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Presentation on theme: "MED EFFECTS CHRONIC DISEASE TERMS TO KNOW THIS & THAT? THE BODY 100"— Presentation transcript:

1 MED EFFECTS CHRONIC DISEASE TERMS TO KNOW THIS & THAT? THE BODY 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 Helps to prevent blood from clotting as fast as normal

3 What happens when an anticoagulant medication is used?

4 Must have intake balanced with exercise, complications are more likely to happen if they are sick, must report if they miss a meal

5 What are some possible complicatons when caring for a diabetic?

6 Right drug, right amount, right location, right time, right person

7 What are the 5 rights of medication use?

8 Helps to thin secretions

9 Why is it good to offer adequate fluids to a person with a lung infection?

10 Excessive amounts of fluid in the blood stream that may cause swelling in the body

11 What is fluid overload?

12 Lower than normal amounts of insulin in the body

13 What is hypoglycemia?

14 Pace activities, position upright, monitor for skin problems, know how to use equipment

15 What should you know when caring for a person with COPD??

16 Pain common in the morning, promote activity and independence, report uncontrolled pain, know how to use assistive devices

17 What should you know about caring for a person with osteoarthritis?

18 Fluid overload can signal problems with complications and medication dosing

19 Why is obtaining accurate weights important when caring for a person with CHF?

20 The sensation caused by healing of nerves after a part of the body is removed

21 What is phantom pain?

22 Secretions coughed up from the lungs during an infection

23 What is sputum?

24 An opening for stool made after the entire large intestine has been surgically removed?

25 What is an ileostomy?

26 Swelling that develops from an overload of fluids in the body

27 What is edema?

28 The body systems working together and staying balanced

29 What is homeostasis?

30 Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are both part of this disorder

31 What is COPD?

32 Occurs when blocked vessels prevent blood from reaching the heart

33 What is an MI or myocardial infarction?

34 Used to help with itching, rashes, and fever

35 Why would a person receive a medicated bath?

36 Dizziness, orthostatic hypotension, sun sensitivity, swelling in the feet

37 What are possible side effects of using blood pressure medication?

38 Persons with chronic illness are prone to complications from communicable illness

39 Why is it important for residents and staff to have a yearly flu shot?

40 Problems saying words and understanding the meaning of what is said, swallowing problems, paralysis

41 What are common effects of a stroke?

42 Movement, heat production, blood cell production, calcium storage

43 What is the function of the musculoskeletal system?

44 Barrier to infection, allows us to sense our environment and maintain fluid balance

45 What is the function of the integumentary system?

46 Lung tissue loses ability to expand and bounce back, diaphragm and muscles get weaker

47 What are age related changes of the respiratory system?

48 Cyanosis, swelling, pain, numbness and tingling, cold fingers or toes.

49 What are possible problems for a person who has a cast?

50 Decrease in dopamine production causing progressive loss of function

51 What happens with Parkinson’s disease?


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