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Presentation on theme: "., .\ I I '- .... I \.\..· / -, I '' I I .. , - ." , .. t ..-.0: ,, ,. · / ' , ' .\ '' ·.',., ,."— Presentation transcript:

1 ., .\ I I '- .... I \.\..· / -, I '' I I .. , - ." , .. t : ,, ,. / ' , ' .\ '' ·.',., ,.

2 My goal is to serve nothing short of perfection in every dish I serve.
President and Chef My career in the food industry started early. I worked my way up the ladder and landed a job under Craig Richards in downtown Pittsburgh. I learned many of my skills by traveling and working at other restaurants around the country, and training with some of today’s top chefs. Further advancing my career, I became a chef at il Pizzaiolo, working alongside restauranteur Ron Molinaro. By combining my love of a healthy, cleaner life style and a taste for distinctive, well prepared food, I decided to open a restaurant. In July 2010, I opened my first restaurant Burgh’ers in the hopes of providing my customers with a natural, local, sustainable version of America’s favorite foods, while also educating them on benefits of buying local and natural. My passion and hard work spread to the local community and Burgh’ers became a hit, being awarded Best Burger in the Pittsburgh area by WPXI, Best Burger in Cranberry area by Cranberry Patch, as well as two terrific reviews in the Post Gazette by China Millman and “Munch”. My goal is to serve nothing short of perfection in every dish I serve.


4 Farm to table top to bottom.
Everything on your plate is local sustainable and or organic We take pride in sourcing the healthiest locally formed food possible. Beef and pork products come from Jubilee Hilltop farm Chicken, produce and potatoes are sourced from local farmers through Paragon Cheese and some produce comes from Fellowship Foods and Paragon Tomatoes come from Yarnick's along with basil. Kretschmann Farms supplies the rosemary that made our Rosemary fries incredibly popular. Our breads come from Breadworks. Burgh’ers is happy to say that all of our eggs are really free range and raised at my very own chicken farm. Our chickens are raised on non GMO organically grown feed & All organic food waist from our restaurants go back to the chickens. Proud member of PASA and supporter of Buy Fresh Buy Local WINNER OF BEST BURGER IN THE BURGH AND THE BUTTER BURGER PROJECT


6 We are a Gold certified member of Sustainable Pittsburgh and will build lawrenceville’s to a higher standard using as much reclaimed materials as possible. Low-energy lighting, low flow faucets Energy Star certified equipment in environmentally responsible building products and practices.

7 our main focus is our burgers but we also pay very close attention to the things we think compliment burgers very well like our BLT, pickle brine fried chicken, everything bagel dog, locally made pierogies, mac & cheese and of course french fries

8 about 75 seats 10 being at the bar
Will pursue a full liquor license focusing on Pittsburgh breweries and local distillers. However we are a restaurant first the bar is a compliment to the food. We will have about 20 to 35 local employees. Hours of operation are Monday - Thursday 11-9 Friday-Saturday & Sunday 11-8 about 75 seats 10 being at the bar We receive delivers 4 days a week after between 8am - noon Trash is contained inside the building on the lower level it is accessed through a trash chute. hoods are vented up to the roof The restaurant space is 3,020 sf, of which 1,794 sf is the dining/bar area leaving the balance of 1,229 sf used by the kitchen, toilets, corridor, janitor closet.


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