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Enterprise COllaboration & INteroperability

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Presentation on theme: "Enterprise COllaboration & INteroperability"— Presentation transcript:

1 Enterprise COllaboration & INteroperability
COIN Workshop: Enterprise Interoperability and Collaboration in the Internet of Things: specification of requirements and identification of industrial scenarios Lugano, June 23rd 2010 Sergio Gusmeroli, Marco Conte TXT e-solutions SPA, Esoce.Net

2 Agenda Agenda Conference Day 3 - Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Workshop Introduction (Sergio Gusmeroli, TXT e-solutions) State of Play in IoT EC-funded Research 15’ The IOT-A Integrated Project (Alessandro Bassi, Hitachi) 15’ The INTREPID Integrated Project (Jesper Thestrup, IN-Jet) 15’ The IERC Cluster and Research Agenda (Ovidiu Vermesan, IERC Coordinator) Discussion about Interoperability and Collaboration challenges for the IoT (moderator Sergio Gusmeroli, TXT e-solutions) 10.30 Coffee Break The COIN IP and the COIN Multipliers institute (Marco Conte, Esoce.Net) Industrial Test Cases in the Internet of Things 20+5’ Consumer Goods Industry Test Case (Alessandro Canepa, Piacenza Cashmere) 20+5’ Energy Efficient Manufacturing Test Case (Jesper Thestrup, IN-Jet) Discussion about IoT user scenarios for Interoperability and Collaboration Services (moderator Marco Conte, Esoce.Net) Meeting closure

3 Table of Content Technical Workshop Business Workshop
The COIN Interoperability, Collaboration Services Interoperability/Collaboration Challenges in IoT Business Workshop The COIN Pilots and Multipliers Institute Common scenarios and piloting opportunities

4 The COIN Vision & Motto COIN VISION: “By 2020 enterprise collaboration and interoperability services will become an invisible, pervasive and self-adaptive knowledge and business utility at disposal of the European networked enterprises from any industrial sector and domain in order to rapidly set-up, efficiently manage and effectively operate different forms of business collaborations, from the most traditional supply chains to the most advanced and dynamic business ecosystems.” COIN MOTTO: “Enterprise Interoperability and Enterprise Collaboration are the two sides of the same COIN”

5 The COIN Integrated Project
Project No: Project Full Name: Collaboration & Interoperability for Networked Enterprises Duration: 48 months Start date: January 1st 2008 Partnership: 21 partners, 9 countries Strategic Objective: FP7 ICT ICT in support of the networked enterprise Total Eligible Cost: EURO EC Contribution: EURO

6 The COIN Consortium & Funnel Model
User Partners Academic & Research Partners Industrial Partners

7 The COIN Metaphore COIN MOTTO:
“Enterprise Interoperability and Enterprise Collaboration are the two sides of the same COIN” The SIDE A of the COIN: Enterprise Interoperability The SIDE B of the COIN: Enterprise Collaboration The Substrate of the COIN: Service Platform The Value of the COIN: Software as a Service-Utility SaaS-U The Market of the COIN: Enterprise Networks (mainly SMEs)

8 COIN Side A: interoperability

9 COIN Side B: collaboration

10 Interoperability in the IoT
Inside the same world (Real World Internet), across heterogeneous entities, networks and devices (sensors objects humans ambient in-outdoor). What the relation between interoperability & convergence? Across different worlds, Real-Digital-Virtual, how can a human become an avatar or an identity? How can a network of sensors become a data stream, generate an event, participate in a decision making process or in a virtual reality scenario? Is it just a problem of interoperability or something more? Are current ontology representations able to tackle the cross-world Semantic Interoperability challenge?

11 Interoperability Challenges
IoT Perspective Data Interoperability Priority: 1-5 (Inside single World, across Worlds) Comments Knowledge Interoperability Business Interoperability Other Interoperability Issues?

12 Collaboration in the IoT
Real Time adaptive, collaborative business processes, to go beyond static business representations. Things as “users” of c-BPs? A parcels’ Twitter; a video-cameras’ YouTube; a cars’ Facebook? SOA and EDA convergence? Stored data sets and realtime data streams? A VO of things? Distributed Intelligence, where decisional processes are highly distributed till to the very edge of the network. New methods for conflict resolution & mediated collaboration? What about Identity Mgmt (AAA security issues)? What about availability, reliability, collective intelligence and voting?

13 Collaboration Challenges
IoT Perspective Product Development Priority: 1-5 (RT Business Processes, Distributed Intelligence) Comments Production Planning Project Management Other Collaboration Issues?

14 Table of Content Technical Workshop Business Workshop
The COIN Interoperability&Collaboration Services Interoperability/Collaboration Challenges in IoT Business Workshop The COIN Pilots and Multipliers Institute Common scenarios and piloting opportunities

15 COIN Market: starting point
SupplyChain Coll Network Ecosystem Social Business Automotive Cluster (Slovenia) ISOIN Aeronautical Cluster (Spain) Healthcare Ecosystem (UK) Social Knowledge Aerospace Supply Chain (Italy) ICT Collaborative Network (Hungary) Pulp & Paper Business Ecosystem (Finland)

16 FILAS & Space Supply Chain
Teleinformatica e Sistemi (TeS) is a SME belonging to DTA cluster managed and supported by FILAS. Eutelsat/SNCF is TeS’ end customer requiring 65 Antennas (4 pieces per month) to be mounted on the TGV. Test case demo scenario 11 TeS Suppliers involved Actors make use of COIN innovative services to improve the production plan process all over the demo session Benefits from using COIN More efficient production and maintenance planning life cycle Reduce shipping of defective components, reduce costs in replacing defective products, better in-time delivery and increase of production capacity Fasten problem solving actions among people involved in the production process Better human resources management/allocation costs 16 16

17 ISOIN & Aeronautic Cluster
Openness for the cluster, to other prime contractors and other business opportunities. Relation with other clusters Open call for tender processes. Competence selection of partners. SaaS business models in software implementation that reduce costs, time and difficulty for companies in the use of new services. Research centers Increase communication between companies, University and research centers. Increase collaboration in business opportunities among companies, sharing valuable information without neglecting security. Universities of Sevilla and Cádiz Regional Government Increase Interoperability among companies of the cluster and outside the cluster, facilitating the use of these services to the end user. SaaS can use accepted standards in aeronautics and by main software developers, enabling the integration of application and platforms. 17

18 POYRY & Pulp-Paper Ecosystem
Main challenges Transition to global operation Collaboration and Communication in the Business Eco-system is the key Pöyry Finland ecosystem Project management Electrical engineering Pöyry Poland ecosystem Local Public Opinion Suppliers Metso Paper Communities Siemens Authorities Environmental Permits Propapier Mill Owner Piping design Pöyry China ecosystem Business benefits A new faster way to define what to do in a project A new faster way to define how to do it in the project Time needed to acquire sufficient project work practice and engineering knowledge. A way to find who is able to do it in the project Time to find the information about available skill The Project Alignment Model is a unified way to present knowledge and skill levels.

19 COIN Communities The COIN Community mechanism aims to extend and multiply dissemination and exploitation of COIN concepts and outcomes to the external scientific, technical and industrial world. COIN Community is structured as a Professional Virtual Community (PVC) at three increasing levels of commitment: Member, Testimonial, Angel. COIN Members need to register to the community by filling a simple Registration Form. They will receive periodical COIN Newsletters and participate at the Social life of COIN COIN Testimonials are members with recognized expertise & competence in COIN topics of interest. They will participate in COIN workshops and increase the Knowledge dimension COIN Angels are members who are committed to animate the COIN Community and stimulate the adoption of COIN scientific and applicative results in industry. COIN Pilot Multipliers are additional test cases for COIN outcomes. They cover additional and complementary issues and domains just partially addressed in main COIN. 19

20 COIN Angels & Testimonials
COIN Members (171) COIN Testimonials (13) COIN Angels (9 prospects) Prof. Guy Doumeingts (Interop VLab) for ICE 2009 Prof. Marc Pallot (Nottingham Univ.) for Esoce 2009 Dr. Wolfgang Prinz (FhG FIT) for ICE 2010 Dr. Piero De Sabbata (ENEA) for Esoce 2010 (Prof. Asuman Dogac (METU) Prof. Roberto Zicari (OMG)) Prof. Ricardo Rabelo (UFSC Santa Caterina Brasil) & David Romero (ITM Monterrey Mexico) for IFAC 2011 COIN Angels & Multipliers Prospects COIN & Semantics (John Domingue Open University) COIN & Cloud Computing (Philippe Massonet CETIC) COIN and the FI PPP Core Platform EI/EC Services for Smart Cities-Health-Grids Prof. Xu Xiaofei: EI/EC for Chinese Manufacturing 20

21 COIN-IoT Scenarios/Pilots
IoT-specific sectors and domains for COIN: Smart Cities, IoT Urban environments Smart Health, indoor and outdoor assistance Smart Environment, meteo-air-water-soil mgmt COIN sectors/domain extended by IoT Manufacturing, realtime plant supervisory control Logistics & Retail, distributed autonomous reasoning and decision making Product Design, mixing Real & Virtual objects

22 Scenarios / Pilots Scenarios IoT Perspective Manufacturing
Priority: 1-5 (Interoperability & Collaboration Challenges) Comments SCM/Logistics Retail Healthcare Smart City Smart Agriculture Environment

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