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In one sentence, write the main idea of this paragraph

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1 In one sentence, write the main idea of this paragraph
In one sentence, write the main idea of this paragraph. This paragraph is about... Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first men to walk on the surface of the moon, but they were not the last. That was Gene Cernan, the last man to step off the lunar surface. In total there have been twelve men who have walked on the moon, all of whom had done so between 1969 and 1972, which is the most recent non-Michael Jackson moon walking.

2 Understanding Main Idea
You must comprehend the text. Focus on the BIGGEST idea. This paragraph is about moon walkers. Armstrong & Aldrin First Men on the Moon Cernan was the Last Man on the Moon 12 Men Have Walked On the Moon

3 Introduction to Essay Writing

4 Minds-On I want you to get those posters, and finish summarizing those key terms that I gave you to summarize. Extension: Review those rhetorical devices. I’ll take the register. Logos; Ethos; Pathos; Rhetorical Devices; Persuasive; Argument; Thesis; Body Paragraph

5 Minds-On 2 Card sort activity – work in pairs or in threes
Match the keyword with the definition Now place the following in the appropriate group: Pathos, Ethos, Logos In your group, decide which one of those rhetorical devices is the most important for an essay. Logos; Ethos; Pathos; Rhetorical Devices; Persuasive; Argument; Thesis; Body Paragraph

6 Is that essay effective? What would make it better?
To know the basic structure of an essay. To understand the how the author can try to convey his/her meaning to his/her audience. To be able to analyze the effectiveness of an essay by focusing on rhetorical devices and persuasive techniques used. Logos; Ethos; Pathos; Rhetorical Devices; Persuasive; Argument; Thesis; Body Paragraph

7 Introduction to Essay Writing
Some essays are 5 paragraphs, 4 paragraphs or 100 paragraphs long. There are many types of essays: Compare and Contrast, Literary Essays, Argumentative Essays, Opinion Essays, Cause and Effect Essays, Narrative Essays, a Photographic Essay, etc. Each type of essay has their own style. For the most effective essay, you must have a thesis (i.e., argument), and evidence to support your ideas. Let’s read a very, very, very, very simple essay about lockers.

8 To know the basic structure of an essay.
Find the hook. Find the thesis Find the point Find the evidence Find the explanation. Logos; Ethos; Pathos; Rhetorical Devices; Persuasive; Argument; Thesis; Body Paragraph

9 Make the term easier to understand. Write in bullet points.
To know the basic structure of an essay. To understand the how the author can try to convey his/her meaning to his/her audience. Success Criteria Make the term easier to understand. Write in bullet points. Write the most important information. Explain your example when you present. Leader Manager Note Maker Reporter Supporter Logos; Ethos; Pathos; Rhetorical Devices; Persuasive; Argument; Thesis; Body Paragraph

10 Is that essay effective? What would make it better?
To know the basic structure of an essay. To understand the how the author can try to convey his/her meaning to his/her audience. To be able to analyze the effectiveness of an essay by focusing on rhetorical devices and persuasive techniques used. Logos; Ethos; Pathos; Rhetorical Devices; Persuasive; Argument; Thesis; Body Paragraph

11 To understand the how the author can try to convey his/her meaning to his/her audience.
What is tone? Tone is: The attitude that an author takes toward the audience, the subject, or the character Conveyed through the author’s words and detail; to know the tone of a piece of writing requires you to make inferences. Welcome class Logos; Ethos; Pathos; Rhetorical Devices; Persuasive; Argument; Thesis; Body Paragraph

12 Words that describe tone
POSITIVE NEGATIVE NEUTRAL Optimistic Formal Humorous , witty - Amused, Cheerful Joyful, jubilant, jocular , Complimentary Compassionate: - Reverent; respectful - Pessimistic Informal Sarcastic, Ironic -Critical Threatening, Horror Foreboding, Ominous Nonchalant, Indifferent - Disgruntled - Detached, objective - Authoritative: - straightforward: - matter-of-fact - Candid Disinterested/ impartial

13 When analyzing an essay, you should focus on whether the author is objective or subjective.
What does objective mean? What does subjective mean? Objective: (of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts; impartial; dispassionate. Subjective is the opposite of objective, which refers to things that are more clear-cut. That Earth has one moon is objective — it's a fact. Whether the moon is pretty or not is subjective — not everyone will agree. Facts are objective, but opinions are subjective.

14 “The girl remembered little from the raid at Okeadan in which she had been captured. She knew her parents had been killed. She had no idea what had happened to her brothers and sisters. Much of what she had experienced had been so horrible that she had simply shut it out of her mind ” At Her Majesty’s Request p. 17 Happy Joyful Sad Angry

15 “ the next minute, Winn-Dixie looked like a furry bullet, shooting across the building, chasing that mouse. He was barking and his feet were skidding all over the polished Pick-It-Quick floor, and people were clapping and hollering and pointing. They really went wild when Winn-Dixie actually caught the mouse.” Because of Winn-Dixie p. 36 Enthusiastic Sad Objective Impartial

16 “By nightfall on Monday, the center of the storm had barely moved, and icy winds of hurricane force swept across an area from Virginia up to Nova Scotia, Canada. The wind was so powerful that in Liberty, New York, the local train station had its roof entirely ripped off …” Blizzard p . 56 Enthusiastic Sad Objective Subjective

17 “Dana grinned malevolently
“Dana grinned malevolently. His teeth were nubby and yellow, like an old barn dog’s. Kneeling on Roy’s chest, he hauled back to hit him again.” Hoot p. 184 Kind/Benevolent Hostile Humorous Sarcastic

18 Now, let’s read through an essay.
To understand the how the author can try to convey his/her meaning to his/her audience. To be able to analyze the effectiveness of an essay by focusing on rhetorical devices and persuasive techniques used. Now, let’s read through an essay. This essay is not that bad, but it doesn’t have as much research as it should; also, the transitional devices used are not that good. Make questions - The questions can relate to the author’s information or the essay’s structure. It can also be questions that you want others to answer. Logos; Ethos; Pathos; Rhetorical Devices; Persuasive; Argument; Thesis; Body Paragraph

19 Let’s go through the practice test.
To be able to analyze the effectiveness of an essay by focusing on rhetorical devices and persuasive techniques used. Let’s go through the practice test. The test will not be as long as this one, but I wanted to give a variety of questions to prepare you for the test. Test is on Wednesday, September 21st. Logos; Ethos; Pathos; Rhetorical Devices; Persuasive; Argument; Thesis; Body Paragraph

20 According to Liza Blau from Demand Media, approximately 7 million cats and dogs arrive in animal shelters in the United States every year; however, 70 percent of the 4 million who are eventually euthanized are cats ( Granted, some people would argue that dogs do make great pets because they are loyal and have a better capacity to follow instructions. Be that as it may, cats do make better household pets than dogs. There are two reasons why they make better pets: first, cats are quieter than dogs; second, cats are more hygienic than dogs.

21 It can be easily argued that cats are naturally cleaner than dogs
It can be easily argued that cats are naturally cleaner than dogs. Being clean is in the cat’s nature. As illustrated by Liza Blau from Demand Media, “You can give a dog a million baths and spray him with doggy cologne, but his distinct ordure never seems to go away... But cats, both wild and domestic, spend up to one-third of their time self-grooming, according to Animal Planet” ( As this evidence demonstrates, it is difficult for owners to clean their dogs because no matter what they do, the smell could still remain. It would be embarrassing for someone to invite friends and loved ones over to their home, if their home smells like a dog house. On the other hand, cats make the lives of their owners easier by not smelling. Healthy cats do not have an ordure, and it is in their nature to be hygienic. This cleanliness is especially apparent with indoor cats because cats do not need to be walked like dogs do, which further illustrates how much easier it is to take care of cats compared with dogs.

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