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Mrs. Williams Chemistry

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1 Mrs. Williams Chemistry
Lab Safety Mrs. Williams Chemistry

2 http://www. watchknowlearn. org/Video. aspx

3 Lab Attire Goggles must be worn at ALL times!!! No open-toed shoes.
Long Hair must be pulled back. No overly loose clothing.

4 No Food or Drink in the Lab!!!!!!!!

5 Never Taste, Drink, or Smell any Chemical

6 No Horseplay or silly Behavior

7 Keep lab area neat and clean. Clean up any spills immediately

8 Follow all directions as they are written!!!

9 Never heat a closed container.
Always point test tubes away from you and your lab partners when heating.

10 Always turn off Bunsen Burners and hotplates when you are finished using them.

11 Dispose of chemicals properly.
Never return unused chemicals to the stock containers. Dispose of chemicals properly.

12 Do not touch lab equipment until instructed.
Never take any materials out of the lab.

13 Know the location and use of all safety equipment.

14 Be Smart Be Safe

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