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George Catlin by William Fisk 1849

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Presentation on theme: "George Catlin by William Fisk 1849"— Presentation transcript:

1 George Catlin by William Fisk 1849


3 Beautiful Clay Bluffs 1900 miles above St. Louis

4 Belle Vue Indian Agency of Major Dougherty 870 miles above St. Louis

5 St. Louis from the River Below 1832



8 Chin-cha-pee, Fire Bug That Creeps, Wife of the Light

9 Mah-to-toh-pa, Four Bears, Second Chief, in Ful Dress 1832 mandan

10 Artifact Pictograms describe achievements generating awe and respect.
a shirt like this was given to Catlin by Four Bears. Catlin probably manjufactures this one. He used artifacts to prove the accuracy of his art.

11 Pipe Dance Assiniboine

12 Pipestone Quarry on the Coteau des Prairies

13 Buffalo Bull Grazing on the Prairie

14 Dying Buffalo Shot with Arrow

15 Catlin and Indian Guide Approaching Buffalo Under White Wolf Skin


17 Buffalo Chase with Bows and Arrows

18 Commanche War Party on the March, Fully Equipped

19 Commanche Village Women Dressing Robes and Drying Meat

20 Crow Lodge of 25 Buffalo Skins

21 Bird’seye View of a Mandan village

22 Medicine Man Performing His Mysteries over a Dying Man Blackfoot

23 Archery of the Mandan

24 An-no je nahge, He Who Stands on Both Sides a Distinguished Ball Player Easter Souix Dakota

25 Ball Play of the Women

26 Ball Play of the Choctaw Ball Up


28 Pshan-Shaw Sweet Scented Grass 12 Yr Old Daughter of Bloody Hand

29 Mint, Sha Ko Ka Mandan A Pretty Girl



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