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How to Use The 3 AXI Configurations
Xilinx Training
Objectives After completing this module, you will be able to:
List the three AXI system architectural models (configurations) Name the five AXI channels Summarize the AXI valid/ready acknowledgement model Describe the operation of the AXI streaming protocol
Basic AXI Transactions
Read address channel Read data channel Write address channel Write data channel Write response channel Non-posted write model: there will always be a “write response” The AXI interface has separate and independent read and write channels that can be used simultaneously. Each channel has its own address and data buses. Both channels are non-posted; that is, there is always a response. In the read case the response is simply the read data coming back. For a write, a separate response bus acknowledges data delivery Summary of the five AXI channels: Read address channel Read data channel Write address channel Write data channel Write response channel
AXI Interface: AXI4 Also called Full AXI or AXI Memory Mapped
Single address multiple data Burst up to 256 data beats AXI4 Read The AXI Memory Mapped model is an improved version of AXI3. This model is more traditional in embedded processor systems as it has address, data, and control lines and allows for full-featured operation and interconnect schemes as found in the PLBv46 bus standard. Remember, however, that the interconnect can be: Shared bus Point to point Crossbar Note that the PLBv46 bus, while typically manifested as a shared bus, can also operate in a point-to-point fashion if only a single master and slave are involved. The PLBv46 can also operate in a crossbar, such as with the PowerPC® 440 processor. AXI4 Write
AXI Interface: Handshaking
AXI uses a valid/ready handshake acknowledge Each channel has its own valid/ready Address (read/write) Data (read/write) Response (write only) Flexible signaling functionality Inserting wait states Always ready Same cycle acknowledge Inserting Wait States It is up to the master to assert the valid signal and the slave to assert the ready signals for all channels except the read data channel where the slave asserts valid to indicate that it is returning data. The agent that asserts ready determines the flexibility as seen in the three waveform options. Always Ready Same Cycle Acknowledge
AXI Interface: Read Two channels Up to 256 transfer data phase
Address Data Up to 256 transfer data phase Selectable data transfer size See notes for signal detail of each channel The AXI4 read interfaces allows for data phase transfer up to 256 beats as opposed to the 16 beats that were supported for AXI3. Some signal features may not be required for all types of transfer, depending on user requirements and capabilities. Read Address Channel: ARID[3:0] - Master Read address ID. This signal is the identification tag for the read address group of signals. ARADDR[31:0] - Master Read address. The read address bus gives the initial address of a read burst transaction. Only the start address of the burst is provided and the control signals that are issued alongside the address detail how the address is calculated for the remaining transfers in the burst. ARLEN[7:0] - Master Burst length. The burst length gives the exact number of transfers in a burst. This information determines the number of data transfers associated with the address. ARSIZE[2:0] - Master Burst size. This signal indicates the size of each transfer in the burst. ARBURST[1:0] - Master Burst type. The burst type, coupled with the size information, details how the address for each transfer within the burst is calculated. ARLOCK[1:0] - Master Lock type. This signal provides additional information about the atomic characteristics of the transfer. ARCACHE[3:0] - Master Cache type. This signal provides additional information about the cacheable characteristics of the transfer. ARPROT[2:0] - Master Protection type. This signal provides protection unit information for the transaction. ARVALID - Master Read address valid. This signal indicates, when HIGH, that the read address and control information is valid and will remain stable until the address acknowledge signal, ARREADY, is high. 1 = address and control information valid 0 = address and control information not valid. ARREADY - Slave Read address ready. This signal indicates that the slave is ready to accept an address and associated control signals: 1 = slave ready 0 = slave not ready. Read Data Channel: RID[3:0] - Slave Read ID tag. This signal is the ID tag of the read data group of signals. The RID value is generated by the slave and must match the ARID value of the read transaction to which it is responding. RDATA[31:0] - Slave Read data. The read data bus can be 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024 bits wide. RRESP[1:0] - Slave Read response. This signal indicates the status of the read transfer. The allowable responses are OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR, and DECERR. RLAST - Slave Read last. This signal indicates the last transfer in a read burst. RVALID - Slave Read valid. This signal indicates that the required read data is available and the read transfer can complete: 1 = read data available 0 = read data not available. RREADY - Master Read ready. This signal indicates that the master can accept the read data and response information: 1= master ready 0 = master not ready. AXI – Burst Read
AXI Interface: Write Three channels Up to 256 transfer data phase
Address Data Response Up to 256 transfer data phase Selectable data transfer size See notes for signal detail of each channel The AXI4 read interfaces allows for data phase transfer up to 256 beats as opposed to the 16 beats that were supported for AXI3. Some signal features may not be required for all types of transfer, depending on user requirements and capabilities. Write Address Channel: AWID[3:0] - Master Write address ID. This signal is the identification tag for the write address group of signals. AWADDR[31:0] - Master Write address. The write address bus gives the address of the first transfer in a write burst transaction. The associated control signals are used to determine the addresses of the remaining transfers in the burst. AWLEN[3:0] - Master Burst length. The burst length gives the exact number of transfers in a burst. This information determines the number of data transfers associated with the address. AWSIZE[2:0] - Master Burst size. This signal indicates the size of each transfer in the burst. Byte lane strobes indicate exactly which byte lanes to update. AWBURST[1:0] - Master Burst type. The burst type, coupled with the size information, details how the address for each transfer within the burst is calculated. AWLOCK[1:0] - Master Lock type. This signal provides additional information about the atomic characteristics of the transfer. AWCACHE[3:0] - Master Cache type. This signal indicates the bufferable, cacheable, write-through, write-back, and allocate attributes of the transaction. AWPROT[2:0] - Master Protection type. This signal indicates the normal, privileged, or secure protection level of the transaction and whether the transaction is a data access or an instruction access. AWVALID - Master Write address valid. This signal indicates that valid write address and control information are available: 1 = address and control information available 0 = address and control information not available. The address and control information remain stable until the address acknowledge signal, AWREADY, goes HIGH. AWREADY - Slave Write address ready. This signal indicates that the slave is ready to accept an address and associated control signals: 1 = slave ready 0 = slave not ready. Write Data Channel: WID[3:0] - Master Write ID tag. This signal is the ID tag of the write data transfer. The WID value must match the AWID value of the write transaction. WDATA[31:0] - Master Write data. The write data bus can be 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024 bits wide. WSTRB[3:0] - Master Write strobes. This signal indicates which byte lanes to update in memory. There is one write strobe for each eight bits of the write data bus. Therefore, WSTRB[n] corresponds to WDATA[(8 × n) + 7:(8 × n)]. WLAST - Master Write last. This signal indicates the last transfer in a write burst. WVALID - Master Write valid. This signal indicates that valid write data and strobes are available: 1 = write data and strobes available 0 = write data and strobes not available. WREADY - Slave Write ready. This signal indicates that the slave can accept the write data: 1 = slave ready 0 = slave not ready. Write Response Channel: BID[3:0] - Slave Response ID. The identification tag of the write response. The BID value must match the AWID value of the write transaction to which the slave is responding. BRESP[1:0] - Slave Write response. This signal indicates the status of the write transaction. The allowable responses are OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR, and DECERR. BVALID - Slave Write response valid. This signal indicates that a valid write response is available: 1 = write response available 0 = write response not available. BREADY - Master Response ready. This signal indicates that the master can accept the response information. 1 = master ready 0 = master not ready. AXI Burst Write
AXI Interface: Lite No burst Data width 32 or 64 only
Xilinx IP will only support 32 bits Simple “logic shim” to connect AXI4 master to AXI4-Lite slave Reflect master’s transaction ID This is best for simple systems with minimal peripherals AXI4-Lite Read The AXI4-Lite interface is targeted towards optimizing for fabric in system implementation. This is mainly accomplished by limiting the transaction data phase to a single operation, as a burst or multiple transfer data phase requires a lot more fabric. AXI4-Lite Write
AXI4-Lite The AXI4-Lite interface is a subset of the AXI4 interface intended for communication with control registers in components The aim of AXI4-Lite is to allow simple component interfaces to be built that are smaller and also require less design and validation effort Having a defined subset of the full AXI4 interface allows many different components to be built using the same subset and also allows a single common conversion component to be used to move between AXI4 and AXI4-Lite interfaces The key features of the AXI4-Lite interface are: All transactions are burst length of 1. All data accesses are the same size as the width of the data bus. Support for data bus width of 32 or 64 bits. All accesses are equivalent to AWCACHE, or ARCACHE equal to b0000. Exclusive accesses are not supported.
AXI Lite Signal list Subset of AXI signal set
Simple traditional signaling Targeted applications: simple, low-performance peripherals GPIO Uart Lite
AXI Interface: Streaming
No address channel Not read and write, always master to slave Unlimited burst length AXI streaming does not have an address phase; all transactions go to the same place. Note that the direction is always from master to slave. Philosophically this made cloud the concept of master and slave. AXI streaming is very close to the MicroBlaze™ processor FSL except that there is no requirement that a processor be involved. AXI4-Streaming Transfer
AXI Additional Features
ID fields for each of the five channels facilitate overlapped transactions Provides for a transaction tag Transaction burst type determines address bus behavior Fixed, increment, or wrap Optional address Lock signals facilitates exclusive and atomic access protection System cache support Protection unit support Error support Unaligned address Burst Options Fixed burst: In a fixed burst, the address remains the same for every transfer in the burst. This burst type is for repeated accesses to the same location such as when loading or emptying a peripheral FIFO. Incrementing burst: In an incrementing burst, the address for each transfer in the burst is an increment of the previous transfer address. The increment value depends on the size of the transfer. For example, the address for each transfer in a burst with a size of four bytes is the previous address plus four. Wrapping burst: A wrapping burst is similar to an incrementing burst, in that the address for each transfer in the burst is an increment of the previous transfer address. However, in a wrapping burst the address wraps around to a lower address when a wrap boundary is reached. The wrap boundary is the size of each transfer in the burst multiplied by the total number of transfers in the burst. Atomic and lock operations: The AXI protocol defines mechanisms for both exclusive and locked accesses. System cache support: The cache-support signal of the AXI protocol enables a master to provide to a system-level cache the bufferable, cacheable, and allocate attributes of a transaction. Protection unit support: To enable both privileged and secure accesses, the AXI protocol provides three levels of protection unit support. Error support: The AXI protocol provides error support for both address decode errors and slave-generated errors. Unaligned address: To enhance the performance of the initial accesses within a burst, the AXI protocol supports unaligned burst start addresses.
Documentation Xilinx AXI Reference Guide, UG761 ARM specifications
AXI Usage in Xilinx FPGAs Introduce key concepts of the AXI protocol Explains what features of AXI Xilinx has adopted ARM specifications AMBA AXI Protocol Version 2.0 AMBA 4 AXI4-Stream Protocol Version 1.0
Summary AXI has separate, independent read and write interfaces implemented with channels Each AXI channel supports a valid/ready acknowledgement handshake AXI supports bursts and overlapped transactions The AXI4 interface offers improvements over AXI3 and defines Full AXI memory mapped AXI Lite AXI Streaming
Where Can I Learn More? Xilinx Education Services courses Embedded Systems Development course EDK tool training How to build custom IP How to build your system software Advanced Features and Techniques of Embedded Systems Design course How to debug your software on your hardware system with ChipScope How to optimize the use of the available memory controllers How to design a Flash memory-based system and boot load from an off-chip memory How to add an interrupt controller into your hardware and software system Embedded Systems Software Development course Software development and debugging with SDK How to profile your software and develop custom device drivers
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