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Colonial Georgia Highland Scots Salzburgers Immigrants Rules Trustees

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1 Colonial Georgia Highland Scots Salzburgers Immigrants Rules Trustees
The Highland Scots were __________________________ the colony against Spanish invasions. In 1739, they signed the __________________________ in the South. The Highland Scots created the __________________________ in Georgia. When the Highland Scots realized the soil was not good for crops, they established successful timber and __________________________ . The Highland Scots were fierce fighters well-known for __________________________ . In January 1736, __________________________ known as the Highland Scots established the town of Darien. Oglethorpe was concerned with the military threat posed by the __________________________ so he recruited another group of immigrants to help defend the colony. They were also successful in lumber production, __________________________ , and agriculture. In New Ebenezer, they planted mulberry trees and __________________________ from silkworms that fed on the leaves. They eventually asked Oglethorpe for a better site and moved to a __________________________ on the Savannah River. In Ebenezer, they worked hard, but the land was marshy with __________________________ for crops. The Salzburgers were given land __________________________ that they named Ebenezer (“the Rock of Help”). The Salzburgers came to Georgia in 1734 seeking __________________________ and hoping to establish a silk industry in the colony. The largest ethnic group during the Trustee Period were __________________________ from Salzburg (in present-day Austria). Many diverse groups, including the Highland Scots, the Salzburgers, and the Jews, joined the settlement in Savannah and made a __________________________ on the Georgia colony. Despite the strict rules, people from all over Europe heard about the new colony and began to __________________________ . Many of these rules __________________________ . Some rules include limits on land ownership, no hard liquor, __________________________ , no Catholics or Jews, and inheritance laws that passed down family land to sons only. The Trustees had a plan for Georgia that included several __________________________ for the colonists. The trustees were __________________________ personally from decisions they made. During the Trustee Period, Oglethorpe was the __________________________ of Georgia. They could not receive a salary, own land in the colony, or __________________________ . To assure that they would not act __________________________ , Georgia’s charter prohibited several activities. They could govern the colony for __________________________ , after that, the colony’s government was to pass to the ruler of England. The Charter of 1732 gave 21 trustees the __________________________ Georgia until 1753. Colonial Georgia

2 Royal Colony Trustee Ends . Spanish Threat Malcontents Jews Restrictions on land ownership and slavery were removed and Georgia __________________________ economically. Many __________________________ changed once Georgia became a royal colony. In 1752, the Charter of 1732 expired and the Trustees __________________________ of the colony to the King. By 1750, land could be __________________________ , slavery was legal, and liquor was allowed in the colony. Georgia did achieve its goal of __________________________ from the Spanish; however, it failed with the other aspects of the Trustees’ plan for a model society. In the end, the Trustees’ economic and social plans for Georgia __________________________ . The Spanish loss marked the beginning of a __________________________ . After this battle, the Spanish __________________________ to Georgia. Oglethorpe’s much smaller force defended Fort Frederica and __________________________ in the Battle of Bloody Marsh. In 1742, a Spanish forced landed on __________________________ . When the Spanish __________________________ on the Georgia colony, Oglethorpe, along with the Highland Scots and other colonists, was prepared. Oglethorpe began __________________________ along Georgia’s barrier islands with the intention of preventing Spanish attacks from reaching Savannah. The Charter of 1732 required Georgia to __________________________ from the Spanish in Florida. Oglethorpe had little time to resolve the problems because a __________________________ was imminent The malcontents said that __________________________ unless people were allowed to buy and sell land and use slaves in their fields. They believed that the __________________________ kept the colony from prospering. Many of the malcontents had paid their own way to come to Georgia and were __________________________ off the land using slave labor. These __________________________ and demanded the Trustees make some changes. They saw that the colony of South Carolina, which allowed selling land, alcohol, and slaves, was __________________________ . Many colonists became angry as __________________________ met the colony. Dr. Nunes became Georgia’s official doctor and was credited with helping __________________________ . With his help, the __________________________ in the new colony passed. __________________________ helped cure many of the colonists’ illnesses. When it was discovered that there was a doctor among the Jewish immigrants, Oglethorpe agreed to let them __________________________ . Nearly one-fourth of the colonists had died from illness, including the __________________________ . At the time, the colonists __________________________ like scurvy, dysentery, and fever. The Charter of 1732 __________________________ from settling in Georgia, and Oglethorpe was unsure of what to do. In 1733, a group of __________________________ arrived in Savannah’s harbor and asked permission to join the settlement.

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