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CIGFARO Women In Public Sector Seminar

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1 CIGFARO Women In Public Sector Seminar
Governance Structures and How they Relate to/With mSCOA Date: 01 March 2018

CONTENT Recap on mSCOA? mSCOA Implementation in Local Government mSCOA Segments mSCOA Budgeting Process

3 What is mSCOA? Business Transformation Project
mSCOA Project Provides Structure of Govt Accounts Affect all Departments within the Municipality Standard Financial Classification Framework Budgets and Reports (using 7 mSCOA Segments) Go-Live Date 1 July 2017 Business Transformation Project

4 mSCOA Implementation: mSCOA a Business Reform Project
mSCOA is not a finance reform project it involves everyone in the municipality

5 mSCOA Implementation mSCOA is an organizational transformation project that has a fundamental impact on all operations of the municipality in the areas of: Planning - Linking of Projects to IDP, MTREF and SDBIP Business Processes – Business processes must be supported in the financial management system which is mSCOA aligned. The link between systems, standard operating procedures (SOPs) and internal controls is very crucial with the business processes. Financial Management & Reporting – will the system successfully be able to run the transactions using seven (7) mSCOA segments and able to produce the relevant reports

6 mSCOA Implementation: mSCOA Implementation Responsibility
The responsibility for implementation of mSCOA project rest with the Management of the municipality and not the systems service provider.

7 mSCOA Implementation National Treasury / Provincial Treasury
Successful Implementation of mSCOA Project at the Municipality Service Provider: mSCOA Implementation Team Municipal mSCOA Project Implementation Team SP: mSCOA Specialists SP: System Expert Support Municipal Project Experts mSCOA Workstream Leads SP Project Management Office Municipal mSCOA Project Governance Structure

8 Municipal mSCOA Project Implementation Team
PSC Project Manager Municipal mSCOA Project Implementation Team Project Implementation Plan CCG Systems Project Implementation Leads Enable Environment for Successful mSCOA Implementation Implementation Team Establish & Implement Work Stream Charters Establish & Implement Business Processes Implementation Plan Change Management & Transition Team Establish & Implement Change Management & Transition Plan Municipal mSCOA Change Management Team

9 mSCOA Implementation:
Change Management Change Management is the key to smooth and successful implementation of mSCOA project

10 Change Management: Factors that Brings Successful Change
Creating awareness for change Ensure positive participation by all municipal officials Acquiring of knowledge and skill on mSCOA Application of knowledge and skills acquired from training Sustaining mSCOA as Business-As-Usual (BAU) Process Awareness campaigns Buy-in Training Practice Embedment

11 Change Management Strategy
Information to be shared with employees wrt the necessity of change within the organization and the expected result thereof Actions and directions to be taken by leadership to realize the desired change Addresses the knowledge and skills gap of employees realized during change process Communication plan Operational plan Training plan

12 Change Management Strategy
Coaching plan Resistance management plan Leadership engaging with employees for direction and support during change process. Captures approaches to proactively and reactively respond to threats of resistance when it occurs during change. (e.g. What kind of resistance are we likely to experience? Where is the resistance likely to come from? Etc.)

13 Four (4) Phases of Change Management

14 mSCOA Implementation: mSCOA Work Streams & Business Processes
mSCOA work streams are the foundation and provide structure iro the implementation of mSCOA project

15 mSCOA Implementation Business Processes Work Streams
Corporate Governance Municipal Budgeting Financial Accounting Costing & Reporting Project Accounting Cash Management Procurement Cycle Grant Management Assets Life Cycle Management Real Estate & Resource Management HR & Payroll Customer Care, Credit Control Valuation Roll Management Land Use Management Revenue Cycle mSCOA Implementation Governance Structure IT Infrastructure & Networks Conversion of Current Votes to mSCOA Segments Planning Data Cleansing Document Management HR & Payroll Core System & Subsystems Real Estate, Land Use & Grant Management Business Processes Work Streams

16 mSCOA Workstreams Recommended as the 1st workstream to be activated as it starts the municipal accountability cycle iro: Strategic Planning (IDP) Budget (MTREF) Operational Plans (SDBIP) In-Year Monitoring Review of IDP and budget policies Planning

17 Municipal Planning & Accountability Cycle

18 Project Governance Structure
mSCOA Workstreams PSC should consist of MM & HODs Provide a strategic direction to the project Project ownership, sponsorship & oversight Ensure that the entire organization understands mSCOA regulations and activate project implementation plans Reporting and consulting with internal & external stakeholders Ensure that the deadline of 1 July 2017 is met Convene PSC meetings at least once a month Project Governance Structure

19 IT Infrastructure & Networks
mSCOA Workstreams mSCOA regulations dictates that there should be a centralized entry point for transactions and web enabled environment Strong network to run the latest technologies used by the Municipality WS responsible for assessment of IT infrastructure Upgrading of IT infrastructure and networks Compile and/or updating of the IT policy Monitor IT policies, manage user access controls and IT infratructure IT Infrastructure & Networks

20 Conversion of Current Votes to mSCOA Segments
mSCOA Workstreams Physical verification of current line items with those provided for by National Treasury using mSCOA Version 6.1 segments Conversion of Current Votes to mSCOA Segments

21 mSCOA Workstreams HR & Payroll
Municipality must fully comply with and maintain HR & Payroll Elements (e.g. Org Structure, Job Description, Job Evaluation, Leave Management, Wage Agreements, etc.) This work stream contains data that has valuable information for budgeting & long term financial modelling of the municipality Compile and/or update the all HR & Payroll policies and the monitoring thereof All policies must be updated and data cleansing completed prior to the implementation of HR & Payroll module HR & Payroll

22 mSCOA Workstreams Data Cleansing
Data must be valid, accurate and complete prior to being migrated to the mSCOA database Data in Supplier Database, HR Records, Valuation Roll, Assets Data, Debtors Data, Property Zoning, Clearing of Suspense Accounts Work in this work stream is of a continuous in nature Municipality must have standard operating procedures that deals with continuous data cleansing in all its departments. Data Cleansing

23 Core Systems & Sub-Systems
mSCOA Workstreams Responsible for the ICT Due Dillingence exercise Core System & Sub-Systems must allow for the capturing and collection of data using 7 mSCOA segments PSC need to scrutinize the technology and processes as the mSCOA database from payroll, billing, inventory, supply chain & assets are locked down in this work stream Implementation of recommendations from the ICT Due Diligence should be implemented in the current financial year Core Systems & Sub-Systems

24 Real Estate, Land Management & Grant Management
mSCOA Workstreams Ensures that spatial and urban policy usage are considered using the Spatial Planning & Land Use Management Act (SPLUMA) Grant Reporting & Management of grant related projects are core to this work stream Ensure that all tariffs types are identified All properties must be aligned to Regional Segments and are legally identifiable Policies are developed and/or revised and data cleansing is executed Real Estate, Land Management & Grant Management

25 mSCOA Workstreams Involves the centralization of all documents in the Municipality using the document management system Involves clustering of electronic information to a work area or workflow Source a suitable document management system Compile and/or update policies pertaining document management Document Management

26 mSCOA Workstreams The municipality should appoint personnel who are knowledgeable on the subject matter to lead and implement mSCOA work streams. A charter must be developed for each mSCOA work stream and the responsibilities contained in the charter must be incorporated in the work plans/performance agreements of the persons responsible for its implementation

27 mSCOA Implementation: Example: Procurement of Chemicals
mSCOA Segments Municipality must use ALL seven (7) mSCOA segments to create an account Example: Procurement of Chemicals Account: Water / Materials & Supplies / Water Management/ Operational Revenue / Default / Whole of Municipality / Technical Services

28 mSCOA Segments Budgeting Transacting Reporting Project Item Function
Funding Regional Indentifier Costing MSC

29 Budgeting Transacting Municipal Standard Classification
The Project Segments Budgeting Transacting Reporting Project Function Municipal Standard Classification Item Fund Regional Costing Project segment All expenses need to be allocated to an appropriate project depending on the nature and objective of the expenditure.  There are 3 main categories for projects being: Capital Operational Default

30 The Project Segment Overview
At the highest level, capital projects distinguish between infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects. Both infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects cater for new and existing capital assets. Existing assets could either be renewed or upgraded. Capital Projects

31 The Project Segment Overview
RENEWAL Renewal implies that the asset is restored to its original condition, enhancing the capacity and value of an existing asset that has become inoperative due to the deterioration of the asset UPGRADING The replacement of an asset or addition/replacement of an asset component, which materially improves the original service potential of the asset VS

32 The Project Segment Overview
Operational projects refers to current and short- term projects for which the cost is “immediately recognised as an expense and funded from the municipality’s operational budget”. At the highest-level, a distinction is made between Maintenance Municipal running costs Typical work streams Infrastructure and Non infrastructure projects Operational

33 The Project Segment Overview
Maintenance Projects Preventative Interval: Maintenance carried out at regular intervals Conditional: Maintenance carried out based on certain conditional criteria Corrective Planned: Maintenance that was budgeted and planned for Emergency: Unplanned expenditure to restore the function of an asset

34 The Project Segment Overview
The default classification is used to classify transactions that are not related to expenditure (with the exception of current assets). Default projects include: revenue current assets (excluding capitalised expenditure) gains and losses liabilities and net assets Default

35 Budgeting Transacting Municipal Standard Classification
The Item Segment Budgeting Transacting Reporting Project Function Municipal Standard Classification Item Fund Regional Costing Item Segment Classifying municipal budgets and daily transactions is currently done using an “item”, which directly relates to the item segment in mSCOA.

36 The Item Segment Overview
Item Assets Item Liabilities Item Revenue Item Expenditure Item Gains and Losses Item Net Assets Item

37 Budgeting Transacting Municipal Standard Classification
The Function Segment Budgeting Transacting Reporting Project Function Municipal Standard Classification Item Fund Regional Costing Function segment The “Function Segment” relates to the objective of the spend and not who spent the money.

38 The Function Segment Overview
Core Functions These are functions performed by local government and constitutionally assigned to local government in terms of sections 156 (1) of the Constitution, Part B of Schedule 4 and Part B of Schedule 5. Non-core Functions Functions performed by local government that are constitutionally assigned to provincial government in terms of section 156(4) of the Constitution. Local Government are compensated for delivering these functions on behalf of provincial government and typically receive a management fee from the provincial department. Function Core Non-core

39 Budgeting Transacting Municipal Standard Classification
The Funding Segment Budgeting Transacting Reporting Project Function Municipal Standard Classification Item Fund Regional Costing Funding segment The funding segment was introduced to reflect the source of funding for both revenue and expenditure and facilitates cash flow. It is important that municipalities budget for the accurate spending of their revenue and other funding as well as accurately identify the source of their revenue.

40 The Function Segment Overview
CAPITAL FUNDING The subcategories of “Capital Fund” are Revenue Transfers and Subsidies Borrowing

41 The Function Segment Overview
OPERATIONAL FUNDING The subcategories of “Operational Fund” are Transfer from Operational Revenue Transfers and Subsidies Borrowing Cash Backed Reserves

42 The Function Segment Overview
DEFAULT This sub-category relates to any transaction that does not have a specific funding implication, such as the accounting for depreciation, impairments etc.

43 The Regional Identifier Segment
Budgeting Transacting Reporting Project Function Municipal Standard Classification Item Fund Regional Costing Regional Identifier Segment The purpose of the region segment is to identify which geographical area the funds are coming from and which geographical area the funds are being spent in. Which region is benefiting from the expenditure?

44 Budgeting Transacting Municipal Standard Classification
The Costing Segment Budgeting Transacting Reporting Project Function Municipal Standard Classification Item Fund Regional Costing Costing segment The costing segment is used for secondary transactions, for the reallocation of expenditure between functions. The three costing methods • Activity Based Costing • Internal Billing • Departmental Charges

45 The Costing Segment Overview
Recoveries are credited to the sending department that carried the full primary cost before allocating or costing out the expense Charges are debited to the receiving department or the department that is getting the benefit of the expenditure (e.g. Audit Fees) All primary transactions are allocated to default

46 The Costing Segment Overview
Departmental Allocation of overheads from a cost pool used by multiple functions. (e.g. IT Services)

47 The Costing Segment Overview
Internal Billing This refers to departmental use of internal services such as electricity, water, waste water management and waste management.

48 The Costing Segment Overview
Activity Based Actual allocation of resources (usage or benefit method) used by various departments.

49 The Costing Segment Overview
Primary Transaction A direct cost (primary transactions) is one that can be specifically related to a particular service, function or activity based on actual consumption. Secondary Transaction Indirect costs (secondary transactions) are those which are not directly attributable to the output and are often referred to as overheads.

50 mSCOA Implementation:
mSCOA Training

51 Training Intervention
CIGFARO mSCOA Training No Training Intervention 1 mSCOA & Budgets 2 Performance Management 3 Basic Accounting 4 Audit & Risk 5 MPRA 6 Reporting & Comparatives 7 Mass Appraisal Techniques 8 Supply Chain Management 9 GIS Property Management 10 Revenue Management 11 Assets Management

52 mSCOA Budgeting Process

53 Legislative framework that enable financial management
Municipal Systems Act, 2000 Adoption of IDPs 25. (1) Each municipal council must, within a prescribed period after the start of its elected term, adopt a single, inclusive and strategic plan for the development of the municipality which: links, integrates and co-ordinates plans and takes into account proposals for the development of the municipality; aligns the resources and capacity of the municipality with the implementation of the plan; forms the policy framework and general basis on which annual budgets must be based;” ,

54 Legislative framework that enable financial management
MFMA, 2003 Budget preparation process 21. (1) The mayor of a municipality must – (a) co-ordinate the processes for preparing the annual budget and for reviewing the municipality’s integrated development plan and budget-related policies to ensure that the tabled budget and any revisions of the integrated development plan and budget-related policies are mutually consistent and credible;”

55 Legislative framework that enable financial management
Municipal Regulations on a Standard Chart of Accounts, 2014 2. The object of these Regulations is to provide for a national standard for the uniform recording and classification of municipal budget and financial information at a transaction level by prescribing a standard chart of accounts for municipalities and municipal entities which- are aligned to the budget formats and accounting standards prescribed for municipalities and municipal entities and with the standard charts of accounts for national and provincial government; and (b) enable uniform information sets recorded in terms of national norms and standards across the whole of government for the purposes of national policy coordination and reporting, benchmarking and performance measurement in the local government sphere.”

56 Identifying Projects Unpack the IDP Capital & Operational Projects
Review Medium Term Budget (Typical Workstream Projects) Identify Projects in Trial Balance (MRC & Maintenance Projects)

57 IDP mSCOA Segments Medium Term Budget mSCOA Planning & Budgeting Tool
Project No/Period/ Ref No Key Performance Area Service Delivery Objective Key Performance Indicator Project Description/Name mSCOA Project Segment mSCOA Item Segment mSCOA Function mSCOA Funding Segment mSCOA Regional Identifier mSCOA Costing Segment mSCOA MSC Segment IDP mSCOA Segments Medium Term Budget mSCOA Planning & Budgeting Tool Project Total Cost Budget Year 1 2 3


59 Ms. Nozipho Nkomo Senior Manager|CCG Systems
Tel: |Cell: |Fax:   21 Beacon Rock, 21 Lighthouse Road, Umhlanga

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