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Engagement from Scratch

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2 Engagement from Scratch
By Damianne President This presentation: @drpresident Thank you for joining me today. I’m your workshop leader, Damianne President. 3 parts to the session - Opportunity for each of us to reflect on our teaching and ways to improve it. I hope that you join me in considering ways in which technology can not just engage students, but transform teaching and learning There are many ways to achieve this. Scratch is one tool that we can use in our classrooms and so I’ll focus on it today. This session will attempt to blend presentation with conversation, thinking with dialogue, exploration with planning. 3 parts – presentation, show around Scratch and hands on

3 Backchannel Twitter: #ECIStech2015

4 Creative Computing How many of you use computers in your classroom?
How many of you have 1-1 programs? Computers in every classroom? Carts? Think: What are the different ways in which you use computers in your classroom? How many of these activities involve students creating with computers? TPS: Now take a couple of minutes and define creative computing. Creative computing is … Credit: Faux Pollock by David Sky with License CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

5 Introduction to Scratch
Website Community Resources Video available at

6 Why Scratch? Help encourage student creativity through a creative thinking spiral (Resnick) Build digital fluency

7 Theory behind using Scratch
Every teacher is responsible for helping students develop their digital fluency. Collaboration Invention Reflection Creative thinking In our use of technology in school, we still spend a lot of time consuming information through browsing and research. We interact by entering searches and making choices and engage in chatting. But do we spend enough time creating and remixing? How creatively do we use new technology? I’m working under the assumption that those are worthwhile skills. I assume that we all want our students to have these skills. *Collaboration, Creative Thinking, Reasoning, Computational thinking Reflection Invention Think/pair/share – How do those six skills play out in your classroom? How does it happen? Computational thinking Reasoning “We wanted to make it easy for everyone, of all ages, backgrounds, and interests, to program their own interactive stories, games, animations, and simulations, and share their creations with one another.” (Resnick)

8 That Same old Story? Seymour Papert – 1980 – Mindstorms “High ceiling”
more social You may be familiar with the work of Seymour Papert who published Mindstorms in His book led to programming being introduced in schools, using Logo. Why did this end? 3 design principles more meaningful more tinkerable “low floor” “wide walls”

9 More Social Scratch has a community for collaboration, support, critique Sharing built in Projects can be ran in browser (using Java based player) Creative Commons License Motivation: receive feedback and advice Inspiration: see other projects Collaboration: borrow, adapt, build upon, and people working together to create projects they couldn’t individually Network by showing which projects are related to each other, which inspired each other, giving credit Language support for a wide range of languages

10 More Meaningful Scratch allows diversity and personalization.
Users can create many different types of projects to meet interests and learning preferences Users can personalize projects by importing media Projects can be “real” or “imaginary”

11 Tinkerable Scratch blocks snap together for emergent, iterative design through play. Double click to execute Can have a messy planning area Change instructions during execution to immediately see effect Intuitive Credit: Lego Blocks by sayamindu with License CC BY-SA 2.0

12 Scratch Features Connect to the physical world
Big programming concepts are arranged in logical groups. Wide range of projects possible Tinkerable Easy sharing of projects from the project page Multimedia manipulation Block programming

13 Curriculum Ideas A guide can be downloaded from ScratchEd. It is both subject-neutral and grade neutral. Guides from Scotland, Ireland, Portugal also available Active community of teachers

14 Implementation Stations Small group explorations Workshop style
20% time After school activities Intro scratch at beginning -> use for simple project -> build on each time Encourage students to use it after school and at home problem solving creativity/play

15 Elementary Projects with Scratch
Video available at

16 Lesson Plans and Projects
Create a list of ideas of how YOU can use Scratch in your own classroom with students. What might you have students create in Scratch that relates to your subject area? Today’s meet: 3 minutes

17 ICT and Social Studies Flashcards History quiz
Historical event simulation using more than one character. World heritage site demonstration Columbus

18 ICT and Math Mazes (levels possible) Game using scoring (variables)
Tetris game Math quiz The Cat Race

19 ICT and Language Arts Story with illustrations (created individually or collaboratively taking turns) Describe a word or concept Madlibs Stories with alternative ending choices

20 ICT and Arts Play/tv show using media that students have created
Self-generating drawing or drawing application Working piano keyboard

21 ICT and Languages About me project – students create an interactive collage about themselves. Slideshow of images with narration. Translate a recipe Create an alphabet translator

22 ICT and PE Interactive dance routine that lets the user explore different choreography Quiz on muscles Fitness/health calculator PSA’s/presentations on health

23 ICT and Science Animation showing a scientific concept e.g. Newton’s Laws of Motion Interactive simulation on senses e.g. optical illusion Program planetary motion Create a pendulum

24 Demo

25 New Features in 2.0 Cloning Blocks Cloud Data variables Video sensing

26 Going Further Online courses Programming in Scratch MOOC
Learning Creative Course by MIT 20 Hours of Code by Code Yourself! MOOC Scratch Studios Pi Day and Engagement from Scratch Hashtags on Twitter #Scratch, #csK8 Programming in Scratch - Teacher Group on FB Scratch Resources curated on Diigo

27 Hands ON

28 References Resnick, M., Maloney, J., Monroy-Hernandez, A., Rusk, N., Eastmond, E., Brennan, K., Millner, A., Rosenbaum, E., Silver, J., Silverman, B., and Kafai, Y. (2009). Scratch: Programming for all. Communications of the ACM, 52(11), doi: / outs/Scratch

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