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Marketing and advertising research: inputs to the planning process

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1 Marketing and advertising research: inputs to the planning process
Chapter 6 Marketing and advertising research: inputs to the planning process Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

2 Learning objectives Basic Steps in Research Procedure
Applying research Advertising strategy Methodology of Quantitative research Methodology of Qualitative research Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

3 What is marketing research?
Marketing research - the systematic procedure used to gather, record, and analyze new information to help managers make marketing decisions. Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

4 Good research enables the company to develop Marketing Mix
Communication elements Three R's of marketing: Recruiting new customers Retaining current customers Regaining lost customers Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

5 Advertising research is the systematic gathering and analysis of information to help develop or evaluate advertising strategies, ads and commercials, and media campaigns. Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

6 Marketing Research Process
objectives Problem definition Exploratory research Primary research Field work Data analysis & Report presentation Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

7 Exploratory Research Objective
is to learn more about the market, competition and business environment to define the problem before undertaking any formal research Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

8 Exploratory Research Main tasks To analyze internal data
To examine secondary data Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

9 Utilizing Internal Data
Internal data is company’s records Such as: billings to customers, warranty card records, advertising expenditures, sales expenses, correspondence from customers, And etc. Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

10 Collecting Secondary Data
Secondary data is an information that has been previously collected or published for other purpose. Advantages Less costly Requires less time Disadvantages May be obsolete May not be relevant to the problem May not be valid/ reliable The very wealth of information available Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

11 Performing Primary research
Basic Methodology of Quantitative Research Observation Experiment Survey Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

12 Observation Observation Method is used when researches actually monitor the overt actions of the person being studied. Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

13 Experiment Experiment method is designed to measure actual cause-and-effect relationships Expensive Difficult to use Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

14 Survey Survey is the way of collecting information by asking questions of current or prospective customers ? …….. Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

15 Elements of Quantitative Research
The Validity and Reliability depend on: Sampling method used, Way of survey questionnaire, Methods used for data collection & analysis Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

16 Sampling Theories Universe – target population
Sample – portion of target population Sample unit – whom we survey Sample size – quantity of people we ask Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

17 Sampling procedures Probability Samples
give every unit in the universe an equal and known probability of being selected for the research. + more accurate result + unbiased sample Non Probability Samples Do not provide every unit in the universe with an equal chance of being included + less expensive + less time consuming Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

18 Questionnaire designed
Three important attributes: Focus, Brevity, Simplicity Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

19 Basic Methodology of Qualitative Research
Qualitative Research seeks in-depth, open-ended responses aimed at getting people to share their thoughts and feelings on a subject in order to gain impression rather than definitions. Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

20 Types of Qualitative Research
Projective techniques - asking indirect questions to get consumers to project their underlying or subconscious feelings about a problem or product. Intensive techniques - use of in-depth interviews and focus groups to probe the deeper feelings of the respondents. The focus group is one of the most common intensive research techniques. Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

21 applying research to MG and AD strategy
Developing marketing strategy Developing advertising strategy Concept testing Testing and evaluation of advertising Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

22 Developing marketing strategy
Stage 1 advertising strategy research (which may be aimed at defining the product concept, target market section, massage-element determination or media section) Stage 2 concept development research (designed to measure acceptability of different creative concepts) Stage 3 pretesting of ads and commercials Stage 4 post testing (or campaign evaluation ) Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

23 Developing advertising strategy
Stage 1-2 How advertisers apply the marketing research procedures Basis ads strategy and concept development Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

24 Developing advertising strategy
Product concept definition -advertisers want to know how consumers perceive their brands and what qualities lead to initial purchases and eventually brand loyalty. Target audience selection - Research finds the markets most important to product sales, helping to focus resources on these areas in order to reach advertising dominance (dominance concept). Media selection - to develop media strategies, select media vehicles, and evaluate their results, advertisers use a subset of advertising research called media research. Agencies subscribe to syndicated research services (e.g., A.C. Nielsen, Simmons, and Standard Rate and Data Service). Message-element determination - companies can find promising advertising messages by studying consumers' likes and dislikes in relation to brands and products. Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

25 Concept testing Creative Concept Research - using rough commercials (animatics) and other research techniques to determine consumer reactions to various advertising concepts. E.g. focus group Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

26 Testing and evaluation of advertising
Purposes of testing Pretesting - diagnosis, increasing the likelihood of preparing the most effective advertising messages. Posttesting– evaluates an ad or campaign after it runs and provides the advertiser with useful guidelines for future advertising (ad tracking). Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

27 Testing and evaluation of advertising
Testing helps make important decisions. Merchandise - this is the product concept. Advertisers may pretest the package design or how advertising positions the brand or how well the ads communicate the product features. Markets - advertisers may pretest advertising strategy and commercials with various market segments or audience groups. In posttesting, advertisers may want to know if the campaign succeeded in reaching its target markets. Motives - pretesting helps advertisers find better ways to appeal to consumers' needs and motives. Posttesting reveals their effectiveness. Messages - pretesting helps determine what a message says and how well it says it. Through posttesting, the advertiser can determine to what extent the advertising message was seen, remembered, and believed. Media - pretesting can influence four types of media decisions: Media classes (electronic, print, outdoor, and direct mail). Media subclasses (radio/TV, news-papers/magazines etc.). Media vehicles (particular program or publication). Media units (size or length of an ad). Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

28 Methods used to pretest print ads
Direct questioning - elicits a full range of responses from which researchers can infer how well advertising messages convey key copy points. It is especially effective for testing alternative ads in the early stages of development. Other methods are: focus groups, order-of-merit tests, paired comparisons, portfolio tests, mock magazines, perceptual meaning studies, and direct-mail tests. Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

29 Methods used to pretest broadcast ads
Central location tests - respondents are shown videotapes of test commercials, usually in shopping centers, and questions are asked before and after. Clutter tests - commercials are shown with noncompeting control ads to determine attitude shifts and detect weaknesses. Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

30 The challenge of pretesting
Laboratory method – where consumers are brought individually or in groups into a studio or auditorium. Laboratory testing offers the advantages of speed Economy High degree of control Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

31 The challenge of posttesting
Each posttesting method has limitations. Recall tests reveal the effectiveness of ad components, such as size, color, or themes. But they measure what respondents noticed, not whether they actually buy the product. Inquiry tests in which consumers respond to an ad for information or free samples examine an ad's attention-getting value, readability, and understandability, but may not reflect a sincere interest in the product, and responses may take months to receive. Sales tests are a useful measure of advertising effectiveness when advertising is the dominant element, or the only variable, in the company's marketing plan. Sales response may not be immediate and sales tests, particularly field studies, are often costly and time-consuming. Contemporary Advertising Chapter 6

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