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By: Jimmy Ruiz Plant Health Programme Officer OIRSA

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1 Preparation in responding to natural disasters Experiences of an NPPO and an RPPO
By: Jimmy Ruiz Plant Health Programme Officer OIRSA Francisco Gutierrez, Technical Director Plant Health Services Belize Agricultural Health Authority

2 Characteristics of the Central American Region regarding propensity to Natural Disasters

3 Hurricanes

4 Flooding

5 Earthquakes

6 Volcanic eruptions

7 Threats posed by natural disasters to NPPOs
NPPO infrastructure (labs, offices) and equipment (vehicles, tools, computers) may be seriously compromised. Personnel may be directly affected (loss of property and life). Road infrastructure (highways, rails, ports, bridges) may be destroyed limiting NPPOs ability to reach areas of work or to perform its work. Quarantine stations may be destroyed or compromised.

8 Associated risks in the aftermath
Emergence of pests that may change hosts and explode in populations. Introduction of quarantine pests by this pathway (Steneotarsonemus spinki, toxoptera citricida) Extreme weather creates conditions for pest outbreaks due to stress factors and direct damage.

9 Risks... Cont. Dissemination of certain pests beyond their natural or controlled ranges. - may compromise pest free areas. Imported consignments under quarantine may be exposed. Donated goods (consumption and plants for planting, other articles) may pose the risk of introducing quarantine pests.

10 Donations Emergency situations create vulnerability in aspects of food security. Governments are only interested in expediting the process of donations, especially food, shelter, clothing – pressure NPPOs to “soften” requirements. Many of the donated products/articles may be efficient pathways for pest introduction.

11 Pathways Grains and pulses Fruits and vegetables Seeds
Semi processed products Construction material (wooden and aggregates) Wood packaging material Used clothing/foot wear Machinery/farm implements

12 Experience of Belize in preparing for natural emergencies Phytosanitary considerations, Procedural Issues and support by our RPPO

13 Pre-emergency preparation
Activation of the institutional emergency plan Objective!!! - protect infrastructure, equipment and health of staff

14 Action points in the emergency plan
Protection of labs and especially sensitive equipment. Securing points of entry Documentation management including databases Facilities (offices) Vehicles fully fuelled Homes of staff secured by staff Official Shelters identified and staff and families relocated

15 National system for emergency management

16 National system for emergency management
Meeting of the National Emergency Management Organization Customs Ministry of Agriculture/ Health Ministry of Health Police/Military BAHA (NPPO)

17 Post-event activities
Evaluation of damage to infrastructure/equipment Meeting of the National Emergency Management Organization Evaluation of points of entry and operationalization Visit to agriculture areas affected. Infrastructure repairs Agriculture Customs Determine additional surveillance programmes Red Cross Other donation Oriented Orgs. Implementation of surveillance programmes Determine donation amounts and sources

18 Import authorization process- donations
BAHA (NPPO) Import authorization process- donations Determines Levels and source, type, quantities of donations Cross-checks import requirements for these products/sources Informs those concerned on prohibitions and conditions Conducts quick risk assessments for new sources/products Determine measures Intensifies inspections (100 % of consignments) Authorization of importation

19 RPPO International Regional Organization for Agricultural Health (OIRSA)
OIRSA was created in 1953 as a cooperation initiative between Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua. OIRSA functions as a regional plant health, animal health, and food safety organization. It provides technical support to its 9 member countries,( C.A., Mexico, Belize, Panama, D.R.)

20 RPPO support Technical- provision of technical personnel upon request if the emergency entails phytosanitary issues. Financial- To support NPPO activities associated to dealing with the emergency.

21 Funding It generates funds by providing certain services at points of entry, from projects and from membership contributions. The organization has focused a lot of resources on standards and capacity development. One of the unique supporting mechanisms of the organization was the creation of an emergency fund system to support its members in cases of phytosanitary emergencies as well as natural disasters.

22 The emergency fund (housed at OIRSA Headquarters) has two levels:
National Regional Any country can access its own national emergency funds. A country can access the regional funds (greater amounts) through an approval system. Ministers/Secretaries of Agriculture of member countries can also declare regional emergencies and designate funds/ direct work programmes in this regard.

23 Procedures for the use of Emergency Reserve Funds for OIRSA Member Countries

24 Emergency Reserve Funds
These are funds to support initial actions for the control of an agricultural health emergency which due to its urgent character constitutes a threat to the agricultural sector. This may be of a national and even a regional nature. These funds are utilized in the initial execution of the emergency plans (no more than six months) while other funds from government or international sources are sourced. These funds are destined mainly to support NPPO/min of agriculture activities associated to the emergency.

25 Any one of the following criteria constitutes and agricultural emergency!!!
A Quarantine plant pest or a quarantine animal disease is detected. An emergent pest of potential impact of great magnitude. There is a dramatic increase of an established plant pest or animal disease in the region. There is sufficient evidence or as demonstrated through a risk analysis that there is an eminent possibility of the introduction of a quarantine plant pest or animal disease.

26 Cont... Criteria for funds
The occurrence of a plant pest or animal disease may have great economic repercussions due to its impact on agricultural production The occurrence of a disease may have serious negative repercussions on human health. A natural event such as flooding, hurricanes, droughts, earthquakes or others that may compromise agricultural production and have an economic impact of great magnitude.

27 Procedures for the use of national and regional emergency funds
After establishing that an emergency situation is present, the requesting country or countries present general provisions on how the emergency funds will be utilized, but with a budget limited to six months of activities. The request is submitted by a Minister or Secretary of Agriculture directly to the Executive Director of OIRSA headquarters. Headquarters verifies the amounts from the national funds and makes these available

28 Cont.... procedures When the request is of a regional nature, the process is similar but funds come from the regional fund This requires approval from the presidency of CIRSA (Council of Ministers of Agriculture). Decisions are expedited due to the nature of the request.

29 Agricultural Health emergencies and natural disasters financially supported from 2002-2013

30 Thank you Gracias

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