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STRONG feelings of JINGOISM in the US

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1 AIM: Were the Spanish-American War and its resulting effects justified?

2 STRONG feelings of JINGOISM in the US
Intense form of nationalism in the form of aggressive foreign policy. DEMAND that the US takes its place with imperialistic European nations. Use threats and force. Cleveland and McKinley NOT FANS…morally and economically.


4 U.S. Imperialism: CUBA

5 What’s the situation before the war? Spanish-American War CAUSE #1
The United States trades with Cuba for SUGAR! BUT… Spain controls Cuba AND… Cuba wants independence from Spain Spanish-American War CAUSE #1 USA promises to support Cuba’s independence WHY?? In order to protect our sugar business!

6 U.S. Imperialism: CUBA 1895: Cubans declared their independence from Spain; To put down the revolution, Spain used brutal tactics (like starvation)

7 1898: President McKinley is hoping to AVOID war!
CAUSE #2 YELLOW JOURNALISM 1898: President McKinley is hoping to AVOID war! Extreme journalists call for war (YELLOW JOURNALISM) = sensationalized writing/pictures in media Joseph Pulitzer William Randolph Hearst

8 CAUSE #3: De Lome Letter (1898)
Spanish diplomat’s letter “leaked” to the press and printed on the front page of Hearst’s Journal… Critical of President McKinley – called him “weak”, a “would-be politician” and a jingoist Considered an insult to the president & the nation Chances for peaceful negotiations were unlikely

9 CAUSE #4: USS Maine Incident
While you watch: What happened to the USS Maine? What was the reaction by Americans? The President/Congress? VIDEO Feb 15, the USS Maine mysteriously blew up! No one knows what caused the explosion Yellow Journalists blamed Spain Americans called for war! April 20, 1898: the US declared war on Spain!

10 No mention of HIS PEOPLE
What’s missing? No mention of HIS PEOPLE THE MAINE?? MY FOUR REASONS FOR WAR!!!! “Put an end to barbarities, bloodshed, starvation, and horrible miseries” in Cuba! Protect the lives and property of U.S. citizens living in Cuba! End ”the very serious injury to the commerce, trade, and business of our people” End “the constant menace to our peace” arising from disorder in Cuba Teller Amendment (April 1898) The US has NO INTENTIONS of taking political control of Cuba After war, Cubans governs THEMSELVES

11 The Spanish American War
TWO FRONTS: CUBA and Philippines War lasts from April to August 1898 Only 460 Americans die in battle 5,200 Americans die of disease Theodore Roosevelt leads the Rough Riders through Cuba US Navy battles Spanish ships in the Philippines and destroy Spanish fleet in the Pacific

12 War Ends – The Results Armistice in August 1898 and Treaty of Paris (December 1898) America gains Guam, Puerto Rico, (and the Philippines) Cuba became a “protectorate”(colony) of the United States

13 As a result of the Spanish-American War, Cuba was liberated and the USA annexed the Philippines ($20 million), Guam, and Puerto Rico

14 Outcome of the War Cuba gains their independence
America becomes a world power Territories (US controls all 3): Puerto Rico Guam The Philippines ($20 million) TAKE A PICTURE!

15 Cuba was independent, right?
Platt Amendment We’ll remove our troops if you: Never sign a treaty with a foreign power that harms your independence Let the US intervene in your affairs to assure independence Allow the US to keep naval bases in Cuba (Guantanamo Bay)

16 U.S. Imperialism: PUERTO RICO
Puerto Rico is still a U.S. territory; Lots of poverty & unemployment Jones Act (1917) – gain US citizenship

17 Guam is still a U.S. territory; Naval Base Guam & Andersen AFB
U.S. Imperialism: GUAM Guam is still a U.S. territory; Naval Base Guam & Andersen AFB

18 U.S. Imperialism: PHILIPPINES
When the Philippines were annexed by the USA & not granted independence (or citizenship)after the Spanish-American War, the Filipino-American War began in 1898 The Filipino-American War lasted 3 years & cost more in money & American lives than the Spanish-American War! 200,000+ Filipinos Die

19 Not all Americans supported imperialism
The Anti-Imperialist League formed in 1899 to fight American annexation of the Philippines Many argued that the United States had no right to force American culture upon others

20 Entangle the US in political issues in Asia.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…" Thomas Jefferson July 3, 1776 After the US acquired the Philippines, what argument could anti-imperialists make by looking at the Declaration of Independence? Anti-imperialists… Violated the principles of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” in the Declaration; Entangle the US in political issues in Asia.

21 U.S. Imperialism: US VIRGIN ISLANDS
US Virgin Islands was purchased by the US from Denmark in 1917

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