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Mobile Services that Empower Vulnerable Communities.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Services that Empower Vulnerable Communities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Services that Empower Vulnerable Communities

2 Utilizing Technology to Improve Emergency Response Field based learning on ICT4D in Pakistan Mobile Services that Empower Vulnerable Communities Cicely Clarke Asfand Yar Head of Office IT Manager March 20, 2013 ICT4D Conference Accra, Ghana

3 Project Background Regular occurrence of disasters in Pakistan Large scale responses Rapid collection of accurate high quality, reliable data Rapid analysis of data to inform decision making and response Pilot of ICT4D technology Roll out for emergency and development programming Context Issue Solution

4 ICT4D Solution Pilot July 2012 – Pilot for ICT4D technology. iPod Touch and Samsung Galaxy Tablet Experienced M+E and IT staff Extensive staff training to the users Support Needs Questions Asked User friendly? How quickly can forms be completed? Community response? Which device is most appropriate? What is the impact on the quality of data?

5 Key Successes Accurate data collection Minimization of errors in data entry Real time data access Strong coordination between M+E and IT team Acceptance of devices Training of staff in ICT Translation into local non-Latin language and alphabet (Sindhi) Roll out in emergency

6 Key Issues / Challenges Not suitable for qualitative data collection Challenge to manage longer surveys and multiple databases iFormBuilder is not good platform for data analysis, only data collection Hardware preference: iPod Touch

7 Lessons Learnt Solution provides a rapid response to needs Time is required to understand the technology Trained staff – M+E, IT, program Decision making on the use of ICT4D: Primarily quantitative data Larger scale Staff trained in use of ICT4D ICT4D Primarily qualitative data Small scale survey No staff trained in use of ICT4D Paper Tool

8 . and iPods are an effective technology to reduce time and errors in quantitative data collection and management The solution enables a rapid response to community needs The technology is applicable for both emergency and development programming Requires team work - M&E, IT, and programming staff Still further potential for optimal use of iFormBuilder Summary and Close

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