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Dream Paper 6.1 Signature assignment: Dream Paper Kimberly Chavez

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1 Dream Paper 6.1 Signature assignment: Dream Paper Kimberly Chavez
Fresno Pacific University

2 Educational Setting When I graduate from Fresno Pacific University I would like to work in lower income setting. Sadly, the reality is that a student in a lower income school has many negative outlooks on whether or not they will succeed. I want to help these children become successful not only in school but in their everyday lives. My dream grade is Kindergarten

3 Movement Concepts Body Awareness Space Awareness Qualities of Movement
Different shapes that the body can create General / Personal space Directions Levels Time / Speed Force

4 Skill Themes Locomotor skills Non-locomotor skills Manipulative skills
Walking: Student will walk to thier personal spaace and group space Students will also be given directions that include short directions that do not require a certain rhythm and directions that require rhythm Non-locomotor skills Student will be given activitites that include bending, swinging, stretching, Manipulative skills Student will be given an activity that uses jump ropes in order to gain rhythmic skills

5 Lesson Plans For Movement Skills
Day 1 (Walking) Walk the Line: Children will be asked to walk on a line that has different patterns. Day 2 (Personal / Group Space) Rabbit Hole: On a grassy area will be a hula hoop on top on small cones, creating a rabbit hole. A teacher will shout out a number and then the students will have to gather that number and go into the rabbit hole. Day 3 (Rhythm) Jump Rope: Student will have access to jump ropes where they can practice jumping with and without music Day 4 (Stretching) ABC Yoga: Student will go through the alphabet while demonstrating different yoga poses Day 5 (Swinging) Balloon tennis: Student will be separated into two groups where they will be given balloons and rackets. Student will develop their swinging skills by swinging the racket to hit the balloon to the other team. Day 6 (Bending) Obstacle Maze: Students will be given a maze where they will have to bend their body forward and backwards in order to climb to the end of the maze

6 Lesson Plans For Movement Skills
Day 7 (Bending) Body Shape: Student will be asked to create different letters and shapes using only their body. Day 8 (Swinging) Ring Toss: Students will be paired into small groups there they will practice their swinging skills by playing ring toss Day 9 (Swinging) Balloon Hockey: children will use pool noodles, balloons, and a net to play balloon hockey. Children will be split into two teams. Each team will try to hit their balloon into the goal while the other team tries to keep the balloon from going into the basket. Day 10 (Bending): Animal Yoga: a teacher will roll a large dice that had several different pictures of animals on it. when the dice lands the children will have to act out that animal pose. Day 11 (Stretching) Exercise Dice: a teacher will have a set of dice that has a number and an activity on the other. When the dice lands the students will have to do the stretch that the dice tells them to however many times the dice landed on Day 12 (Swinging) Knocking over the towers: Children will be placed on one side of the court while the other side has a variety of different towers (cones). The goal is to knock over the towers with their racket and tennis ball

7 Lesson Plans For Movement Skills
Day 13 (Swinging) Angry Birds: Children are split into two teams. Each team stands in front of cones. Each team’s goal is to knock over as many cones from the other team with a soccer ball. Day 14 (Stretching) Stretchies: Each child is given a jump rope and then asked to make a variety of different shapes. Day 15 (Swinging) Ring toss: different stations of ring toss are set up for children to free play with ring toss games Day 16 Parachute: On our first day of playing with the parachute we will discover the basic uses of a parachute. Swinging the parachute up and then back down, keeping a gator ball in the center, and running under. Day 17 Parachute: The teacher will give the students different rhythms that they will have to maintain. For example the teacher can tell the children that they all have to stomp when the parachute is up. Day 18 Parachute: On the last day of the parachute the students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge they have learned by giving their classmates their own instructions.

8 Movement Wheel Using the movement wheel I directed activities using the nonmanipulative section. Throughout the eighteen day lesson plan students will be learning directions, stretching, and bending. By day eighteen students will understand the nonmanipulative movement skills.

9 Observation Techniques
One observation tool I would use is the rating scale form. I would want to use this tool as a way of monitoring each child’s skill level. A rating scale allows myself to rate a child’s quality of skill very specifically. With the rating scale I would be able to monitor each child’s skills level from beginning to the very end while seeing the progress a child is making.

10 Learning Environment I want to have a welcoming and supportive classroom environment that embraces everyone’s unique cultures and qualities. I want to incorporate everyone’s family diversity into my classroom to ensure every child feels safe and welcomed. I will accomplish this by always keeping an open mind to new cultures and family diversity l, as well as teaching my students to do the same. I will also make sure to have team projects throughout the school year to teach my students the important lesson of working together as a class.

11 Discipline Techniques
I will use positive behavior charts throughout my classroom as a helpful reminder to my students. As a class we will use the Classroom Dojo website as a point system to earn rewards. This will keep the students motivated to earn points as a class and individually. The class Dojo also keeps parents informed with their child’s daily activities and behavior. However, every class is different and may require different discipline techniques.

12 Evaluation Technique As stated in chapter eight I will complete an assessment using the psychomotor domain. I will use this evaluation technique because it will rate the each child’s skill development that they have learned from this lesson. I will also use a self evaluation form to get a better understanding of how the children feel about their skill development.

13 Skill Levels To ensure that all students skill levels are met I have created lesson plans that fit everyone's needs. Each activity can teach a student a skill at a level that meets their needs. Each activity is designed to be taught at a lower skill level and then advanced according to each individuals skills level.

14 Reflective Teaching I will use reflective teaching to ensure that every child is successful in their skills. If a child needs extra support or guidance I will make accommodations according to that child’s individual need. For example if a child will be more successful by being teamed up with a classmates I will pair them with someone who will help them succeed. If this student needs a teachers guidance I will assist this child. I will give extra support to students at a level that is comfortable for them and that will help them succeed.

15 Movement Concepts / Skill Theme
During my eighteen day lesson plan I have included lesson that improve space awareness, body awareness, and the quality of movement. Students will be learning how their body can create different swinging movements. This will also include how their body movements can be used in a small space or in a space with other students. Lastly, students will be aware of the quality of the movements they create.

16 Incorporating Students with Special Needs
Just as I will use reflective teaching to give students extra support I will do the same to meet the needs of a student who has a disability. I will make the necessary changes to fit that particular students needs. If a child is in a wheel chair I will chose games that require more upper body movement. If a child is sensitive to sensory or large groups I will accommodate this child by selecting activities that can be done in small groups with low sensory requirements. Each child is unique and may require different accommodations according to their disability

17 Dynamic Physical Education
At my current school student are being taught physical education in a fun manner. Students are learning new skills by completing different activities that are directed in a particular skill, just as I have scheduled an eighteen day lesson plan. Students are being taught how important physical education is for their health. One of the differences in planning physical education activities is that academics is not being included.

18 Self Actualization After reflecting back on my physical education experience I want to make sure that my students have a positive outlook on physical education. I will teach my students the importance of participating in education for their health, academics, and to improve their social skills. I will also create a fun and welcoming physical education environment so that all children are comfortable trying a new activity. I want my students to be comfortable participating in an activity without the fear of being judged my their peers.

19 Physical Education Time
I would follow the same guidelines as stated in Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children (Pangrazi, Beighle 157). However, if a student needs more time in a certain area I would allow more time. The times listed below are an estimated time schedule. Introducing a new activity 1.5 minutes Fitness development 6.5 minutes Lesson 10 minutes Game 5 minutes Total Time 23 minutes

20 First Year Goal’s In my first year of teaching I would like children to know the value of physical education. I want to see children excited to participate in physical education. By the end of my first year of teaching I would like to see children creating their own physical activities for themselves as well as their classmates.

21 Program Support I will build support by creating a warm environment for students and co workers. I will use my knowledge about physical education as well as the knowledge from other co workers. I will attend training regarding physical education as a way of staying connected to the newest information.

22 Equipment Budget I have created a budget that includes equipment that will be used throughout our eighteen day lesson plan, as well as free play activities. I have also included equipment that can be used for students with disabilities. There is a Varity of different colors, texture, and sizes of equipment that will meet the needs of every child.

23 Cone and Spot Maker Easy Pack
24 Half cones/ 2 set of rubber bases/ floor tape/ 24 cones $129.98 Playground Easy Pack 2 Bats/ 2 Baseballs/ 2 Softballs/ 4 Chinese jump ropes/ 8 Soft markers/ 4 basket balls/ 4 Footballs/ 2 Volleyballs/ 4 Soccer balls/ 4 16’ jump ropes/ 4 10’ jump ropes/ 2 Mesh bags/ 8 8’ Jump ropes/ 8 7’ Jump ropes/ 4 playground balls $239.98 Gator Skin Softi Balls (12) $111.98 Spectrum Jump Ropes (18) $34.47 Spectrum Playground Balls (12) $55.98 Softee Hockey Sticks (6) $61.99 Ring toss Set $27.99 30' Parachute $184.99 Inflatable Cube $16.99 Oversized Foam Bat and Ball Set $12.99 Grand Total $877.34

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