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15th South West Pacific Hydrographic Commission Conference 21 – 22 February Nadi, Fiji Francesca Pradelli Policy and Legal Officer / Pacific Safety of.

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Presentation on theme: "15th South West Pacific Hydrographic Commission Conference 21 – 22 February Nadi, Fiji Francesca Pradelli Policy and Legal Officer / Pacific Safety of."— Presentation transcript:

1 15th South West Pacific Hydrographic Commission Conference 21 – 22 February Nadi, Fiji
Francesca Pradelli Policy and Legal Officer / Pacific Safety of Navigation Project Manager GeoScience, Energy and Maritime (GEM) Division – Pacific Community (SPC)

2 background SPC Economic and Development Division (EDD) and SPC Geoscience Division (GSD) mandates SPC Strategic Plan SPC prioritization process Between , Pacific leaders endorsed and adopted one key regional frameworks for transport; the ‘Framework for Action on Transport Services (FATS) ’. In this document there was a recognition that the provision of safe, reliable, affordable and clean transport services is affected by numerous geographical, socio-economic and technical factors, including population mobility, susceptibility to natural disasters and other effects of climate change, national policies and regulations, and international instruments . The maritime sector is crucial for national development and social cohesion in any modern society, but more so in maritime countries of the Pacific, which depend primarily on the sea for commerce, trade and mobility. EDD in the years has worked in assisting PICTs to have a progressive and well-governed maritime sector that facilitates realization of their development goals, which depends on several imperatives, including: (i) functioning institutions that are adequately resourced and have clearly defined responsibilities; (ii) appropriate policies, legislation and regulations that are enforced; (iii) port infrastructure and shipping that operate efficiently and support wider development objectives; and (iv) safe, secure and energy efficient systems that protect life, cargo and the environment. These issues have been addressed in the regional Framework for Action on Transport Services (FATS) and its implementation plan which have also been guiding the work of EDD over the past years 2) The Pacific Community (SPC) Strategic Plan set out the strategic direction and priorities of the organisation in response to the Framework for Pacific Regionalism, the SAMOA Pathway and the commitments in the Sustainable Development Goals. This focuses SPC efforts to ensure its thematic work areas of greatest relevance and added value to our members and where SPC possesses highly valued scientific and technical expertise and capacity 3) However, SPC is at a critical juncture whereby, to ensure its future viability and relevance, changes are need to ensure a tighter focus on priorities, organisational efficiency and sustainable financing. SPC’s is balancing this with an evolving strategic focus on development effectiveness including improving integrated working to better address the Pacific’s complex development challenges. These changes are currently being facilitated through divisional performance reviews and a prioritisation process. Phase one of the prioritisation process towards the end of 2016 involved testing a prioritisation matrix across all SPC directorates, divisions and programmes to provide analysis of high and low priority work areas to enable a better allocation of resources to work priorities. As part of phase two prioritisation, the merging of EDD and GSD has been identified as an important strategic opportunity to structurally support SPC’s strategic organisational objective of integrated multi-disciplinary working between two areas that already have considerable synergies.

3 NEW Geoscience Energy and Maritime (GEM) Division
(Organisational Competencies) Implementation of Focus Areas Programming, Performance and Systems (Risk) Assessments Data & Information Policy and Governance Training and Capacity Building Crosscutting Activities Sustainable Development of Technical Support for Areas of Scientific Programming Oceans and Maritime Disaster and Community Resilience Geo resources and Energy

4 New Geoscience Energy and Maritime (GEM) Division
Focus Area Definition Oceans and Maritime Driving growth in blue economies through well informed and inclusive action from integrated solutions for ocean and coastal management and maritime transport. Georesources and energy Strengthening the management of earth’s non-living resources through responsible harnessing of mineral resources including metalliferous and development minerals, and clean and renewable energy resources such as solar, wind, and geothermal, for sustainable development. Disaster and Climate Resilience Strengthening resilience and adaptive capacity through better understanding, management and reduction of risk, enabling integrated action on climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, integrated natural resource management, and access to safe and secure water and sanitation. Divisional Programing, Performance and Systems Driving integrated programme excellence and operational support across the division and fully aligned to the broader requirements of SPC.

5 Oceans and Maritime Programme Context
“The future we want” from the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development Rio+20 makes reference to oceans and seas throughout 19 paragraphs (from paragraph 158 to 177). Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and particularly the Goal 14: conserve and sustainably use of the oceans, seas and marine resources. The United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 of the 2030 Agenda from 5-9 June 2017 affirmed a strong commitment to conserve and sustainably use our oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. The document reaffirms the need for implementing international law as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Concept of Blue Economy The Rio +20 Conference endorsed the concept of Green Economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, and the institutional framework for sustainable development. It encouraged each country to consider the implementation of green economy policies while recalling we recognise that each country can choose the appropriate approach to its own circumstances. The Goal 2 of the Framework for Resilient Development in the Pacific (FRDP) makes also reference to the Green Economy concept in the scope of low carbon development in development sectors (such as health, education, water and sanitation, social assistance, energy, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, tourism, mining, culture, environment, transport and infrastructure).The specific concept of Blue Economy is derived from the “Green Economy in a Blue World” idea which is particularly relevant for most of the SIDS having jurisdiction on extensive sea areas that constitute the main source of growth. Using the Green/Blue Economy concept will set out the directions to the programmes to avoid sectoral management and help in a cross-sectoral and integrated approach. Indeed this concept is not sector specific and should highlight some cross-sector synergies and efficiencies that already form part of EDD-GSD programme/project activities.

6 List of GEM Objectives and Results
Pillar 1- Oceans and Maritime Pillar 2 - Georesources and Energy Pillar 3- Disaster and Community Resileince Pillar 4- Programming, Performance and Systems Policy and Governance Outcome: Good Oceans and Maritime Governance Outcome: Effective Geo-resources and Energy Policy and Governance Outcome – Effective DRM, WASH and climate change Governance and coordination Outcome: Strong engagement by members in GEM programmes and closer collaboration between GEM and its partners, which enhances the relevance and effectiveness of SPC’s work. Result 1.1: PICTs laws and policies comply with international maritime instruments Result 1.1: PICTs Adopt and use regional frameworks for geo-resources and energy Result 1.1: DRM, WASH and Climate Change governance and coordination is improved through adopted and implemented policies and plans Result 1.1: Strong leadership, good governance, effective multi‐sectoral coordination and partnerships for GEM Result 1.2: PICTs establish their maritime zones and meet international responsibilities Result 1.2: PICTS develop, adopt and implement National Policies and laws for georesources management and sustainable energy Result 1.2: Response to disaster and climate change is strengthened through strategic resourcing and national mechanisms aligned with FRDP Outcome: GEM's scientific and technical expertise is further enhanced to increase the relevance and effectiveness of its work in supporting achievement of members’ development goals Result 1.3: Strengthened coordination and partnership management to support increased institutionalised governance Result 2.1: GEM operates with a strategic focus adding value to its members through up to date expertise and relevant and effective services

7 List of GEM Objectives and Results
Assessments and Data & Information Outcome: Sustainable Maritime Transport and Safe Navigation Outcome: Quality Technical Assessment and Data & Information in Geo-resources and Energy Outcome – Applied science, technology and applications for improved community resilience to climate change Result 2.2: Operationalise and increase capacity development, knowledge management and innovation Result 2.1: PICTs domestic vessels shipowners adopt and implement safety standards and Safety Management Systems (SMS) Result 2.1: Infrastructure planning and development in PICTs is supported by technical surveys Result 2.1: Tangible actions are implemented for community resilience through demonstration pilots and scaled up initiatives Result 2.3: Enhance data management across all GEM pillars Result 2.2: PICTs have the capacity and systems to deliver safety of navigation services in line with international maritime instruments Result 2.2 PICTs supported with technical assistance for improved energy efficiency and strengthened sustainable energy industry Result 2.2: Infrastructure planning and development in PICTs is supported by disaster, climate and WASH technical assessments Outcome: Enhanced, evidence-based, multi-disciplinary approaches to the design and implementation of programmes addressing national and regional development issues (including the analysis and prioritisation of responses to social, environmental and economic issues). Result 2.3: PICTs improve energy efficiency and lower carbon emissions in maritime transport Result 2.3: PICTs capacity, systems and tools for data collection and analysis, dissemination in georesources and energy is improved and supported by functional secure regional and national data repositories Result 2.3: Strengthened knowledge management systems and research are accessible for regional, national and community planning and resilient development Result 3.1: Institutionalisation of evidence-based, and multi-disciplinary project management procedures and systems which adheres to SPC policy and procedures and utilities a user friendly project management system and which links paper work from admin/ procurement/ finance Outcome: Strengthened Ocean and Coastal Monitoring and Prediction Services Result 3.2: Improved synergies and integrated programming across GEM supported by Programming, Performance and Systems Result 2.4: PICTs have improved ocean services and marine meteorology capacity Outcome: An enhanced divisional performance management system is implemented, which strengthens the alignment between planning, prioritisation, evaluation, learning and communication and improves the effectiveness of SPC’s work with members. Result 2.5: PICTs use ocean and coastal data and assessments to support science-based decision-making Result 4.1: Innovative performance management systems and procedures in place that encourage transparency, critical-thinking, self-assessment, openness to change leading to continual improvement Assessments and Data & Information Outcome: Sustainable Maritime Transport and Safe Navigation Outcome: Quality Technical Assessment and Data & Information in Geo-resources and Energy Outcome – Applied science, technology and applications for improved community resilience to climate change Result 2.2: Operationalise and increase capacity development, knowledge management and innovation Result 2.1: PICTs domestic vessels shipowners adopt and implement safety standards and Safety Management Systems (SMS) Result 2.1: Infrastructure planning and development in PICTs is supported by technical surveys Result 2.1: Tangible actions are implemented for community resilience through demonstration pilots and scaled up initiatives Result 2.3: Enhance data management across all GEM pillars Result 2.2: PICTs have the capacity and systems to deliver safety of navigation services in line with international maritime instruments Result 2.2 PICTs supported with technical assistance for improved energy efficiency and strengthened sustainable energy industry Result 2.2: Infrastructure planning and development in PICTs is supported by disaster, climate and WASH technical assessments Outcome: Enhanced, evidence-based, multi-disciplinary approaches to the design and implementation of programmes addressing national and regional development issues (including the analysis and prioritisation of responses to social, environmental and economic issues). Result 2.3: PICTs improve energy efficiency and lower carbon emissions in maritime transport Result 2.3: PICTs capacity, systems and tools for data collection and analysis, dissemination in georesources and energy is improved and supported by functional secure regional and national data repositories Result 2.3: Strengthened knowledge management systems and research are accessible for regional, national and community planning and resilient development Result 3.1: Institutionalisation of evidence-based, and multi-disciplinary project management procedures and systems which adheres to SPC policy and procedures and utilities a user friendly project management system and which links paper work from admin/ procurement/ finance Outcome: Strengthened Ocean and Coastal Monitoring and Prediction Services Result 3.2: Improved synergies and integrated programming across GEM supported by Programming, Performance and Systems Result 2.4: PICTs have improved ocean services and marine meteorology capacity Outcome: An enhanced divisional performance management system is implemented, which strengthens the alignment between planning, prioritisation, evaluation, learning and communication and improves the effectiveness of SPC’s work with members. Result 2.5: PICTs use ocean and coastal data and assessments to support science-based decision-making Result 4.1: Innovative performance management systems and procedures in place that encourage transparency, critical-thinking, self-assessment, openness to change leading to continual improvement Assessments and Data & Information Outcome: Sustainable Maritime Transport and Safe Navigation Outcome: Quality Technical Assessment and Data & Information in Geo-resources and Energy Outcome – Applied science, technology and applications for improved community resilience to climate change Result 2.2: Operationalise and increase capacity development, knowledge management and innovation Result 2.1: PICTs domestic vessels shipowners adopt and implement safety standards and Safety Management Systems (SMS) Result 2.1: Infrastructure planning and development in PICTs is supported by technical surveys Result 2.1: Tangible actions are implemented for community resilience through demonstration pilots and scaled up initiatives Result 2.3: Enhance data management across all GEM pillars Result 2.2: PICTs have the capacity and systems to deliver safety of navigation services in line with international maritime instruments Result 2.2 PICTs supported with technical assistance for improved energy efficiency and strengthened sustainable energy industry Result 2.2: Infrastructure planning and development in PICTs is supported by disaster, climate and WASH technical assessments Outcome: Enhanced, evidence-based, multi-disciplinary approaches to the design and implementation of programmes addressing national and regional development issues (including the analysis and prioritisation of responses to social, environmental and economic issues). Result 2.3: PICTs improve energy efficiency and lower carbon emissions in maritime transport Result 2.3: PICTs capacity, systems and tools for data collection and analysis, dissemination in georesources and energy is improved and supported by functional secure regional and national data repositories Result 2.3: Strengthened knowledge management systems and research are accessible for regional, national and community planning and resilient development Result 3.1: Institutionalisation of evidence-based, and multi-disciplinary project management procedures and systems which adheres to SPC policy and procedures and utilities a user friendly project management system and which links paper work from admin/ procurement/ finance Outcome: Strengthened Ocean and Coastal Monitoring and Prediction Services Result 3.2: Improved synergies and integrated programming across GEM supported by Programming, Performance and Systems Result 2.4: PICTs have improved ocean services and marine meteorology capacity Outcome: An enhanced divisional performance management system is implemented, which strengthens the alignment between planning, prioritisation, evaluation, learning and communication and improves the effectiveness of SPC’s work with members. Result 2.5: PICTs use ocean and coastal data and assessments to support science-based decision-making Result 4.1: Innovative performance management systems and procedures in place that encourage transparency, critical-thinking, self-assessment, openness to change leading to continual improvement List of GEM Objectives and Results

8 Training and Capacity Building
Ouctome: Improved Ocean and Maritime Literacy and Capacity Outcome: Capacity Development in Geo-resources Management and Sustainable Energy Outcome – improved capacity in response to disaster and climate change Result 4.2: GEM Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning processes and culture is embedded and effective Result 3.1: Expertise, skills and knowledge is improved for professionals in the maritime and ocean-related sectors Result 3.2: Women and youth have increased awareness and participation in the maritime and ocean-related sectors Result 3.1: Skills, knowledge and practice is improved for PICT personnel responsible for energy and georesources Result 3.1: Skills, practices and certification are improved in PICTs communities and governments for disaster, climate resilience and maintenance of ecosystem services Result 4.3: Sustainable GEM Resource mobilisations to support all GEM pillars Result 3.2: Women and youth have increased awareness and participation in the energy and georesources sectors Result 3.2: Women and Youth have increased awareness and participation in all initiatives related to DRM, climate change, WASH and ecosystem services Result 4.4 Enhanced and resourced GEM visibility communication and brand Outcome: An efficient Divisional culture championed by motivated and committed staff. Enhanced Divisional support services and improved financial and risk management that underpin efficient service delivery and organisational sustainability Result 5.1: Productive organisational culture that promotes staff wellness and ensures operational efficiency and sustainability Result 5.2 Staff development plans which are resourced (time and finances) and supported by manager and include staff empowering training Result 5.3 Effective balance of support services that are resourced between the centralised GEM units and decentralised programme/project units

9 (Risk) Assessments and Data & Information
Policy and Governance Training and Capacity Building Oceans and Maritime Programme (Areas of intervention and main Activities) Improved Ocean and Maritime Capacity Development and Scientific Research Sustainable Maritime Transport and Safe Navigation Strengthened Coastal and Ocean Prediction and Monitoring Services Good Ocean and Maritime governance Regional maritime boundaries and protected marine areas establishment Science-based ocean and coastal policy and governance support and advice Regional coordination and support to national coordination of the maritime sector Partnership Desk support for the Pacific Geospatial and Surveying Council (PGSC) Assistance for maritime policy, legal and institutional frameworks development under UNCLOS Preparation and assistance towards the International Maritime Organization (IMO) audits under IMSAS Technical support through systems development, audits and reviews in maritime administrations, ports and maritime training institutes Domestic ship safety Sustainable maritime transport through pilot-projects Technical support at national and regional level to the Central Pacific Shipping Commission (CPSC) Safe navigation through technical, legal and economic assessment, risk assessment including Maritime Search and Rescue, AtoN and Hydrographic services Marine, coastal science & survey – Protected marine areas management Coastal resilience building Science-based hazard and risk assessment particularly in shoreline and coastal zones Marine spatial planning Pacific sea level monitoring Marine and ocean forecasting services – Pacific Ocean Portal (POP) & tide calendars Support to maritime training institutes to align with international and national obligations Niche trainings (include marine pilots, port safety & security, maritime law, etc.) where no capacity in-country Gender equality through Women in Maritime network support Maritime energy Training and capacity building on the POP, oceanography and ocean science Ocean information and knowledge products and decision making tools and communicating science for public understanding and application Marine scientific research and technology transfer Programme Focal Point contributes to Pacific Community Centre for Ocean Science (PCCOS) for coordination and synergies with other SPCs Divisions and Programmes in Oceans Science, Governance and Management Regional Frameworks / Strategies SDG 14.c SDG 14.a SDG 14.5 SDG 5.5 Lead on: Framework for Action on Transport Services (FATS) Regional Strategy on Safety of Navigation (SoN Strategy) Pacific Geospatial Surveying Council Strategy (PGSC Strategy) Contribute to: Framework for a Pacific Oceanscape (FPO) Framework for Resilient Development in the Pacific (FRDP) – Goal 2 Pacific Islands Meteorological Strategy (PIMS) SDG 14.c


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