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MDG country reporting Albania Kyrgyzstan Armenia Lithuania

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Presentation on theme: "MDG country reporting Albania Kyrgyzstan Armenia Lithuania"— Presentation transcript:

1 MDG country reporting Albania Kyrgyzstan Armenia Lithuania
Bulgaria Poland Kazakhstan Romania Bhutan Cambodia Nepal Philippines Viet Nam Egypt Kuwait Lebanon Saudi Arabia Syria Yemen Cameroon Chad Guinea Lesotho Madagascar Mauritius Mozambique Senegal Tanzania Bolivia Guatemala Panama Nicaragua

2 Collaborative efforts
MDG-Net - largest Knowledge Network MDG training package, including meta- data sheets (w/UNSD, WB & UNFPA) Revised MDGR guidance note (w/UNDG) ‘DevInfo’ (w/UNICEF & FAO) WDC-2003 (w/Sweden)

3 Top 3 priorities for 2003 More reports: 100 Better reports:
concise & descriptive tailored targets local language(s) disaggregated data covering goal 8 Inclusive reports: Gov, UNCT & CSOs balance expediency & inclusiveness

4 MDG framework Unifying agenda Bringing targets ‘home’
Common framework for assessing results & policies (focus on local results rather than on their attribution to specific inputs)

5 Annual results indicators
Female primary enrolment ratio Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel Proportion of infants immunised against measles HIV prevalence among year old mothers

6 Annual input indicators
Public expenditure on basic education & primary health care Share of budget that reaches unit of service delivery – proxy for ‘governance’ MDG 8

7 Keep reporting voluntary & balanced
ECOSOC debate MDG-8 reports: (trends since 1990) Aid volume (total, LDCs, BSS) Proportion untied Duty-free imports from developing countries Tariffs on agric. & textile imports from developing countries Agric. domestic support Resources for debt relief

8 Relationship MDGR & PRSP
Nationally-agreed MDG targets form central objectives of nationally-owned PRSP – adaption, not mere adoption MDGs are longer-term objectives; PRSP is shorter-term ‘action plan’ Reports address different audiences but not based on parallel processes UN-WB division on labour, with space for UN’s voice in policy debate & service delivery

9 ROAR & Evaluation Nature of engagement is evolving participation
# COs reporting on PRSP involvement Nature of engagement is evolving participation poverty monitoring policy advice

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