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Spanish American War 1989.

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1 Spanish American War 1989

2 Causes of Spanish American War
Imperialism Social Darwinism Yellow Journalism Militarism 2nd Industrial Revolution

3 Yellow Journalism Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers.

4 William McKinley, Jr. (1843-1901)
25th President Wanted to avoid war in Cuba Yellow journalism and public supported war In April 1898, President McKinley abandoned his failed diplomatic efforts and asked Congress for permission to intervene in Cuba.

5 William Randolph Hearst
Newspaper publisher and leading example of yellow journalism New York Journal started a public hysteria for war with Spain by publishing incendiary articles and illustrations Hearst once said "You provide the pictures and I'll provide the war."


7 To Hell with Spain Remember the Maine
At 9:40pm on February 15, 1898, the battleship U.S.S. Maine exploded in Havana Harbor 268 men were killed, shocking the American population What or who caused this explosion?

8 The de Lôme Letter Letter was written by the Spanish Ambassador to the United States Enrique Dupuy de Lôme He criticized McKinley, calling him week The letter was published by Hearst Press Cuban revolutionaries intercepted the letter from the mail and released it to the Hearst press, which published it on February 9, 1898, in the New York Journal. De Lôme’s unflattering remarks about McKinley helped fuel this country’s aggressive, warlike foreign policy. Two months later, on April 11, 1898, McKinley delivered a war message to Congress asking for “forcible intervention” by the United States to establish peace in Cuba.

9 “How long shall the United States sit idle and indifferent within sound and hearing of rapine and murder? How long?” The New York Journal The American public called for war. Mckinley hesitated

10 Results of the Spanish American War
Signed the Treaty of Paris in December of 1898 Spain recognized Cuba's Independence US gained Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico The US had to develop a policy for imperialism Right to liberty???

11 “A Splendid Little War”
The Spanish-American War only lasted 100 days Cost the United States almost nothing in terms of casualties Brought the country significant gains in territory Secretary of State John Hay wrote to Theodore Roosevelt that the conflict was "a splendid little war”

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