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Cold War Divides: Latin America

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1 Cold War Divides: Latin America

2 Fighting For The Third World
Cold War ( ) Definition- U.S. vs. Soviet Union Fighting Over 3rd World Developing Nations Cold War Strategies CIA vs KGB Fought Over 3rd World Nations 1st World=Democratic, 2nd World=Communists Foreign Aid, Propaganda, Espionage Brinkmanship, Surrogate Wars, Alliances Association of Nonaligned Nations “Third Force” of Independent Nations Refused Help From U.S. & Soviets 2

3 Major Strategies Of The Cold War
Foreign Aid Giving Money To Nations (Marshall Plan) Espionage Spying To Uncover Secrets (U2 Incident) Multinational Alliances New Alliances (NATO & Warsaw Pact) Propaganda Sending Messages To Nations (Radio Free Europe) Brinkmanship Better Back Down War Threat (Massive Retaliation) Surrogate Wars Indirect War, Backing Opposing Sides (Korea/Vietnam War)

4 Nicaraguan Civil War Civil War in Nicaragua
U.S. backed dictator Samoza since 1933 Sandinistas & Ortega (communists) vs. Contras (U.S. Backed) Contra Scandal Civil War Broke out, Free Elections Were Won

5 The Banana Republics Guatemala U.S. overthrows Jacobo Arbenz (1954)
United Fruit Company Guatemalan Civil War for 36 years Chile U.S. sabotages Salvadore Allende (1973) Augusto Pinochet ends 48 years of democracy

6 The Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro & The Cuban Revolution U.S. Response
U.S. Backed Dictator Fulgencio Batista Fidel Castro the Lawyer Nationalizes U.S. Owned Sugar Mills U.S. Response U.S. Embargo On Cuba, Castro Turns To Soviets In 1960 U.S. starts to train anti-Castro Cuban exiles Fulgencio Batista 6

7 The Bay of Pigs In April 1961 Cuban exiles trained by the U.S. attack at the Bay of Pigs America Fails to Provide Air Support Humiliating Failure

8 The Cuban Missile Crises
-Khrushchev Set Up 42 Missile sites (Protect Cuba) -JFK Demanded Removal, 13 Days of Brinkmanship

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10 Journal “I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures. I believe that we must assist free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own way.” –The Truman Doctrine. “Anti-Americanism may indeed have grown fiercer than it was during the cold war. It is a common phenomenon that when the angels fail to deliver, the demons become more fearsome.” –Ian Buruma

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