debris Ions and Helium Bubbles Carbon Implantation
TOPIC Debris Ions and Helium Bubbles Carbon Implantation Roughening Mechanisms

3 Debris Ions and He-Bubbles
HAPL W-Armor Exposure: Ions - He plus P, D, T, C, Au, and Pt He-Implantation Experiments: Ions - He plus D, P (planned) Do we need to consider these in He implantation experiments ? - How much damage do they cause ? - What is their effect on He-bubbles ? - Do we need to modify experiments ? Use the HEROS code to investigate

4 Density Profiles (SRIM)

5 Low- and High Yield Target Debris- and Burn Ions*
Ions per Shot Significant** Energy Range (keV) Implantation Range (um) Vacancies / Ion 154 MJ 401 MJ DEBRIS: (pulse ~2x10-6s) He3 51017 21018 40-400 70-700 0.2 – 0.8 70 He4 41019 11020 80-550 0.4 – 1.8 87 H 91018 2 1018 11 – 220 36 – 240 0.2 – 1.0 7 D 61020 1 1021 30 – 300 50 – 460 25 T 50 – 400 70 – 680 0.2 – 2.0 52 C12 11019 2 1019 200 – 1500 1550 Au 11017 1 1017 11,000 – 24,000 13,000 – 20,000 0.8 – 1.8 89,300 BURN: (pulse ~8x10-7s) 61016 31017 200–3600 0.5 – 1.6 117 700 – 3600 1.0 – 10 149 6 1018 600 – 3000 200 – 3600 3 – 27 34 5 1019 700 – 13,000 90 – 9000 3 – 180 280 – 3600 1 – 70 102 * Based on THREAT SPECTRA; **Based on largest percentage of ions

6 Self-Damage (Defect) Rate Profiles (SRIM)

7 Comparison of Damage Rates

8 HEROS: Damage and Implantation Profiles
SRIM Profiles HEROS Input Profiles Implantation Density: Burn Temperature Rise Implantation Debris (apa/s) Ion Self-Damage: Damage Debris (dpa/s) Burn

9 HEROS: Bubble Concentration including Debris Damage
Temperature Rise: 2200 oC Chamber Radius: 10.1 m 2 Consecutive Shots (5Hz) Bubble Concentration in W (#/cm3) Green  Annealing Temp. Drop Red  Implantation 2 Consecutive Shots

10 Bubble Concentration Including Debris Damage
Burn T=10-10sec T=10-8sec T=0.4sec T=0.7sec Debris Effect of D, T, C, & Au Simultaneous Self-Damage) Annealing T=0.8sec T=1.5sec T=2.1sec T=0.8msec High Temperature Annealing End of Implantation Annealing Burn-2nd Pulse Debris- 2nd Pulse Annealing-2nd Pulse T=0.2s+0.7s T=0.2sec T=0.2s +2.1s T=0.4sec End of Pulse Two End of Pulse One End of Burn of Pulse Two End of Debris of Pulse Two

11 Importance of Simultaneous Debris-Ion Damage
Large displacement damage is caused by Debris Ions (C, Au, P, D, T , Pt) Factor of 10 X He-Self Damage Results in SUPERSATURATION of vacancies Supersaturation of vacancies provides larger number of He-trap sites Poster by Q. Hu on He-Modeling Schematic of He-Bubble Resolution High Debris-Ion Damage Rates: Momentum transfer of Excess Interstitials Collisional Displacement of He from bubbles: Bubble RE-SOLUTION Increases effective DHe coef. Rapid temperature rise (2200 oC) facilitates annealing of He-Vac-Clusters and small Bubbles. Combination of high debris ion damage plus high temperature rise significantly enhances Helium-recycling Collision Cascade (SIA) Helium Bubble Self- Interstitial W-atom Produced by Debris (PKA) Smaller Helium Bubble decorated with He-Vacancy Clusters

12 Debris Ions and Helium Bubbles
TOPIC Debris Ions and Helium Bubbles Carbon Implantation: Mechanical Properties Helium Retention Tritium Retention Roughening Mechanisms

13 Debris Carbon Implantation Profile (SRIM 2003)
Assuming No Carbon Diffusion (154 MJ Target):

14 Debris Carbon Implantation Profile (SRIM 2003)
Assuming COMPLETE Carbon Diffusion (5 Hz; 154 MJ Target): This slide was not shown

15 Debris Carbon Implantation Profile (SRIM 2003)
Assuming COMPLETE Carbon Diffusion (10 Hz; 154 MJ Target): This slide was not shown

16 This slide was not shown
Temperatures Slide from Jake’s Presentation: HAPL NRL 2005 Additions/Modifications appear in RED Carbon arrives (max implantation depth ~1 um) 154 MJ 7 m 250 microns tungsten 3 mm steel This slide was not shown

17 Impact of WC-Layer: Thermo-Mechanical Props.
Above 940 oC various W-C compounds can form depending on temperature and molar ratios. Thermo-Mechanical Impact: WC & W2C Tmelting ~2800 oC Tm of WC ~600 oC less than W WC is a ceramic more brittle WC effects crack behavior Low Temp. Metal Fracture Toughness (MPa√m) Aluminum alloy 36 Steel alloy 50 Titanium alloy 44-66 Tungsten 10-15 Ceramics (Bulk) Aluminum oxide 3-5.3 Soda-lime-glass WC 4-7 Demetriou, Ghoniem, Lavine, Acta Materialia. (2002)

18 Impact of WC-Layer: Helium Release
Could not find helium release data for WC. At elevated temperatures He retention in SiC and B4C is low (implanted He: E=5 keV; He=1e18 /m2-s; Temp: RT; Hino-JNM-1999). U-Pu-Oxide fuels show significant fission product (gas) migration. Migration of Helium bubbles through WC needs to be verified experimentally. T. Hino, JNM (1999) Inoue, JNM (2004)

19 Impact of Carbon Implantation: Tritium Retention
High T implantation: ~2x1017 T/m2 per shot for a R=10.1 m chamber. Effects of Carbon on T retention at High Temperatures? Irradiated tungsten at 653K with carbon concentration as a parameter (1 keV ~7× 1024 H/m2 [Ueda,2004].

20 Debris Ions and Helium Bubbles Carbon Implantation
TOPIC Debris Ions and Helium Bubbles Carbon Implantation Roughening: Failure Mechanisms Effect of Hydrogen

21 Surface Cracks in Polycrystalline Tungsten
TOPICS Roughening induced Failure Mechanisms Surface Cracks in Polycrystalline Tungsten Steel Substrate W-Armor 1. Surface cracks can penetrate to the interface and turn 2. Low Cycle fatigue initiates cracks at the interface (weaker intermetallic W16Fe) Margevicius, 1999 Poster by J.El-Ewady on Bond-Strength Measurements

22 Roughening Mechanisms: Effect of Hydrogen
About 4x1017 (T+D)/m2 per shot for a 10.1 m chamber Experimental Setup of CVD Tungsten on Copper Cyclic heat load tests with a hydrogen beam and a comparable electron beam on CVD-tungsten. Hydrogen surface damage more severe than that by the electron beam. Cracked surface at all temperatures from 300 C to 1600 C. H-Irradiation Conditions Tamura, JNM, 2005 HAPL: 3000 shots (10 min)

23 Effect of Hydrogen at 1600oC
TOPICS Effect of Hydrogen at 1600oC Tamura, JNM, 2005 Surface morphology of the CVD Tungsten: 110 shots with a peak temperatures of 1600 C. Small pores are observed at the coating surface (b) after hydrogen beam irradiation.

24 Summary and Conclusions
DEBRIS ION Self-DAMAGE: C-, Au-, and Pt Debris ions cause large damage within the first 2-um. Large damage assists in “RE-SOUTION” of helium bubbles: - Facilitates efficient He-recycling. A high helium He-Recycling coefficient may be attainable. Needs experimental verification ? CARBON: Implantation of C into W is significant: Localized C/ W > 1 in a few days Effects on mechanical performance of W-armor needs investigation. Effect of Carbon on P-, D-, and T retention has not been addressed. May be critical for W-armor reliability. ROUGHENING •Mechanism of armor failure as it relates to roughening will be experimentally determined and theoretically modeled • Role of hydrogen implantation on surface cracking needs consideration.

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