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Move Update Census Method & Green and Secure

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1 Move Update Census Method & Green and Secure
February 2018

2 Agenda Move Update Standard Compliance Move Update Approved Methods
Green & Secure Program Free ACS Move Update Timeline Did you know that nearly 40 Million people change their addresses each year? That’s equivalent to approximately 12% of the United States Population! Many of them are customers whom the mailers value. If the mailers want to keep these customers, they need to make sure their mail reaches the customers by keeping the mailing lists up-to-date. The USPS Move Update is designed for just this purpose! It allows mailers to keep their mailing addresses current, which ultimately leads to customer retention. From the Postal Service perspective, Move Update is critically important for operational purposes. Massive amounts of undeliverable and discarded mail put a strain on the Postal Service. This strain translates to needless expense and inefficiency. Move Update is designed to dramatically reduce this waste by improving the quality of mail distribution lists.

3 Move Update Standard Compliance
Determine Eligible Mail Class Select Approved Update Method Update Address List First-Class Mail presorted or automation prices USPS Marketing Mail Mailers who present mixed mailings that pertain to at least one of these categories are still subjected to the Move Update standard Mailers must use at least one of the USPS approved methods to update address list NCOALink NCOALink MPE ACS: SingleSource, Traditional, OneCode, Full-Service ASE Mailers must reconcile their mailing address list within 95 days prior to the postage statement finalization date with one of the Postal Service-approved methods or an assessment may apply Compliance with the Move Update standard is a basic eligibility requirement for USPS Marketing Mail and First-Class Mail letters and flats automation and presort rates. The goal of this requirement is to reduce Undeliverable As Addressed (UAA) mail by ensuring that mailers are updating the addresses in their mailing lists on a regular basis. Improved address quality ensures that mailings reach their intended recipients and reduce mail processing and delivery costs for the USPS. The USPS offers for approved methods to receive updated address information. Once the updated address information is received mailers should update their address lists within 95 days of postage statement finalization date. Reduce Undeliverable As Addressed (UAA) mail Ensures mailpieces reach intended recipients

4 Move Update Approved Methods
To assist mailers in meeting the Move Update Standard USPS offers 4 approved methods Pre Mailing: Updating mailing address list before you mail NCOALink National Change of Address Link Verifies a mailer submitted mailing address list against the USPS NCOA database NCOALink MPE National Change of Address Link Mail Processing Equipment Uses Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) technologies to match the printed address from a mailpiece against the NCOA Database Post mailing: Updating mailing address list after you mail ASE Ancillary Service Endorsements Allows mailers to receive COA information via hardcopy notice provided by USPS Mailer must print an endorsement on mailpieces ACS* Address Change Service Allows mailers to receive COA information and other reasons for non-delivery electronically *Free for Full-Service and basic automation/non-automation mailers Currently, mailers can meet the Move Update requirements by using USPS-approved methods: National Change of Address Link, or NCOALink The first primary method that we will examine is National Change of Address Link, or NCOALink. NCOALink is an USPS approved pr ing address correction service that a mailer uses to process their mailing list through the USPS National Change Of Address (NCOA) database to determine if a change of address is on file. If a match to a change of address is found, it will update to the new address prior to mailing. NCOALink is considered the best and most effective method to comply with the Move Update Standard because the service can identify and correct the mailing address before mailing, avoiding undeliverable mail beforehand. In addition, NCOALink is applicable for all mail classes. National Change of Address Link Mail Processing Equipment, or NCOALink MPE The National Change of Address Link Mail Processing Equipment, or NCOALink MPE, is a second Move Update method and is a subset of NCOALink. This product uses Mail Processing Equipment technologies to match the printed address from a mailpiece against the National Change of Address Database and to update the address by printing the change-of-address barcode directly on the mailpiece. Keep in mind that NCOALink MPE is not a common Move Update method; typically, larger mailers using barcode readers and optical character readers use this method. NCOALink MPE requires mailers to submit physical mailings, where the new address barcode is sprayed on the mailpiece when a change-of-address record is identified in the NCOA database. Reports on change-of-address information are available upon request for the mail owners. Address Change Service, or ACS The third method for satisfying the Move Update standard is Address Change Service, or ACS. ACS is a post-mailing address correction service that allows mailers to receive change-of-address (COA) information and other reasons for non-delivery electronically. Think of Address Change Service as an electronic, automated version of the Ancillary Service Endorsement. Note, that Full-Service ACS is available free of charge for qualifying Full Service mailers. As of January 2018, the no-fee Full-Service ACS was extended to qualifying Basic automation and non-automation mailpieces for mailers who enter at least 95% of their mail as Full-Service in a calendar month. Ancillary Service Endorsement, or ASE The fourth and final method for satisfying the Move Update standard is Ancillary Service Endorsement, or ASE. ASE is a post-mailing service that allows mailers to receive change-of-address or reason for non-delivery information via hardcopy notice provided by USPS if the mailer prints an endorsement on a mailpiece. If a mailpiece is undeliverable, USPS will forward, return or dispose the mailpiece depending on the choice of endorsement. There are four endorsement options under ASE which the mailers may use: Address Service Requested, Return Service Requested, Change Service Requested, and Temp-Return Service Requested. Additional fees may apply to certain endorsements. Mailers using “Temp-Return Service Requested” endorsement should understand the option is not available for Standard Mail to comply with Move Update. Furthermore, “Change Service Requested” endorsement cannot be used as a stand-alone method to comply with Move Update; instead, this endorsement must be used in conjunction with Address Change Service method.

5 Address Correction Service
The Mailer Indicates how the USPS should handle the UAA mailpiece The Mailer indicates how the USPS should provide the COA information Mailpiece Disposition Options Address Correction Option Address Service Forward if possible; provide change of address information electronically. All other UAA mail returned to sender. Full-Service ACS Receive electronic notification of customer change-of-address or reason for non-delivery for Full-Service pieces One Code ACS Receive electronic notification of customer change-of-address or reason for non-delivery for non-Full-Service pieces Return Service Requested All UAA mail is returned to sender Change Service Requested Option 1: All UAA mail is discarded. Option 2: Forward if possible, all other UAA mail is discarded. SingleSource ACS Receive both Full-Service ACS and One Code ACS records in a single shared file Mailers have three choices when determining mailpiece disposition; Address Service Requested, which forwards the mailpiece if a valid change of address is on file and returns all other UAA mail to the sender. Return Service Requested, which returns all mailpieces to the sender and Change Service Requested, which allows the USPS to recycle or securely destroy mailpieces that are UAA, unless forwarding is requested. All address change information is provided to the mailer electronically through Full-Service ACS, One Code ACS, or Single Source ACS. Full-Service is accessed through the Business Customer Gateway and contains change of address or nixie information for all Full-Service pieces, One Code provides information for basic mailpieces, and SingleSource provides information for all notices. The new Green and Secure Program includes Change Service Requested STIDs and Secure Destruction STIDs. Change Service Requested is now Green and Secure USPS recycles or securely destroys UAA mailpieces based on mailer’s indicated preference

6 Green and Secure Program
Mailpieces that are UAA are disposed of or forwarded Reduced handling costs Mailpieces are excluded from Move Update Assessments Required to enroll in ACS and update addresses within 95 days of mailing Green and Secure Mailer must be enrolled in ACS Mailer selects option based disposal preference: Green or Secure The Green and Secure Program allows the USPS to recycle or securely destroy UAA mailpieces based on the mailers preference; either destroy all mailpieces or forward those that have a valid COA on file. Change Service Requested without Secure Destruction is available for both First-Class Mail and USPS Marketing Mail, Change Service Requested with Secure Destruction is available for First-Class Mail letters. There are two options under both selections; CSR Option One disposes of all mailpieces regardless of class and Option Two forwards the mailpieces that have a change of address on file and disposes of all other UAA mail. To participate in Green and Secure mailers must complete an enrollment form through the NCSC and enroll in ACS to receive the address correction feedback. Mailers are still required to update their addresses within 95 days of postage statement finalization.

7 Mailpiece Disposition Selection (STID)
Determine Eligible Mail Class Select Address Correction Option Determine Mail Processing Category Select Mailpiece Disposition First-Class Mail presorted or automation prices USPS Marketing Mail Mailers who present mixed mailings that pertain to at least one of these categories are still subjected to the Move Update standard Full-Service OneCode Traditional *SingleSource provides all information in a single location Non-automation/Basic/Full-Service with or without tracing Select a Service Type Identifier (STID) that instructs the USPS how to handle the mailpiece. The STID is a 3-digit code within the Intelligent Mail barcode (IMb) Address Service Requested Return Service Requested Change Service Requested Option 1 or Option 2 Change Service Requested with Secure Destruction Option 1 or Option 2 When identifying the STID to use within the IMb on the mailpiece, you should first determine the mail class, the ACS feedback method if applicable, the mail processing category, either automation/nonautomation/basic/Full-Service with or without tracing and the mailpiece disposition. The USPS reads the STID in the barcode as mail is being processed to determine how to handle the piece. Address Service Requested provides mailers with the updated address information while forwarding the mail if possible. Return Service Requested provides the updated address information and returns the mailpiece to the sender, change service requested allows the USPS to dispose of the mailpiece. Change Service Requested has two options; CSR Option 1 disposes of all mailpieces where CSR Option 2 forwards the mailpiece if a Change of Address is on file. Both of these options require the mailer to use an ACS requested STID, either FS, One-Code or Traditional. The USPS offers two disposal options; recycle the mailpiece or securely destroy the mailpiece. The STID on the mailpiece will identify how the mailpiece should be disposed of. Mail Entry & Payment Technology

8 Move Update Validation (Old vs New)
MERLIN Method *NEW* Census Method Effective March 1 the USPS will implement a new method to determine Move Update Compliance called the Census Method. To be measured under the Census Method mailers must have submitted at least one Full-Service Mailing, all mailpieces bearing a unique IMb included in eDoc will be validated by comparing address information to the USPS Change of Address database, any mailpiece that has a valid change of address on file that has not been updated within 95 days of postage statement finalization will receive an error. Results are aggregated across the calendar month and displayed on the Mailer Scorecard and any mailpieces exceeding the established .5% threshold will be assessed the $.08 fee. Assessments are generated on the 11th day of the following month.

9 Mailer Scorecard Results are displayed on the Electronic Verification tab of the Mailer Scorecard Select eDoc Submitter view if: The eDoc Submitter view aggregates data across the CRID used when submitting your electronic documentation Assessments are generated per eDoc Submitter CRID Select Mail Owner or Mail Preparer if: Mail Owners may view their Move Update data by each Mail Preparer Mail Preparers (with fewer than 60 Mail Owners) may view their Move Update data by each Mail Owner Select Mail Owner or Mail Preparer Scorecard Details if: You are a Mail Preparer with greater than 60 Mail Owners to see a view of each Mail Owner 1 2 The Mailer Scorecard has three different options to view verification results; The eDoc submitter view aggregates the verification results across the CRID used when submitting the electronic documentation. Assessments are generated at the eDoc submitter level, so this view will provide you with your current error % and potential postage due. The Mail Owner or Mail Preparer view provides two different views, if you are a Mail Owner you will see the results for your mail volume only across Mail Service Providers. The Mail Preparer view shows results broken out by individual mail owners included in mailings and should be used if you have fewer than 60 mail owners. The third option (export) should be used if you are a Mail Preparer with greater than 60 Mail Owners and will display results across individual mail owners. 3

10 Mailer Scorecard (Move Update)
Indicates if Move/Update data was evaluated by manual or automated verification for the CRID for the selected month # presort or automation First Class and USPS Marketing Mail pieces (letters, flats & cards) # Move Update eligible periodical pieces (Info Only – ineligible for assessment) # pieces that utilized a service type code for address correction service (includes Green & Secure pieces) # pieces that utilized a service type code for Green & Secure # First Class and USPS Marketing Mail pieces that were eligible for Move/Update and received a change of address error. # Green & Secure pieces that received a change of address warning The results of the Move Update Census method are displayed on the electronic verification tab of the mailer scorecard and provides information to assist you in identifying errors as well as information regarding Periodicals, Green and Secure, and UAA warnings. # Periodical mail pieces that were eligible for Move/Update and received a change of address warning Move Update Error % is calculated by dividing the # COA Errors – FCM & MKT by the # Move/Update Eligible Pieces – FCM & MKT Additional Postage Due is the number of errors above the 0.5% threshold multiplied by $0.08 # First Class, USPS Marketing, and Periodical mail pieces that received a warning that the mail piece was undeliverable as addressed The amount of additional postage that may be assessed based on the change of address errors that were identified for the CRID for the month above the 0.5% threshold

11 Mailer Scorecard (Census Method Drill)
To drill into the details for Move Update: Click on Mailer Name or Mailer CRID on the Scorecard view Click Move/Update Errors radio button Click on Run Report From the landing page of the Mailer Scorecard you can drill into the detailed error reports to view information at the job and mailpiece level.

12 Mailer Scorecard (Census Method Drill)
4. Click on Error Type or Error Code link for Job Level Details 5. Click on Error Type or Error Code link to get to Piece Level Detail 6. Detailed Piece Level Error details populate and error Description/Error Data/ and Resolution Action appear to assist in diagnosing and correcting errors. The drilldowns include errors at the individual error codes and job level, and piece level information with the error description and the resolution to fix the error.

13 *Census Benefit Free Address Correction Service*
Move Update: Free Address Correction Service *Census Benefit Free Address Correction Service* Residual ACS records provided for free to qualifying mailers that submit over 95% Full-Service volume March 2018 If eDoc submitter falls below threshold a notification will be given prior to the next billing cycle Quarterly Measuring Unique IMb in eDoc Full-Service or OneCode ACS STID Valid by/for identification Basic automation /non-automation requirements Notices will be provided through Full-Service, One Code and SingleSource feedback Feedback As an added benefit to mailers USPS is extended free ACS notices to basic automation and non-automation mailpieces if you meet the following requirements. The eDoc submitter must present at least 95% Full-Service Volume, the Mailpiece must contain a unique IMb included in eDoc, you must use a FS or OneCode ACS requested STID and include the proper mail preparer and mail owner information (By/For) in the edoc. All address correction notices will be provided through Full-Service, OneCode and SingleSource ACS feedback. Qualification is measured on a Qua

14 Move Update Timeline March 2018:
Apr Feb Mar Apr Feb 25 March 1 Apr 11 Mailer Scorecard changes to add Green & Secure metrics Show February Green & Secure impact on Mailer Scorecard Begin Census Move Update assessment Begin no-fee residual ACS for >95% Full-Service Mailers Generate first Move Update assessment March 2018: Census Move Update Verification: Assessments for mailers exceeding threshold will begin in April for March mailings Residual ACS records will be provided for no-fee to qualifying mailers that submit over 95% Full-Service volume eDoc Submitter must present more than 95% Full-Service volume April 2018 Move Update Assessments will begin using March data As a reminder, the Mailer Scorecard was updated to reflect the changes for the Green & Secure Program on February 25, Beginning on March 1, 2018 all eligible mailpieces will be verified for compliance and assessment notices will be generated on April 11, 2018 for any mailers exceeding the established threshold. Also beginning March 1, 2018 mailers will begin to receive qualifying basic automation and nonautomation notices for free.

15 Questions

16 Green & Secure Method Eligible Mail Class(es) Sign-up Feedback
ACS Change Service Requested First-Class USPS Marketing Mail Full-Service mailers do not need to enroll prior to use to receive data through Full-Service ACS Full-Service mailers may enroll to receive data through Single Source or OneCode ACS Non Full-Service Mailers must apply for ACS with NCSC using the ACS Enrollment Form *Change Service Requested Option 2 for Marketing Mail, ACS account required for billing Full Service COA and Nixie ACS data provided via Mailing Reports in the Business Customer Gateway OneCode ACS and Full Service ACS data via SingleSource fulfillment provided via a daily data file (text, comma separated value, or XML available) downloaded from the Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) secure web site Secure Destruction Mailers must enroll Mailer IDs prior to use using Secure Destruction enrollment Enrollment will be effective within 3 business days Electronic ACS notifications (see above) Electronic Secure Destruction data notice via a daily data file from the Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) secure web site

17 Green & Secure Alternative Move Update Method
Q: What does a mailer need to do to participate in the new Green & Secure Move Update method? A: Use a STID in the IMb that indicates one of two Address Correction options: Change Service Requested Secure Destruction  STID selection depends on: Mail Class Full-Service or basic mail Mailer Option: Change Service Option 1 Change Service Option 2 Secure Destruction Request NCSC Approval Q: What is NCOALink? A: NCOALink allows mailer to validate addresses before mailing. Any mailer using NCOALink can also participate in ACS. ACS can be used in coordination with NCOALink MPE to receive additional feedback on mailpieces with a COA/UAA caught during processing.

18 Mailer Scorecard (Green & Secure)
Effective 2/25, Mailer Scorecard displays the Move Update score without Green & Secure errors included in the Move Update numerator. Mailers can view impact of the Green & Secure program and see their Green & Secure volume for February. Mailer Scorecard - # View Mailer Owner Preparer Scorecard - # View Mailer Scorecard - % View Mailer Owner Preparer Scorecard - % View

19 Move Update 99% Accuracy and Legal Restraint
99% Accuracy: Available to mailers who can demonstrate they have a highly effective method of keeping their addresses current Legal Constraint: When a legal restriction prevents mailers from updating their customer’s address without direct contact from the customer, they can be authorized to use the Legal Restraint Method While the four methods described in the previous section are the primary methods that a Mailer should use to satisfy Move Update requirements, there are two alternative methods for compliance that are available under very limited circumstances – 99 Percent Accuracy and Legal Restraint. Some mailers assert that their customers diligently notify them of address changes, making their address lists as accurate as possible. They believe that the Postal Service Move Update methods are unnecessary and add no value to their mailings. Under these circumstances, mailers who can demonstrate that their internal list management maintains address quality at 99 percent or greater accuracy for changes of address may be authorized to comply with the Move Update standard through the 99% Accuracy Method. To use the 99 percent Accuracy method, applicants must first complete and return the 99 percent Mailer Move Update Processing Order Form along with a copy of the completed PS Form 3553. Mailers of First-Class Mail and First-Class Package Service pieces who assert they are restricted by law from incorporating Postal Service COA information onto their mailpieces without permission from addressees may request NCSC approval to meet their Move Update standard using the Legal Restraint method. To qualify for Legal Restraint exemption, mailers must identify by citation the specific legal restriction, including copies of the statues or regulations that prohibit the immediate use of change-of-address information from a primary method of Move Update compliance. It is important to note that both alternative methods require that the mailer receive formal approval from the USPS National Customer Support Center, or NCSC, prior to using the alternative method. **Note: Mailers must obtain an approval letter from the NCSC to be eligible for an alternative method

20 Green & Secure Program Change Service Requested Eligible STIDs
Mail Class Address Correction Option Nonautomation w/o IMb IV® Nonautomation with IMb IV® Full-Service w/o IMb IV® Full-Service with IMb IV® First-Class Mail OneCode ACS - CSR1 Change Service Requested Opt 1 504 502 OneCode ACS - CSR2 Change Service Requested Opt 2 082 240 Full-Service ACS - CSR1 Change Service Requested Opt 1 516 514 Full-Service ACS - CSR2 Change Service Requested Opt 2 083 241 Traditional ACS - CSR1 Change Service Requested Opt 1 517 515 521 519 Traditional ACS - CSR2 Change Service Requested Opt 2 510 530 512 511 Mail Class Address Correction Option Nonautomation w/o IMb IV® Nonautomation with IMb IV® Full-Service w/o IMb IV® Full-Service with IMb IV® Marketing Mail OneCode ACS - CSR1 Change Service Requested Opt 1 092 242 OneCode ACS - CSR2 Change Service Requested Opt 2 513 586 Full-Service ACS - CSR1 Change Service Requested Opt 1 093 243 Full-Service ACS - CSR2 Change Service Requested Opt 2 567 231 Traditional ACS - CSR1 Change Service Requested Opt 1 560 559 562 561 Traditional ACS - CSR2 Change Service Requested Opt 2 565 564 568 566 Secure Destruction Eligible STIDs Change Service Requested Descriptions The table above represents the available STIDs for the Green and Secure Program. As a reminder to participate in Green and Secure all mailers, including those who use NCOA Link must enroll in an ACS Feedback method. Enrollment is completed through the NCSC. Address Correction Options ACS Option 1 Description ACS Option 2 Description Change Service Requested (CSR) CSR1: · All UAA mail is discarded. · ACS notice provided. CSR2: · Forward if possible, all other UAA mail is discarded. *FCM Forwarded for free *USPS Marketing Mail pays applicable forwarding fees $.44 for letters/ $1.36 for Flats *ACS notice fees apply if applicable 

21 Green & Secure FRN Comments
USPS Response Define how USPS will maintain and ensure the integrity of the Secure Destruction process moving forwarding, comporting with the latest professional standards. The USPS launched Secure Destruction for First-Class Mail letters in November 2014 and is currently preparing to launch Secure Destruction for First-Class Mail flats. Secure Destruction Standard Operating Procedures and training was released in January 2018 and communications are ongoing in preparation for the expected increase in volume. Clarify whether a mailer using the Green & Secure method must still comply with the requirements of ACS, including the requirement to mail to customers at least once every 95 days and to update addresses. Mailers that receive ACS from undeliverable Green & Secure pieces should use that information to update the mailing list when they expect to continue to mail to those customers. Failure to update risks assessments on future mail that is sent without a Green & Secure STID as well as inevitable loss of contact with those customers or potential customers. Clarification of the process when a mailpiece is excluded from the Address Quality Census Measurement and Assessment Process ad referral to USPSIS for enforcement. All mailings using postage prices that require compliance with the Move Update standard, regardless of whether they qualify for verification under the Address Quality Census Measurement and Assessment Process, may be subject to a separate assessment in the event that they do not comply with the Move Update standard pursuant to DMM A mailer has not complied with the Move Update standard if a USPS approved Move Update method (DMM ) was not used to update the mailer’s address list with correct addresses (unless the mail bears an alternative address format under DMM 602.3). In those circumstances, the mailer did not qualify for the Presort or Automation price claimed on the postage statement or eDoc. The separate assessment could be applied to every mailpiece in a mailing for which the mailer did not comply with the Move update standard, and would be limited to the difference between the postage previously paid (including the Move Update assessment charge, if applicable) and the applicable First-Class Mail single-piece price. Clarification that there is no Move Update compliance risk is needed. Mailers who elect to utilize Green & Secure method would not update their source address systems of the COA data provided via the ACS. The USPS expects that mailers that use the Green & Secure Move Update Alternative method will continue to update their mailing lists as required for all other USPS Marketing Mail and discounted First-Class Mail pieces. The Green & Secure program exempts qualifying pieces from the Address Quality Census Assessment process.

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