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Ethics in Medical Research
Tri setyawati Biokimia PSPD FKIK UNTAD
Current Medical Research
Xeno-transplant Bio-molecular basis Cloning technology Therapeutic cloning Embryonic Adult stem cell Reproductive cloning Bio-robotic etc
The development of research ethics code
Nuremberg and Helsinki
Nuremberg Code (1947) Voluntary consent of the human subjects is absolutely essential The experiment should yield “fruitful” results Experiment based on results of animal experimentation or natural history to justify the experiment Experiment should avoid all unnecessary physical/mental suffering/injury No experiment where reason to believe that death/injury will occur
The degree of risk should never exceed the importance of the problem to be solved
Proper preparations/facilities to protect the subject Experiment conducted only by science/qualified Subject should be at liberty to end experiment The scientist must terminate an experiment where there is probable cause to believe that injury, disability, or death will result
Declaration of Helsinki 1965
Declaration of Helsinki 1965 (World Medical Association) Voluntary consent of the research participant Independent review of the project Assessment of the risk Involvement of competent researchers of integrity and Research merit
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
1948 Sidang Umum PBB The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1966 The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Artikel 7 No one be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation
Tokyo 1975 Tokyo Reports of experimentation not in accordance with the principles laid down in this Declaration should not be accepted for publication
1982 Council of International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS )
The International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects I (1982) II (1993) III (2002)
1995 World Health Organization (WHO)
Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice for Trials on Pharmaceutical Products International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirement for Registration of Pharmaceutical for Human Use menjadi Good Clinical Practice (ICH-GCP)
2000 World Health Organisation (WHO)
Operational Guideline for Ethics Committee that Review Biomedical Research
2001 Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM)
Cara Uji Klinik yang Baik (CUKB) Telah ditetapkan untuk dilaksanakan di Indonesia dengan Keputusan Kepala BPOM RI Nomor 02002/SK/KBPOM
1995 PP RI No 39 tahun 1995 tentang Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan
Pasal 8 Penelitian dan pengembangan kesehatan terhadap manusia hanya dapat dilakukan atas dasar persetujuan tertulis dari manusia yang bersangkutan
Pasal 20 Barang siapa dengan sengaja menyelenggarakan penelitian dan pengembangan kesehatan tanpa persetujuan tertulis sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 8, dipidana dengan paling banyak Rp ,- (sepuluh juta rupiah)
2002 Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan R. I
2002 Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan R.I. Nomor 1333/Menkes/SK/X/2002 tentang Persetujuan Penelitian Kesehatan terhadap Manusia Disamping denda tersebut dapat dikenakan sanksi administratif
2002 Komisi Nasional Etik Penelitian Kesehatan (KNEPK)
Dibentuk dengan Kepmenkes No. 1334/Menkes/SK/X/2002 2005 Pedoman Nasional Etik Penelitian Kesehatan Telah ditetapkan berlakunya dengan Kepmenkes RI No.1031/ Menkes/SK/ VII/2005
Belmont Report Differentiate research and practice
"practice" refers to interventions that are designed solely to enhance the well-being of an individual patient or client and that have a reasonable expectation of success
The Process in Biomedical Research
The presence of an treated problem generate a research need Epidemiological studies-Whos is affected? Health problem in a patient Information obtained from basic research generate ideas for drugs, devices or techniques to treat the problem Basic research- What are the mechanism? A safe, effectice drugs, devices & treatments are used for treatment of problem Drug/Medical Device discovery & development Clinical trial- Testing on volunteer Drug/Medical Device testing-efficacy & toxicity Drugs, devices & treatments are tested for safety & efficacy-first in laboratory, then in animal finally in human volunteers The entire process of initiation of project to development of a treatment may take many years and cost hundreds of millions of dollars laboratory animal volunteer
The ethical researcher
"Many people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is character." -- Albert Einstein
What is ethics? “The subject of ethics is best thought of as the
critical scrutiny of moral thought and morality as it affects our ideas of right conduct” Source: Campbell A, Gillett G, Jones G. Practical medical ethics. Auckland, Oxford University Press, 1992.
What is ethical human research?
Integrity Respect for persons Beneficence Harm Scientific adequacy Justice Informed Consent Privacy and Confidentiality
Integrity of researchers
Commitment to advancement of knowledge Commitment to pursuit and protection of truth Commitment to rigorous scientific method Honesty Accountability to: the institution and academic community general community individuals and groups who have a defined interest in the research Komitmen terhadap kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan Komitmen terhadap cita-cita dan menjaga kepercayaan Komitmen dengan ketat terhadap metodologi ilmiah Kejujuran Bertanggung jawab terhadap ………………..
Enhancing ethical research
Awareness of, and adherence to, national standards and codes Sound institutional policies and procedures Transparent processes for approval and monitoring Accessible mechanisms for handling complaints and investigations Meningkatkat etik research
recognition of autonomy of individuals and groups
Respect for persons recognition of autonomy of individuals and groups regard for welfare, rights, beliefs, and customs protection for people with diminished autonomy 1. MENGHORMATI SESEORANG (RESPECT FOR PERSONS) (a) MENGHORMATI OTONOMI (b) MEMPERHATIKAN KESEJAHTERAAN, HAK, KEYAKINAN DAN KEBIASAAN (c) MELINDUNGI YANG OTONOMINYA TERGANGGU ATAU KURANG
avoiding harm and promoting well-being
Beneficence avoiding harm and promoting well-being maximise possible benefits and minimise possible harms to participants 2. KEMANFAATAN (BENEFICENCE) (a) MANFAAT MAKSIMAL, RISIKO MINIMAL (b) MEMENUHI PERSYARATAN ILMIAH (c) PENELITI MAMPU MENELITI & MENJAGA KESEJAHTERAAN SUBJEK PENELITIAN (d) NONMALEFICENCE, DO NO HARM
Harm Physical, psychological, social, cultural, financial
pain, discomfort, injury, adverse effects of drugs anxiety, stress, guilt, embarrassment, loss of self-esteem labelling, stigmatisation, discrimination costs of participation, income or revenue loss To individuals (participants or researchers) or to groups
Scientific adequacy Research must be justifiable in terms of its potential contribution to knowledge. Research design must account for/avoid biases in: participant selection data collection data analysis data interpretation Researchers must have adequate expertise to conduct the project and analyse the data
Justice within a population, the benefits of the research should be balanced against the burdens of the research for each participant, a balance of burdens and benefits should be sought 3. KEADILAN (JUSTICE) (a) MEMPERLAKUKAN SETIAP ORANG DENGAN MORAL YANG BENAR DAN PANTAS SERTA MEMBERI SETIAP ORANG HAKNYA (b) DISTRIBUSI SEIMBANG DAN ADIL ANTARA BEBAN & MANFAAT KEIKUTSERTAAN
Informed consent Provision of clear and coherent information to participants about purpose, methods, demands, risks, inconvenience, discomforts and possible outcomes (including publication) Exercise voluntary choice to participate and to withdraw consent Participant is competent to make that choice Restricted circumstances for research without consent
Privacy and confidentiality
Individuals have a sphere of life from which they should be able to exclude any intrusion Legal/ethical obligations to be observed when researcher receives information about another person Safe storage of, and access to, data
Academic misconduct
Academic Misconduct • Cheating • Plagiarism
• Claiming the ideas of others as your own • Falsifying data • Interfering with the work of others
Cheating • Getting help on a test, exam or assignment without explicit authorization from the instructor • Giving help without explicit authorization • Submitting the same work for two different classes without prior authorization from the instructor Submitting the same work for more than one class may be permitted with prior authorization by both professors Typically, a more substantial piece of work will be required in such cases
Plagiarism • Using the words or ideas of others without explicit citation • If you use the words of others, use quotation marks and reference the source • If you use the ideas of others, make clear you are doing so and reference the source It doesn’t matter if the work cited is published or unpublished, if it is the work of a friend, colleague, fellow student, professor, or anyone else It doesn’t matter if your assignment is written or oral, you must still cite your sources
Claiming the Ideas of Others
• It is academic misconduct to claim to have originated ideas for research, interpretation, or other significant original thought • It doesn’t matter if the other person is a friend, fellow-student, colleague, professor, or anyone else • Use of others’ ideas in developing your own is allowable, as long as explicit credit is given for their contribution
Falsifying Data • Falsifying or manipulating data to reach a desired conclusion is grave misconduct • Falsifying data includes – Selectively dropping cases or variables – Making up data – Selectively reporting or suppressing results Menyontek Plagiat Mengklaim ide orang lain Memalsukan data Interfensi kerja orang lain
Interfering With Others’ Work
• Altering, sabotaging, or otherwise interfering with the work of others
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