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Kingdom Protista AP Biology – Ch. 28.

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1 Kingdom Protista AP Biology – Ch. 28

2 Introduction to the Protists
Earliest Eukaryotes Arose about 1 billion years before the first true plants, animals or fungi Earliest protist fossils are around 2.1 billion years old The first billion years of eukaryote evolution appears to have produced several very divergent lineages For Example: some are animal-like, some plant-like and some fungus-like…

The ONLY thing that ALL protists share in common is that they are ALL EUKARYOTES Protists are considered to be the simplest eukaryotic organisms, HOWEVER… At the cellular level, many protists are extremely complex Otherwise, diversity is the “rule” Cellularity: most are unicellular, but some are colonial and some are multicellular Animal-like, plant-like, fungus-like characteristics 60,000 different species!

4 dinoflagellates & ciliates
Great Diversity dinoflagellates & ciliates brown algae & diatoms euglenoids red algae green algae miscellaneous?

5 3 Groupings of Protists Keep in mind that these groupings have NO taxonomic significance… This means that these groupings do not imply true evolutionary relationships, but are just a convenient way to talk about members of this incredibly diverse and poorly organized kingdom

6 3 Groupings of Protists Animal-like Protists The Protozoans
Called animal-like because they ingest food (like animals) Includes members like amoeba, paramecium, etc.

7 3 Groupings of Protists Fungus-like Protists
These are organisms that obtain nutrition from “absortption” of nutrients from the environment…like fungi do. Includes members like slime molds

8 3 Groupings of Protists Plant-like Protists
Also called photosynthetic protists or ALGAE Includes organisms like Volvox and Kelp. All algae share the photosynthetic pigment chlorphyll a in common. Differ in their accessory pigments

9 Movement in Protists Most protists (though NOT all) are motile
Most protists have either cilia or flagella at some point in their life cycle Remember that eukaryotic and prokaryotic flagella are NOT homologous Euk. – extensions of cytoplasm; bundles of microtubules (9+2) covered by cell membrane Prok. – “crank” mechanism attached to cell surface

10 Reproduction in Protists
Reproduction is highly varied among protists Mitosis does occur in most protists Protists may be asexual or sexual reproducers Protists may produce cysts Resistant cells that can survive harsh conditions Something like a bacterial endospore

11 Where Protists are Found
Anywhere there is water. Maybe just moisture…

12 Some Important Protist Groups
Plankton Communities of organisms that drift passively or swim weakly at the water’s surface Basis of marine and freshwater food chains is phytoplankton Phytoplankton account for ½ of all photosynthesis Free living protists Symbiotic protists Implies mutualistic or beneficial relationships Parasitic protists Host is harmed

13 Origin of Eukaryotic Cells from Prokaryotes
Many structures are unique to eukaryotic cells Membrane enclosed nucleus Mitochondria Chloroplasts ER Cytoskeleton 9+2 flagella Multiple linear chromosomes Two processes are thought to have led to the origin of these structures in eukaryotes….

14 Origin of Eukaryotic Cells from Prokaryotes – 2 processes
Endomembrane System (ER) may have evolved from infoldings of the prokaryotic cell membrane Endosymbiosis Mitochondria and chloroplasts were once small prokaryotes Became involved in a symbiotic relationship with larger cells

15 Origin of Eukaryotic Cells from Prokaryotes – Endosymbiosis
Ancestors of mitochondria – Aerobic heterotrophic prokaryotes Ancestors of chloroplasts – photosynthetic prokaryotes (probably cyanobacteria) May have entered larger cell as undigested prey or as internal parasites Provided host with nourishment Such endosymbiotic relationships are observed today

16 Origin of Eukaryotic Cells from Prokaryotes – Additional Evidence Supporting the Endosymbiotic Hypothesis Chloroplasts and mitochondria are both the appropriate size to be descendents of bacteria Inner membranes of chloroplasts and mitochondria have enzymes and transport systems similar to modern prokaryotes Mitochondria and chloroplasts replicate by a process similar to binary fission Both contain a circular DNA molecule that is not associated with histone proteins Ribosomes in both are more like prokaryotes than eukaryotes

17 Origin of Eukaryotic Cells

18 Kingdom Protista is BAD Taxonomy/Systematics
Kingdom Protista has been a “dumping ground” for organisms that did not fit nicely into any of the other eukaryotic kingdom Kingdom Protista is Paraphyletic = made up of organism groups that do NOT share a common ancestor Kingdom Protista is now considered obsolete Scientists are working on sorting out the members of Protista into 5 new “candidate kingdoms” that are all monophyletic Remember: monophyletic – all members come from one common ancestor

19 Problems with Protist Classification
Too Diverse! doesn’t reflect any evolutionary relationship amongst all kingdom members paraphyletic Euglenozoa Animals (includes land plants) Streptophyta Choanoflagellida Fungi Chlorophyta Rhodophyta Stramenopila Alveolata Archaea Bacteria Something’s not right here!

20 New Protist Classification (from 6th ed.)
1 Kingdom Split into 8 Kingdoms?

21 “Candidate Kingdom Archaezoa”
Uniting characteristic of these members: All lack mitochondria Called archaezoa to emphasize their ancient ancestry The lineages of these protists go back to before the endosymbiotic creation of mitochondria

22 Candidate Kingdom Euglenozoa
Common characteristic of all Euglenozoans is flagella Most members are autotrophic, but may also be heterotrophic (by absorption or ingestion) Euglenoids and Kinetoplastids Famous parasite in this group: Trypanosoma Causes African Sleeping Sickness Two hosts required: TseTse Fly and Human

23 Euglena Click HERE to see Euglena Movies

24 Trypanosome Click HERE for more on Trypanosomes

25 Candidate Kingdom Alveolata
Common characteristic: all possess small membrane bound cavities (alveoli) under their cell surfaces Contains 3 large groups Dinoflagellates Photosynthetic flagellates Apicomplexans parasites Ciliates All members move by means of cilia

26 Dinoflagellates Found in phytoplankton at ocean’s surface
Responsible for Red Tides Toxins produced by dinoflagellates cause massive fish kills and may harm humans also Pfiesteria Characteristics Cellulose cell plates – “armor” 2 flagella perpendicular to each other Results in spinning motion

27 Dinoflagellates

28 Apicomplexans ALL parasites Used to be called sporozoans Famous member
Plasmodium Causes malaria 2 hosts required Mosquito Human Liver and blood cells


30 Ciliates All have cilia Most live as solitary cells in fresh water
2 nuclei Micronucleus Required for sexual process Not involved in maintenance, growth or other routine functions Macronucleus Controls everyday functioning of the cell


32 Reproduction in ciliates
Mostly binary fission Macronucleus splits (NO mitosis) Sometimes conjugation Micronucleus is exchanged between individuals No REPRODUCTION – no “babies - just exchange of genes Meiosis and syngamy (fusion of genetic material) do occur in the micronucleus

33 Conjugation

34 Protists that Use Pseudopods Classification not certain according to your text
Amoebas etc. are in this group that does not have a “candidate kingdom” yet. Pay attention to feeding and locomotor mechanisms

35 Pseudopods Extensions of cytoplasm Used for movement and feeding
Organisms that use pseudopods are generally heterotrophs. They eat: Bacteria Other protists Detritus (decaying matter) May also be PARASITES

36 Groups of Protists with Psueudopods
Rhizopods The amoeba Actinopods “ray foot” – possess rays or extensions Foraminiferans Calcium carbonate shells

37 The Rhizopods Amoeba ALL unicellular Can move directionally (taxis)
Reproduce asexually only Both freshwater and marine habitats Some can be parasitic – amoebic dysentery spread by contaminated food, water, etc. Click HERE to see an amoeba movie


39 The Actinopods “ray foot” - Named for the slender pseupodia that radiate from them (axipodia) Internal skeleton Plankton Microorganisms stick to the axipodia and are phagocytized.

40 The Actinopods Includes the heliozoans Includes the radiolarians
Freshwater Silica (glassy) or chitin skeletons Includes the radiolarians Mostly marine Silica skeletons At death, skeletons of actinopods sink to the seafloor where the accumulate into “ooze” that is hundreds of meters thick in places.

41 Foraminiferans All marine Named for porous shells
Made of calcium carbonate Strands of cytoplasm extend through pores in shell

42 Candidate Kingdom Myceteozoa (actually a newly added 6th candidate kingdom)
The Slime Molds Plasmodial Slime Molds Cellular Slime Molds Basic Characteristics Resemble fungi Appearances ONLY due to CONVERGENT evolution – NOT homologies Closest relatives of the slime molds are probably the amoebas

43 Plasmodial Slime Molds
Brightly pigmented Orange and yellow Heterotrophic Two body forms One for obtaining food The other for reproductioin

44 Plasmodial Slime Molds
Plasmodium – the amoeboid mass that acts as the feeding stage of the slime mold Can get several cm large Actually unicellular! Cytoplasmic streaming helps distribute nutrients and oxygen throughout the slime mold. Engulfs food via phagocytosis

45 Plasmodial Slime Molds
If food source is gone or conditions become poor for the plasmodium… It ceases growth Differentiates into a stage that functions in sexual reproduction

46 Cellular Slime Molds Feeding stage composed of solitary cells that function individually When food is depleted, the cells for an aggregate the functions as a unit. The cells always maintain their individual identity which is different from the plasmodial slime mold Haploid cells dominate (only zygote is diploid) Fruiting bodies function in asexual reproduction

47 Cellular Slime Molds – life cycle

48 Cellular Slime Mold - Stages

49 Candidate Kingdom Stramenopila
Includes photosynthetic autotrophs and some heterotrophs Common characteristic is fine hair-like projections on flagella Evidence suggests that the photosynthetic members of this kingdom did NOT get their c-plasts from the cyanobacteria like all other photoautotrophs Instead theirs are descended from red algae

50 Photosynthetic Members of Kingdom Stramenopila
Diatoms Yellow/brown Walls are made of silica and an organic matrix Shoebox and lid Shells make sediments called diatomaceous earth Filtering medium; abrasive (toothpaste!)

51 Diatom Photos

52 Photosynthetic Members of Kingdom Stramenopila
Golden Algae 2 flagella attached at one end of the cell Can absorb or ingest food particles mixotrophic Some colonial species

53 Photosynthetic Members of Kingdom Stramenopila
Brown Algae Multicellular Marine Kelp Called Seaweeds This title is also used to refer to green and red algae

54 Photosynthetic Members of Kingdom Stramenopila
More on seaweeds / kelp Inhabit intertidal zones – very challenging 60 meters long Cell walls gelatinous to help cushion against waves Food source and… Thickeners for pudding, salad dressing, ice cream Also lubricants Complex structures are ANALOGOUS to plants Thallus – plant-like seaweed body Holdfast – root like structure; anchors plant Stipe – stem-like structure Blades – leaf-like structure Air-filled floats – hold blades up toward light

55 Kelp

56 Kelp Life Cycle

57 Hetertrophic Members of Kingdom Stramenopila
Oomycota Water molds – most are decomposers (often seen on dead aquarium fish) White rusts – plant parasite Downy mildew – plant parasite All heterotrophic Filaments/hyphae are analogous to fungi, cell walls are made of cellulose (NOT chitin) Diploid is dominant form – haploid is dominant in fungi Have flagellated cells – fungi don’t Large egg fertilized by a small sperm

58 Water Mold Life Cycle Water mold on Dead fish

59 Candidate Kingdom Rodophyta – Red Algae
No flagella – but did not evolve before flagella existed DNA analysis suggests that red algae are not that ancient. Flagella were lost during evolution Accessory pigment (phycobillins) make the red Red absorbs short waves of light most efficiently These are the only waves that make it to deep water Red algae will appear very dark at great depths but be almost green in shallower water The deeper the algae the redder its color

60 Red Algae

61 Red Algae

62 Candidate Kingdom Chlorophyta?
Green Algae Classification is still in question Separate from plants or with plants? Certainly the plants and the green algae share a common ancestor Chloroplasts are very similar

63 Green Algae 7000 species Most are freshwater
Some even enter into a mutualistic relationship with fungi to form a lichen May be unicellular, colonial or multicellular Complex life histories (repro cycles) Most reproduce by way of biflagellated gametes Some even use amoeboid gametes

64 Examples of Green Algae
Chlamydomonas Primitive species All life stages haploid except zygote

65 Chlamydomonas Life Cycle

66 Reproductive Modes Observed in Green Algae
Isogamy Fusion of gametes of similar size Anisogamy Fusion of gametes of different size Oogamy is one type Egg is large and non motile; sperm flagellated

67 Multicellularity Arose Many Times
More variations are possible for complex structures than simpler ones Evolution of eukaryotes broke one barrier to diversification – Multicellularity broke another The link between unicellular and multicellular organisms is colonial organisms Division of Labor Different cells take on different jobs and become very proficient at those jobs Example: loss of flagella in some cells combined with more efficient performance of other cell functions



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