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DO NOW Turn in poster/brochure on front desk. Is your name on it??

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW Turn in poster/brochure on front desk. Is your name on it??"— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW Turn in poster/brochure on front desk. Is your name on it??
Pick up a set of colored cards. Turn in your signed syllabus and signed safety contract if you have not already.

2 LOOKING BACK…. What are the procedures for a(n): Fire Drill?
Accident in the Lab?

3 Science as a Process How does science work?

4 SCIENCE AS A PROCESS Step 1: Ask a question
Step 2: Do background research Step 3: Construct a hypothesis Step 4: Test your hypothesis - do an experiment Step 5: Analyze the data and draw a conclusion Step 6: Share your results

5 STARTING THE PROCESS Start with a Research Question
From Observation Phenomena in nature Something you are curious about Research – Learn about it What is known? Unknown? Is it relevant or important? Hypothesis- what is expected to happen based on what is known; and educated guess Must be testable and falsifiable

6 Research Question, Hypothesis & Variables must be ALIGNED!
METHODS Independent variable – the one factor in the experiment you are changing/investigating Dependent variable – what you are measuring Control for all other variables Needs to be replicable KEY CONCEPT: Research Question, Hypothesis & Variables must be ALIGNED!

7 RESULTS Data should be quantifiable and measurable (numbers).
Includes qualitative descriptions (observations) Present the data in graphs and charts

8 CONCLUSIONS Put the data into context What does it mean?
How does it add to existing knowledge base? What were the limitations? What are the implications?

Introduction Page 1: Title Names Materials Methods Page 2: Safety Procedures Definitions Results Page 3: Data Tables, Charts & Graphs Calculations Conclusions Page 4: Discussion You will not always have to do all parts – sometimes they will be given to you.

10 TO BECOME SCIENCE… Data must be peer reviewed.
Conclusions must be critiqued. Methods are repeatable. Results becomes part of larger pool of evidence to explain phenomena.

11 What are two possible outcomes of the experimental process?
What kinds of information does a scientist collect during the experimental process? What does the scientist do with the information gathered during the experimental process?

12 Review….. Tina is conducting an experiment to see how shrimp are affected by oil spills. She puts different amounts of oil in different containers of brine shrimp in sea water. The independent variable is: A: The amount of shrimp B: The amount of oil C: The amount of water D: The size of the container

13 Identify elements of Scientific Method in Mythbusters Segment.
METHOD AND MADNESS Identify elements of Scientific Method in Mythbusters Segment.

14 METHOD AND MADNESS We will be moving to the computer lab where you will watch a Mythbusters on “Running in the Rain. Partner up with someone who is going to help you stay focused! Go to Scroll down to today’s date and look for the Mythbuster’s video link. Watch the video all the way through. Now watch is a second time as you go through the Scientific Process Evaluation form. You can stop and restart the video as many times as you need to.

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