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Do Young Children and Well-Ordered Days Mix?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Young Children and Well-Ordered Days Mix?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Young Children and Well-Ordered Days Mix?

2 My Preschool Graduates

3 My current and upcoming preschoolers


5 Absorb Chaos

6 1. Was the chaos caused by lack of sleep. 2
1. Was the chaos caused by lack of sleep? 2. Was the chaos caused by what was eaten? (i.e. too much sugar, allergic reaction) 3. Was the chaos a cry for attention? Was the chaos just their way of trying to be independent?

7 I neglected to do what was needed to be done that
5. Was the chaos deliberate – an act of disobedience? 6. Was the chaos a way to cope with feelings of being overwhelmed or afraid? 7. Was the chaos because I neglected to do what was needed to be done that day? (i.e. stick to the schedule, get off the computer, play with my child etc.)

8 Create Calm

9 Pretend Play: - Active play: running, jumping, climbing, riding, and other use of large muscles. - Quiet play: reading, stringing, coloring, etc. - Cooperative or social play: games and activities that involve more than one. - Solitary play: drawing, dreaming, or any activity that involves only one.

10 Pretend Play (con't): - Manipulative play: putting together puzzles, building with blocks, cutting and pasting, or any activity that involves eye-hand coordination or fine motor skills. - Creative play: painting, molding, solving problems, making music, telling stories, or any activity that involves a child’s imagination. - Dramatic play: dress-up, make-believe, or any play that involves pretending.

11 Tongs: Spoons: - sort mini-erasers
- transfer pom poms from one container to another - create patterns with objects Spoons: - transfer objects - create patterns - fill containers

12 Sorting: - sort beads - mini-erasers - rocks - gems - nuts and bolts
- buttons - foam shapes - plastic lids - plastic animals - Legos - math manipulatives - Happy Meal toys - coins - puzzle pieces - stuffed animals

13 Sorting (con't): - big/small - hard/soft - float/sink - fly/crawl/run
- tall/short - round/oval (shapes) - red/blue (colors) - living/non-living - plants/animals - begins with the ___ letter sound - ends with the ____ sound - four sides/three sides

14 Fine Motor: Use a medicine dropper to create patterns in the tray.
Use a Parmesan cheese container for fine-motor practice. Younger children can place coffee stirrers or dry spaghetti in the holes. Make it more challenging by sorting buttons by color onto a pipe cleaner.

15 Sensory Tubs: - colored pasta - colored rice - shaving cream - sand
- aquarium gravel - beans - candy corn - water Tubs Can Be: - Thematic (i.e robots) - any size

16 Sensory Tubs: (Continued)
Tools Needed: - spoons - small dishes - funnels - measuring cups etc. Skills Practiced: - transferring objects - spooning objects - pouring - tactile learning - problem solving

17 Nature Fun: - observe the seasons
- go on a ____ hunt (bugs, leaves, birds, colors, shapes, smells etc) - play I Spy - throw rocks in a pond - go star-gazing - pick and press flowers - garden

18 Printables: - Early Education Printables - Children Books Activities
- Early Education Printables - Children Books Activities - Early Childhood Activity Ideas & Resources

19 Provide Hope

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