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THIS IS Jeopardy. THIS IS Jeopardy With Your Host... Mr. Stackhouse.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS Jeopardy. THIS IS Jeopardy With Your Host... Mr. Stackhouse."— Presentation transcript:


2 THIS IS Jeopardy

3 With Your Host... Mr. Stackhouse

4 Jeopardy Misc. Pt. 2 Stage Areas Curtains Scenery Seating Areas Misc. Pt 1 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

5 The curtain that shuts off the stage from the audience

6 Grand Drape A 100

7 A stage curtain that closes all the way, giving a neutral black background

8 Traveler A 200

9 A background curtain hung upstage, usually white

10 Cyc A 300

11 A curtain at the top of the proscenium, usually make of the same material as the grand drape, used to adjust the height of the proscenium opening A 400

12 Grand Teaser A 400

13 A short curtain hung across the stage above the acting area to mark the overhead lights from the audience A 500

14 Border A 500

15 The section of the stage in front of the curtain
B 100

16 Apron B 100

17 The area behind the set that is not visible to the audience, including dressing rooms, the greenroom, prop rooms, shops, offices, and storage areas B 200

18 Backstage B 200

19 A waiting area offstage used by actors

20 Greenrom B 300

21 The offstage area to the right and left of the set
B 400

22 Wings B 400

23 The area where the actors perform, visible to the audience when the curtain is open

24 Acting Area B 500

25 A long piece of pipe from which scenery, lights, and curtains are suspended

26 Batten C 100

27 Area above the stage where scenery is hung when not in use; also called a loft

28 Flies C 200

29 A system of lines and weights that gives mechanical advantage to the raising and lowering of scenery

30 Counterweight system C 300


32 The area from which the lines are operated

33 Pinrail C 400

34 A series of heavy beams or a metal framework just under the roof of the stage to which are attached the pulleys or blocks through which lines pass to raise or lower scenery C 500

35 Grid C 500

36 The area of the auditorium where the audience sits

37 House D 100

38 The first level of seating in all auditoriums

39 Orchestra D 200

40 The third level of seating in a three-seating level

41 Balcony D 300

42 The fourth level of seating in a huge auditorium with four levels of seating

43 Petite Balcony D 400

44 The second level of seating in a three-seating level auditorium

45 Mezzanine D 500

46 A wooden frame covered with cloth used as the basic unit of structure of a box set

47 Flat E 100

48 Area used to keep flats, door flats, door units, and other pieces of scenery

49 Storage Loft E 200

50 Area where lights used to light the front of the stage are hung

51 Lighting Bay E 300

52 A bulletin board where the cast and crew post notices, schedules, and other items used to improve communication among the cast and crew E 400

53 Callboard E 400

54 Small rooms offstage where actors get into costumes and apply makeup

55 Dressing Rooms E 500

56 The imaginary floor line the front curtain touches when closed

57 Curtain Line F 100

58 To raise or lower scenery
F 200

59 Fly F 200

60 Narrow curtains, usually hung in pairs, stage left and stage right, to mask the backstage area

61 Legs F 300

62 A drop made of fabric that seems almost opaque when lit from the front and semitransparent when lit from the back F 400

63 Scrim F 400

64 A pipe, suspended above the stage, equipped with outlets for lighting instruments

65 Electrical F 500

66 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Curtains Please record your wager.
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67 Click on screen to continue
A set of curtains, usually the same color as the grand drape, used to regulate the width of the proscenium opening Click on screen to continue

68 Click on screen to continue
Grand Tormentors Click on screen to continue

69 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!
Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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