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JPL Autonomous Space Mission Simulation

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Presentation on theme: "JPL Autonomous Space Mission Simulation"— Presentation transcript:

1 JPL Autonomous Space Mission Simulation
Status Report 1 Ground / Mission Control Abraham Hart Gary Kahler Filip Mladenovic Steven Palmer

2 The Project Simulate a space mission with flight and ground groups
Earth-orbiting spacecraft Takes pictures of areas of interest

3 Mission Control Responsibilities
Provide GUI Accept high level commands Communications with spacecraft Store mission data Monitor health of spacecraft

4 Accomplished Previously
Schedule Software Management plan

5 Systems Requirement Doc
The projects shall simulate communications between the flight and ground systems using tcp/ip communication. The project shall use the IEEE  standard The project shall use CCSDS for Communication The project shall use VML2?? The project shall simulate a sun synchronous orbit. The project shall allow data to be gathered automatically. The project shall allow for customization of data to be gathered. The project shall have modular and modifiable code. The project shall monitor fuel, position and status of the spacecraft.

6 Systems Requirement cont.
The ground system shall implement an interface to modify, store, and display data.  The ground system shall implement an interface to send commands to the space craft.  The ground system shall be able to send a specific request for a TIFF or BMP image file to the space craft. The ground system will accept high-level mission planning information and produce spacecraft commands and sequences to be transmitted to the spacecraft simulator. The ground system will receive resulting spacecraft data and process and store it in an appropriate manner.  The ground system will track telemetry and health/status data. The ground system shall continuously monitor the spacecraft for anomalous conditions.

7 Users Guide Main Display Build Commands Send Commands
Display Specific Data Download Data

8 Integrated Architectural Description
Overall architecture description Defined and divided into functional modules

9 On Schedule?

10 Things to Accomplish Get back on schedule Finish UML Documents
Begin Software Development

11 Thank you for your time

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