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Presentation on theme: "WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN....??"— Presentation transcript:


2 Air Filters & Air Purifiers
Reduce indoor pollution such as dust, mold, bacteria, and other pollutants. Used in furnaces and intake areas to remove dust or air impurities

3 Carbon Monoxide & Radon
Radioactive gas that occurs naturally in soil and rock Seeps into home through cracks in foundation Poisonous gas produced by portable generators, cars, lawn mowers.

4 Carbon Monoxide Detector and Smoke Detector
Sounds and alarm when CO is detected Sounds an alarm when smoke is detected due to fire

5 Humidifier & Dehumidifier
Adds moisture into air of home Removes excess moisture from the air that can cause mildew, molds, and musty odors

6 Spring Lock & Deadbolts
On interior doors Unlock easily Unlocks by turning a knob or key Cannot be opened with a credit card or screwdriver.

7 Touch Pad & Biometrics Locks that open through identification of an individual by a unique physical characteristic such as a fingerprint, iris, or voice. Used to enter a specific code to open a door or garage, or activate an alarm system If alarm is activated, company monitoring the system will contact police/fire.

8 Limited Warranty & Full Warranty
Repairs are made in specific cases or replaced under certain conditions All repairs or defects are fully fixed or repaired at no expense to the consumer

9 Motion Sensors & Timers
Lights that are set to come on when there is motion within a set number of feet. Automatically turn lights on and off to give the appearance someone is home.

10 Orientation & Topography
Orientation is positioning a building to take advantage of the topography Topography is the way the land lays

11 Energy Star and Energy Guide
Rating given to homes and products that are designed to conserve energy Guide that states how much it will cost to operate an appliance

12 What is UL and what do they do?
Underwriters Laboratories Independent company that tests and certifies products UL Seal found on an item shows the item meets safety standards when used properly.

13 Objective 8.01, 8.02, 8.03: Home Management


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