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Invasive Alien Species

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1 Invasive Alien Species
Working Group 3 – Eradication, containment, management and restoration Tasks and issues 30 March 2011

2 Scoping document on eradication, containment, management and restoration
Introduction Aim of the working group: to provide advice and expertise to the Commission to formulate opinions and recommendations Aim of the scoping document: Frame the discussion, outline areas where expertise sought Scoping document based on: 3 September stakeholder feedback + written input from stakeholders study Shine et al. (2010)

3 Scoping document on eradication, containment, management and restoration
Tasks 3.1 – Eradication, containment and management 3.2 – Restoration 3.3 – Financing 3.4 – Communication and awareness raising Horizontal questions Collate expertise Define responsibilities 3

4 Task 3.1 – Eradication, containment and management
Scoping document on eradication, containment, management and restoration Task 3.1 – Eradication, containment and management Objective? Eradication When eradication is not possible Containment Management = reduce damage to IAS, habitats, ecosystems and ecosystem services human or animal health the economic sectors and activities Examples E.g. Australia: focus on environmentally threatening processes Link to threatened species E.g. UK: spontaneous focus on Japanese knotweed 4

5 Task 3.1 – Eradication, containment and management
Scoping document on eradication, containment, management and restoration Task 3.1 – Eradication, containment and management Defining responsibilities: three possible approaches Option 1: Eradication is the rule, MS need to apply for derogation Option 2: MS to decide on measures, endorsement by EU and other MS Option 3: MS to decide on measures Establishment of a cut off date for the eradication requirement? Option 1: Entry into force of the system Option 2: Listing of the IAS (cf. WG 1) 5

6 Task 3.1 – Eradication, containment and management
Scoping document on eradication, containment, management and restoration Task 3.1 – Eradication, containment and management Factors to be considered when selecting the measures Invasion speed, invasion stage, recipient environment Damage to biodiversity, environment, public health, economy Cost, feasibility and effectiveness of the available measures Public acceptability of the available measures Option 1: Humane treatment of animals in any case (e.g. anticoagulants under no conditions) Option 2: Humane treatment of animals as far as possible (e.g. anticoagulants to eradicate mammal IAS on islands) Negative side-effects to non-target species, ecosystems, environment, public health, economy What about measures exploiting certain positive characteristics of IAS Managing of Robinia, rainbow trout,… to acceptable levels Eradicating grey squirrels, Canada geese,… by consuming them 6

7 Task 3.1 – Eradication, containment and management
Scoping document on eradication, containment, management and restoration Task 3.1 – Eradication, containment and management How to organise indicators, monitoring and reporting (cf. WG 2)? 7

8 Scoping document on eradication, containment, management and restoration
Task 3.2 – Restoration Objective? Favourable conservation status of species/habitats of EU concern Good ecological status Good environmental status Baseline condition Others? Integration in existing management plans? 8

9 Scoping document on eradication, containment, management and restoration
Task 3.3 – Financing Who should pay for eradication, containment, management and restoration actions? Making sectors collectively responsible? Eligibility for EU funding? Under which conditions? 9

10 Task 3.4 – Communication and awareness rising
Scoping document on eradication, containment, management and restoration Task 3.4 – Communication and awareness rising Knowledge on eradication, containment, management and restoration measures: How to ensure current state of knowledge reaches MS and managers on the ground? How to ensure experiences from MS and managers on the ground reach the EU-level? Public support for eradication, containment, management and restoration measures: How to deal with public reluctance against eradication measures? Public consultation to be embedded in eradication, containment and management plans? Under which conditions and at what stage? 10

11 Scoping document on eradication, containment, management and restoration
Tasks Who wants to be the task leader? The back-up task leader? 3.1 – Eradication, Containment and Management 3.2 – Restoration 3.3 – Financing 3.4 – Communication and awareness raising Expected output report with recommendations report to be publicly available on CIRCA 11

12 Task group leaders and back-ups
TASK 3.1: Eradication, Containment and Management Task leader: Peter Robertson - FERA Piero Genovesi –IUCN ISSG Staci McLennan – Eurogroup for animals Paul Walton - Birdlife TASK 3.2: Restoration Task leader: (Jonathan Newman CEH– holding reply) TASK 3.3: Looking for volunteers (documents on CIRCA to jump start discussion) TASK 3.4: Communication and awareness raising Task leader: Huw Thomas – DEFRA Dick Shaw – CABI Sander Smolder – Dutch ministry of economic affairs, agriculture and innovation 12

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