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Marsh9thEnglish.wordpress. com

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1 Marsh9thEnglish.wordpress. com
Unit 13 Vocab Marsh9thEnglish.wordpress. com

2 (n) Strong dislike; hostile feeling
Antipathy (n) Strong dislike; hostile feeling

3 (adj) capable of being applied; relevant, suitable
applicable (adj) capable of being applied; relevant, suitable

4 (n) Something of valiue; a resource; an advantage
Asset (n) Something of valiue; a resource; an advantage

5 Beset (v) To attack from all sides; to surround, hem in; (adj part) harrased, troubled, studded (as with jewels)

6 (n) Sympathy for another’s suffering; pity
Compassion (n) Sympathy for another’s suffering; pity

7 (n) Proper behavior, good taste; orderliness
Decorum (n) Proper behavior, good taste; orderliness

8 (n) Compulsion by threat; forcible confinement
Duress (n) Compulsion by threat; forcible confinement

9 (adj) high-spirited; enthusiastic, unrestrained; excessive, abundant
Exuberant (adj) high-spirited; enthusiastic, unrestrained; excessive, abundant

10 Facsimile (n) An exact copy

11 (v) To drink; to take in; absorb
Imbibe (v) To drink; to take in; absorb

12 (adj) not so be sarisfied or pacified; unyielding
Implacable (adj) not so be sarisfied or pacified; unyielding

13 (adj) so small as to be almost immeasurable; minute
Infinitesimal (adj) so small as to be almost immeasurable; minute

14 (adj) harmless, inoffensive; insignificant
Innocuous (adj) harmless, inoffensive; insignificant

15 Militate (v) To have effect of force on or against someone or something; fight against

16 Patent (n) Exclusive rights of an invention; copyright (v) to arrange or obtain such rights (adj) plain, open to view, copyrighted

17 (n) Distinguished bravery; superior skill or ability
Prowess (n) Distinguished bravery; superior skill or ability

18 (adj) quiet, settled, sober (v) to administer a tranquilizer
Sedate (adj) quiet, settled, sober (v) to administer a tranquilizer

19 Stentorian (adj) extremely loud

20 (v) To arrange specifically; to require as condition of agreement
Stipulate (v) To arrange specifically; to require as condition of agreement

21 (n) A final proposal or statement of conditions
Ultimatum (n) A final proposal or statement of conditions

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