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GMOs Genetically Modified Organisms

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1 GMOs Genetically Modified Organisms
4.4.9 State two examples of the current uses of genetically modified crops or animals. Discuss the potential benefits and possible harmful effects of one example of genetic modification

2 Task Brief: In group of 2 or 3, produce factsheets (or a powerpoint presentation) on your GMOs of choice (1 per person in the group - to present to class in the next lesson).  Stating in the whose work is attached, your work to Ms O’Connor before the end of the day on Tuesday. Task Details: Watch the videos below to give you an idea of what GMOs are: Choose 1 GMO for each person in the group: Salt tolerance in Tomato Plants B-Carotene in Rice (Golden Rice) Herbicide Resistance in Crops Factor IX (Human Blood Clotting Factor) in Sheep’s Milk To include in Factsheet: What it is? How is it used? Method of creating GMO? Advantages/Disadvantages? Other interesting points

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