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UNIT 1 Syllabus and Expectations and Lab Safety

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 1 Syllabus and Expectations and Lab Safety"— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 1 Syllabus and Expectations and Lab Safety
Scientific Measurement, Accuracy, Precision Scientific Notation and Sig Figs Calculations and Conversions

2 Syllabus & Expectations
Syllabus [update with actual weebly link once I publish it] WHAT: To understand chemistry To achieve the Learning standards To provide a foundation for college and career WHY: We all achieve better living through chemistry. HOW: Our Execution plan Teamwork Expectations of one another Classroom climate Team Interactions Rewards and consequences

3 Contact Information Tel xxxx Office Hours: T•Th 3:45-4:30, M•W by appointment only, please. OUR MISSION ProgarChem is a place where teacher and students treat one another as we wish to be treated. As a team, we only achieve the goal if each person pulls their own weight.

4 Policies A policy is a plan that guides our actions.
To do things effectively, we have to adhere to some common sense policies: Governments invoke laws to help maintain peaceful communities. Companies have by-laws in order to facilitate productive work environments. So, to be successful in learning, you need to follow some basic classroom rules! I call them my class policies. There are only a handful of basic classroom policies. Following these policies will help keep our class environment peaceful and productive. If you choose not to adhere to the policies, there will be logical consequences.

5 Entering and Exiting Make sure you have all necessary materials for the class: notebook, pen/pencil, book (when needed), calculator. Enter the classroom quietly and go to your seat. Begin your bell work found on the web site as well as on the upper left corner of the board. If you finish early, you may do the extra credit problem. If you need to leave the classroom to go to the rest room – raise your hand, take the pass, knock when you return Dismissal Clean your work area and take all garbage to the trash can. Wait in your seat for the teacher to dismiss you. Leave quietly, ONLY after you have been dismissed by your instructor.

6 Agenda: A Typical Class
5 min Get Seated, Turn in Homework 5 min Bell Work 20 min First Learning Segment 5 min Socrative Quiz 20 min Second Learning Segment 15 min Practice and today’s concepts in review Last 15 min – If needed, Review Segment 1 or 2 or HOMEWORK IN SCHOOL!!!

7 During Class Listen to the teacher or speaker with full attention.
No pencil sharpening, talking, moving about the classroom. Ask permission to speak by raising your hand and waiting quietly to be called on. After instruction, make sure you understand the concept. If not, ask questions by mentioning which part you didn’t understand. I will provide instruction in 20 min segments after which we will complete a 2-3 question assessment on to ensure understanding When someone enters the classroom continue working quietly and follow all classroom rules and procedures.

8 While You Are Working Make sure you read or listen to the directions about your work and understand the directions. If you didn’t understand, quietly ask for help from other students sitting around you. If you are asked to help, be polite and help. Talking to each other should be no louder than a whisper. Respect each other. Use your time wisely. Put forth your best effort to finish your work on time. When you are finished: Check your work and the directions one more time to see if you missed anything or did something incorrectly. If the assignment is to be turned in, do so. Don’t forget name. If appropriate, read quietly in your seat or obtain and do the daily extra credit problem card.

9 Homework Homework is important to help solidify complex chemistry concepts. You will have homework each day except for Fridays Homework may take the form of practice problems, pre-lab or lab report, a project or studying for quizzes and tests If you are absent, you need to complete the work you missed and the assigned homework When you return to school following an absence, YOU MUST TURN IN A READMIT PASS to me. Failure to provide a pass within 3 school days for an absence will result in a maximum grade of 61 for all made up assignments. If the missing assignments are not made up within 5 schools days, then you will receive a 0 for the assignments. If you are absent for a quiz or test, you are expected to take the test/quiz on the day you return to class. Be prepared.

10 When the Teacher Raises Her Hand
Stop whatever you are doing at that moment. Face the teacher and wait silently. Quietly, notify any classmates who haven’t noticed that the teacher has raised her hand. No talking or whispering. All of your attention should be given to the teacher. This may indicate there is an emergency – so please do not disregard this policy.

11 When you Are Absent Go to the class website or ask your classmates what we did. If you have questions about assignments, check with the teacher at an appropriate time. Do the work at home and turn it in. When you return to school following an absence, YOU MUST TURN IN A READMIT PASS to me. Failure to provide a pass within 3 school days for an absence will result in a maximum grade of 61 for all made up assignments. If the missing assignments are not made up within 5 schools days, then you will receive a 0 for the assignments. If you are absent for a quiz or test, you are expected to take the test/quiz on the day you return to class. Be prepared.

12 When You Have an Excused Tardy
Report to attendance office to get tardy slip. Enter the classroom quietly and go to your seat. You will not be excused from any work you missed. Quietly, get the assignment and do the work at home.

13 When There is a Substitute
We treat guests in our room as courteously or better than we treat Ms. Progar. Sit in your assigned seat ONLY. Maintain proper voice levels. Remain on task. Be helpful and courteous. Subs will report behaviors (good & bad) and proper consequences will be applied. THIS SECTION IS OVER!!!!!!!!!

14 What is Chemistry? Chemistry is the study of matter and energy and the interaction between them. There are many reasons to study chemistry, even if you aren't pursuing a career in science. Chemistry is everywhere in the world around you! It's in the food you eat, clothes you wear, water you drink, medicines, air, cleaners... you name it. Chemistry sometimes is called the "central science" because it connects other sciences such as biology, physics, geology and environmental science.

15 Why Study It? Chemistry helps you to understand the world around you. Why do leaves change color in the fall? What is in soap and how does it clean? A basic understanding of chemistry helps you to read and understand product labels.  Chemistry can help you make informed decisions. Will a product work as advertised or is it a scam? Chemistry is at the heart of cooking. If you understand the reactions involved in making baked goods rise or thickening sauces, you'll be a better cook.  A command of chemistry can help keep you safe! You'll know which household are dangerous to keep together or mix and which can be used safely.  Do you know what happens when you mix bleach and ammonia? [THIS IS EXTRA CREDIT QUESTION #1 – SUBMIT ANSWERS WITH HOMEWORK] Because it is a science, learning chemistry means learning how to be objective and how to reason and solve problems.  Helps you to understand current events, including news about petroleum, product recalls, pollution, the environment and technological advances.  Makes life's little mysteries a little less.... mysterious. Chemistry explains how things work.  Chemistry opens up career options. There are many chemistry careers, but if you're looking for a job in another field, the analytical skills you gain in chemistry are will help you.

16 Lab Notebook & Lab Safety

17 Goals [We will take a safety and syllabus quiz on Wed] I am able to:
Understand the importance of laboratory documentation Describe how to behave safely in lab. Select the correct measurement tool in the lab . Record laboratory measurement using the correct number of significant digits, utilizing accuracy and precision. [We will take a safety and syllabus quiz on Wed]

18 Laboratory Documentation
Get one of these Laboratory notebook

19 Safety Safety Videos: Mr Bean The American Chemical Society Secondary School Lab Safety /publications/acs-secondary-safety-guidelines.pdf?logActivity=true Review this one in class Crash Course Chemistry An AMAZING music video for you (courtesy of Ms. Kovach):

20 RAMP - ACS R Recognize the hazards A Assess the risks of the hazards M Minimize the risks of the hazards P Prepare for emergencies from uncontrolled hazards

21 About the lab… Hazard v Risk – Risk Assessment Types of hazards
Lab language - how we inform you about hazards Labels, MSDS, GHS, NEPA Diamond Some potential exposures: How to prevent impact of a hazard Know the Policies Read Labels and MSDS PPE Proper Housekeeping and Disposal Exposure Prevention Remediation Ingestion No food/drink in lab Hands away from face Poison Control Hospital Eye Safety Glasses On Always Eye Wash Station Skin Appropriate Clothing/Shoes Safety Shower Burns Understand Flash Points and Reactivity Appropriate Bunson Burner Use Fire Extinguisher Trip to the Hospital Explosion Proper Handling of Gas Cylinders This is not a fully comprehensive list – go to slide 19 and click on the link for the ACS Secondary School Lab safety

22 Hazard and Risk Risk Assessment = Hazard (source) x Risk (prob)
Explosive Flammable Corrosive Oxidizer Compressed Gas Toxic Substance Irritant Health Hazard Environmental Hazard

23 National Fire Protection Association Hazard Identification System

24 NOT in ProgarChem Lab Cell Phones
NO CELL PHONES IN LAB Having anything other than your notebook & unit packet out. Completing work for other classes.

25 Laboratory Documentation
Laboratory Notebok It’s a record of your discovery It’s a legally subpoena able document Lab Notebook Guidelines

26 bSocrative You will now take the quizlet entitled LABORATORY SAFETY

27 Homework &Reminders BRING A CALCULATOR TO CLASS Today’s Homework:

28 Learning Inventory Learning inventory sheet (paper)

29 What is Chemistry?

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