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The Brocade Cloud Manageability Vision

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Presentation on theme: "The Brocade Cloud Manageability Vision"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Brocade Cloud Manageability Vision
[Add Presentation Title: Insert tab > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts] 9/18/2018 The Brocade Cloud Manageability Vision Cloud Lifecycle Open, Scalable, Service-Oriented APIs In-Depth Management of Brocade Innovation Brocade Network Advisor Open Comprehensive Partner Integrations Cloud Orchestration Framework Service Management System © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 9/18/2018 © 2010 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL—For Internal Use Only

2 The Power of Brocade VCS Fabrics and OpenStack
[Add Presentation Title: Insert tab > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts] 9/18/2018 The Power of Brocade VCS Fabrics and OpenStack Self-service cloud resources on demand Network Analytics SDN SuperCore Routing Ethernet Fabric First to enable fabric-level service-oriented orchestration Cloud Lab with OpenStack-based Brocade VCS Fabric orchestration Virtual LAN (VLAN) setup 75 percent more efficient Simple, secure, scalable solution Efficient service-oriented APIs Robust RESTful APIs Fabric-level APIs Enables product portfolio for OpenStack Brocade will drive and contribute to the OpenStack community Scalable, Service-Oriented RESTful APIs Brocade Fabric-Level Service-Oriented Orchestration As a foundation for SDN, the VCS Ethernet fabric must be highly available and reliable, supporting on demand virtualized network orchestration, even as the physical network fabric is built out. The self forming fabric and robust, service oriented management interface keeps the physical & logical network whole even as ongoing orchestration requests are received and provisioned. Today, Brocade is show-casing the efficiencies to be gained from fabric level orchestration with an OpenStack proof of concept demonstrating the VCS fabric’s robust Service-oriented provisioning support The service level management interface provides significant efficiencies for simplicity of service introduction and scale. For example VLAN provisioning steps are reduced from a 4 to 1 step process and will be automatically recognized across the whole fabric, giving up to 75% savings today across the orchestration interface. Brocade believes in supporting open and flexible set of tools that customers need for their cloud operations. We are building out the orchestration interfaces across product lines and getting involved in OpenStack to help accelerate the evolution towards cloud based solutions through that open source community. <subject to the DMTF announcement CIMI 1.0 August 29>: Brocade has also contributed to the definition of CIMI 1.0 to further open standards on cloud resource management. © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 9/18/2018 © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL—For Internal Use Only

3 Cloud Service Delivery Today
I need 2 VMs with 1 GHz, 8 GB memory, 40 GB HDD storage, and minimum latency. Susie Software Engineering Raj Service Desk You are #12 on the list, and you have an estimated wait time of 5 business days. Kay Storage Admin Joe Network Admin Bob Server Admin Inefficiencies Coordination Errors 3 Tickets Reserve Compute Resource Reserve Storage Resource Reserve Network Resource Commit Resource © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 9/18/2018

4 OpenStack Orchestration and Automation
Designs the tenant architecture Defines sizing and security parameters Creates solution catalog templates Susie Software Engineering Bob Solution Architect Kay IT Admin Publishes and manages the tenant architecture Deploys the overall hardware and software resources Monitors and maintains Publishes the template Makes a few clicks using the system’s self-service portal Waits a couple of minutes, and the requested cloud infrastructure resources are ready

5 Why Brocade + OpenStack
[Add Presentation Title: Insert tab > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts] 9/18/2018 Why Brocade + OpenStack Brocade first to enable fabric-level service-oriented orchestration OpenStack Deployment Automation Rapid Service Delivery Rapid Service Delivery Sharable Pool of Resources Sharable Pool of Resources Business Agility Lower TCO Fabric-Level Automation Fabric-Level Automation Simple, Secure, and Scalable API Simple, Secure and Scalable API Brocade VCS Fabric Orchestration © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 9/18/2018 © 2010 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL—For Internal Use Only

6 OpenStack Demo Solution Requirements Physical Infrastructure
[Add Presentation Title: Insert tab > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts] 9/18/2018 OpenStack Demo Solution Requirements Physical Infrastructure © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 9/18/2018 © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL—For Internal Use Only

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