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Measurement Projects Overview

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1 Measurement Projects Overview
Matt Zekauskas I2 Measurements WG Meeting San Diego, CA 20 November 1998 _______________________________________________________________

2 Outline Classification Broad project organizations Specific projects

3 Caveats My personal expertise: active measurements, IETF IPPM
Not exhaustive Research/education focus If you see something left out, speak up!

4 Classification Active measurements Passive measurements
Utilization [usually SNMP] Routing [usually BGP/traceroute]

5 Broad Organizations IETF NLANR CAIDA IP Performance Metrics (IPPM)
Realtime Traffic Flow Measurement (RTFM) NLANR Measurement & Operations Analysis Team National Center for Network Engineering CAIDA

6 IPPM: Scope Develop metrics that measure
Quality Performance Reliability of Internet data delivery services Quantitative measures not a value judgement

7 IPPM: Metrics Framework: RFC2330 Connectivity One-way delay and loss
Round-trip delay and loss Flow capacity/Bulk transfer capacity Delay variation (jitter)

8 RTFM Measure network flows through passive measurments Standards for
architecture; metrics for traffic flows language to describe flows MIB to control meter & gather measurements Origin in accounting

9 RTFM Philosophy: aggregate on meter, accurately count everything
Bytes/link, bytes/port, bytes/flow Rule-based production system Look at header only

10 Projects IPMA Surveyor RIPE Test Traffic pingER NIMI
NLANR/MOAT NAI corresponding CAIDA deployment?

11 IPMA Routing history tool development (like NLANR/CAIDA)
“Decentralized infrastructure” MRT, RouteTrackerd, Salamander ASExplorer, FlapGraph, RouteTracker, ...

12 Surveyor & RIPE TT Implementations of IPPM one-way metrics: active measurements also routing via traceroute Surveyor O(40) machines, mostly US and Canada, now getting some European & Pacific; Target O(100) RIPE O(15) machines, European focus

13 PingER ESNET / physics community (also XIWT)
Long-term ping measurements Set of cooperating measurement sites -- not just random hosts

14 NIMI Emphasis on the I - Infrastructure
Platform for network experiments Outgrowth of Vern’s npd project Emphasis on active measurements Currently traceroute, Treno, PoIP Should be able to roll your own General (beta) release imminent

15 NIMI Structure “Uniform” platform (hw, os, nimid)
Owners control: CPOC access lists; crypto for security Researchers schedule experiments: MPOC nimid handles resource scheduling Plans for synchronized time source (not yet)

16 Network Analysis Infrastructure
HPNSP focus Passive measurement infrastructure Keep headers for research Adding performance data (active) Also SNMP data (vBNS today) Also BGP data (from Oregon RA)

17 Tools: Platform NIMI Windmill UofM/MERIT Passive experimentation focus
Listen to selective protocol messages, and replay locally to understand endpoint state Example: snooping BGP peering session Not released; SIGCOMM98

18 Tools: Routing Traceroute servers IPMA tools (based on BGP peering)
Skitter: tomography (CAIDA)

19 Tools: Active performance
Treno mping (windowed ping): invasive pathchar: estimate router Qs bottleneck bandwidth traditional: ping, ftp, ttcp, netperf

20 Tools: Passive NeTraMet: Nevil Brownlee’s RTFM IBM Research’s RTFM
tcpdump OCxMON: passive optical Coral ~Cisco’s NetFlow, and cflowd (CAIDA/ANS)

21 Tools: Utilization Mainly commercial? Network management tools (e.g., OpenView) MRTG NetScarf?

22 Parting Thoughts Integration with network management? (They want measurement results for operations!) Don’t neglect commercial tools

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