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Workforce Training & Corporate Education

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1 Workforce Training & Corporate Education
Newport County Chamber of Commerce Monday April 11, 2016 John C. Freer Training coordinator Workforce Training & Corporate Education CCRI 9/18/2018

2 About CCRI Established in 1966 celebrating our 50th year
Five Campuses geographically dispersed serving all of the state Construction started on the new Westerly Satellite Campus 18,000 Enrolled in Credit programs 30,000 Students in Non-Credit Programs Workforce Training & Corporate Education CCRI 9/18/2018

3 4 Campuses + 1 Warwick “Knight Campus” Providence “Liston Campus”
Newport “Newport County” Lincoln “Flanagan Campus” Westerly Satellite Workforce Training & Corporate Education CCRI 9/18/2018

4 Center for Workforce and Community Education
SUBCENTERS (Core Programs) Adult Basic Education (ESOL, GED, Career Pathways) Career & Technical Training (Apprenticeship & Certified Nursing) Leadership & Organizational Development (Achieve Global, SHRM) Online Learning “Ed2Go” (Non-credit supervisory, Career-Graphic design) Personal Enrichment (SAT prep, Pet assisted therapy-PAT) Workforce Training & Corporate Education (Non-Credit, Credit & Open Enrollment workforce programs) Workforce Training & Corporate Education CCRI 9/18/2018

5 Workforce Training & Corporate Education
WTCE is a comprehensive resource addressing the training and workforce development needs of the public, non-profit and private sectors Diverse industries Maritime Hospitality/Tourism Consumer products Financial services Food & beverage Healthcare Manufacturing (advanced and jewelry) Retail Our clients include Companies (large and small) Federal State Municipal Non-profit community Social service agencies Workforce Training & Corporate Education CCRI 9/18/2018

6 Programs Credit Contract Non-Credit Contract
Credit Course sold to an external customer (onsite/offsite) 37.5 hours Taught by CCRI Faculty $5,000 Flat fee, Weeks, 2 ½ hrs. per wk. Non-Credit Contract Customized programs On-site or on-campus or 3rd party location Programs on multiple subjects Various program lengths from 4 hours to several months Non-Credit Open enrollment Vocationally oriented, e.g., Pharmacy Technician, Veterinary Assistant Extended curriculums including an Externship Lead to professional licensing Workforce Training & Corporate Education CCRI 9/18/2018

7 How We Can Help Conduct a needs assessment to determine training objectives and clarify goals Identify instructors Coordinate logistics Ensure customer satisfaction and desired results Conduct program evaluations Workforce Training & Corporate Education CCRI 9/18/2018

8 Program Areas Organizational Supervisory Team Building
Customer Service Demographic & Cultural Diversity Generational Challenges In The Workplace Performance Management Train the Trainer Technology Traditional and Advanced Manufacturing Computer Training MS Office Visual Analytics Software Cybersecurity Lean & Continuous Improvement Communications Negotiation Presentation Skills Business Writing Social Media Office Skills Business Etiquette ESOL & GED Financial Literacy Excel Forecasting QuickBooks Entrepreneurial Finance & Banking C’s of Credit Bank Teller Program Workforce Training & Corporate Education CCRI 9/18/2018

9 Why Choose CCRI WTCE? Decades of experience designing and delivering custom programs to meet companies individual needs Experienced with delivering multiple training solutions; classroom, on-site, on-campus, 3rd party site, web or computer based as well as a “blended method” combining these formats Single resource that offers training statewide Broad range of subject matter experts for multiple types of programs Competitive fee structure Workforce Training Grant support Workforce Training & Corporate Education CCRI 9/18/2018

10 Recent Success Stories
Manufacturing Taco Comfort Solutions (MS Office) Yushin America (Engineering Graphics) Defense Rhode Island Air National Guard (Business Writing) US Naval War College ( Etiquette) Transportation Arpin Moving (MS Excel, Outlook) TSA (Intel Analysis & Security Management) Public Rhode Island State Police (Cisco Networking) Providence Public Schools (Cisco programs) Consumer Products Hodges Badge (MS Excel) Hasbro (Blueprint Reading) Food & Beverage Tim Horton's (Basic Grammar) White Horse Tavern (Workplace Spanish) Healthcare Lifespan (Workplace Spanish) Woman’s & Infants (Medical Interpreter Assessment) Hospitality/Tourism Rhode Island Hospitality Association (Workplace Ethnic Awareness) Crown Plaza Hotel (Workplace Spanish) Marine Electric Boat (Lean Manufacturing) Raytheon (Engineering Credit Courses) Retail CVS (Pharmacy Technician) Ocean State Job Lot (Leadership) Financial Services Bank of Newport (MS Outlook) Citizens Bank (Visual Basic) Workforce Training & Corporate Education CCRI 9/18/2018

11 New Developments New President New CNC Manufacturing Programs
New Westerly Campus Real Jobs Rhode Island Training grants Workforce Training & Corporate Education CCRI 9/18/2018

12 John C. Freer Training Coordinator
20 years of workforce training and education experience delivering programs to corporations, nonprofit agencies, post-secondary institutions and the military throughout New England. Founded a full service training consulting company that provided a variety of training programs in the Insurance, Finance, Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Marine Trades, Culinary, Hospitality, Higher Education, Manufacturing and Medical Products. Expertise in developing and managing customized, professional licensing and certificate programs. Past member of the Southern Connecticut American Society for Training and Development. B.S. in Business Administration from Eastern Connecticut State University. Contact CCRI, One Hilton St., Providence, RI , Web- - Direct line , Main line Workforce Training & Corporate Education CCRI 9/18/2018

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